Break Into Another World

Chapter 1666: dig a wall

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "You come forward and let the teacher touch your head!"

Touch your head?

Zhao Xu is a little confused - isn't it teaching? What does this have to do with touching the head?

You must know that when other teachers give advice on cultivation, they ask their disciples to tell the confusion they have encountered in their cultivation first; then they ask the disciples to punch and perform special skills, and finally they give advice.

And Xu Ming, without saying a word, "touches his head" when he comes up directly - this kind of practice is really unheard of for Zhao Xu.

However, Zhao Xu naturally didn't dare not to listen to the teacher's fate; he had to walk up to Xu Ming with full of doubts, and honestly lowered his "despicable" head.

Xu Ming looked like an old **** on the ground, stretched out his hand and put it on Zhao Xu's head.

Just when Zhao Xu was full of doubts and a little "shame"; suddenly, he felt an incomparably majestic message coming towards him.

To the Road Guidance System, open!

"This is..." Zhao Xu was shocked at first, and then his eyes gradually became horrified - these incomparably majestic messages that came from the top, weren't they the path of cultivation that he had been searching for, but was very confused?

Feeling the messages pouring into his mind, Zhao Xu's eyes became brighter and brighter - he has never seen the future cultivation path so clearly like now!

And these are all brought by Xu Ming's random touch!

Unconsciously, Xu Ming withdrew his palm and said indifferently, "Are you enlightened?"

Zhao Xu's eyes were brighter than ever before; he looked at Xu Ming and bowed to the end willingly: "Thank you, teacher, for making it happen!"

Xu Ming waved his hand: "Go back!"

"Yes!" When Zhao Xu stepped back, he exuded a strong self-confidence; it was completely different from the short, submissive image before Xu Ming touched his head.

At the same time, in Zhao Xu's heart, there is more panic!

You must know that Xu Ming simply "touched" and made him fully enlightened; what does this mean? - Explanation, Xu Ming sees through all the secrets in him while he understates it!

Although Zhao Xu is only the cultivation base of Chaos Realm, but if he can see through everything in such an understatement, I am afraid that it is difficult to do it, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu respects and appreciates Xu Ming even more in his heart; at the same time, he also feels extremely ashamed that he questioned Xu Ming's teaching ability before.

Mu Chengyun and Lin Lan couldn't help but wonder - they only saw that Xu Ming just touched Zhao Xu's head casually, and Zhao Xu's whole personality changed; The mystery!

At this time, Xu Ming looked at Mu Chengyun, who was at the seventh rank of the Xuanhuang Realm, and said, "You also come up and let the teacher touch your head!"

"Ah? Yes!" Mu Chengyun was startled.

As a genius in the Xuanhuang realm, Mu Chengyun's self-esteem and integrity must be much higher than Zhao Xu in the chaos realm; however, with Zhao Xu taking the lead, and his curiosity, Mu Chengyun also honestly stretched his head to Xu Xu. in front of Ming.

Xu Ming was on the ground again and touched his head.


The moment Xu Ming's palm covered it, Mu Chengyun's eyes widened—his reaction was stronger than Zhao Xu's!

After all, Mu Chengyun is a genius of the Xuanhuang realm, and his knowledge is much higher than that of Zhao Xu! Moreover, Mu Chengyun has always had several doubts about his cultivation, which he could not answer; even if he had consulted the experts in the Destruction Realm before, the other party was in a fog and couldn't say much!

And now, Xu Ming didn't ask him any questions at all, he just touched it with one hand; those few questions about the cultivation that had troubled Mu Chengyun for a long time were suddenly clear and solved! - This makes Mu Chengyun, how can he not be shocked?


When several problems were solved, Mu Chengyun made a breakthrough directly on the spot!

Originally, Mu Chengyun was only the seventh rank of the Xuanhuangjing; when he was touched by Xu Ming, he directly touched the eighth rank of the Xuanhuangjing...

"What!?" Lin Lan looked at Xu Ming's palm as if she had seen a ghost; but no matter how carefully she looked, she couldn't see anything unusual.

Mu Chengyun also stepped back in shock and gratitude.

Finally, Xu Ming looked at Lin Lan: "It's your turn!"

"Me?" Lin Lan was slightly startled.

In Lin Lan's view, the reason why she worshipped Xu Ming as a teacher was not to get some advice from Xu Ming, but just to repay her kindness; therefore, she never thought that Xu Ming could give her any advice—let alone, It is to use the method of "touching the head" to point to himself.

However, after seeing Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun, after the comparison of "before and after being touched", Lin Lan couldn't help but be curious, and wanted to put her head close and let Xu Ming touch it.

"What!?" Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun were equally shocked - just now, they had felt the power of Xu Ming's touch! Originally, they thought that Xu Ming could use the method of "touching his head" to point out the geniuses of the Xuanhuang realm, which was already against the sky; but they didn't expect that Xu Ming would even touch the prehistoric realm now!

You know, pointing out the Great Desolate Realm is much harder than pointing out the Chaos Realm and the Profound Yellow Realm! —Not to mention the difficult pointing method of "touching the head" Even if it is a "regular" pointing method, it is not something that a realm of all things can do!

Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun couldn't help but think: "Could it be that... the teacher is not the cultivation of the realm of all things, but deliberately concealed the cultivation?"

The more they think about it, the more likely they feel!

At this time, Lin Lan had already ignored her restraint and put her head in front of Xu Ming, waiting for Xu Ming to touch her.

Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun both stared with bated breath—reasonably told them that Lin Lan was a genius of the eighth rank of the Great Desolate Realm, and it was not so easy to get an epiphany; but intuition told them that when Xu Ming’s palm was placed on Lin Lan’s head, Lin Lan also showed a look of horror.

The old **** Xu Ming was there, and his palm slowly stretched out to Lin Lan's head.

At this moment, in the eyes of Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun, the picture seemed to freeze.

Gu Yanying left from Elder Dragon Blood and returned to his attic.

He frowned and thought: "What should I do to make Xu Ming quit Wen Dao Mansion?"

Now that he has boasted in front of Elder Dragon Blood, Gu Yanying must find a way to do it.

After thinking about it, Gu Yanying had an idea in her heart.

"I heard... In addition to Lin Lan, there are two more disciples that Xu Ming accepted. One of them is Zhao Xu, who originally wanted to worship me as a teacher, but was not attracted to me..." Gu Yanying secretly said, "This way... I Just dig up Zhao Xu first, and damage Xu Ming's face, and let him lose face in Wendao Mansion!"

Being poached by other teachers is a shameful thing.

As for Lin Lan, although he resigned from the Dragon Blood Elder, there was a reason for the incident; therefore, the Dragon Blood Elder would not lose much face.

"That's right!" Gu Yanying suddenly remembered, "Among my new disciples, two are from the same domain as Zhao Xu—let them help me dig Zhao Xu over!"

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