Break Into Another World

Chapter 1667: Anti-digging

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "This is impossible!"

When Xu Ming's palm covered Lin Lan's head, Lin Lan's first reaction was - this is impossible!

Because, at the moment when Xu Ming "touched his head", Lin Lan felt that the path of cultivation that he was a little confused about suddenly became enlightened! She seemed to see very clearly how to proceed in the next stage of cultivation.

"How is that possible?" Lin Lan finally knew why both Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun's eyes widened in shock—because at this time, she was like that too!

"I am the eighth-order cultivation base of the Great Desolate Realm! And Xu Ming... It should only be a while before breaking through the Myriad Realm!" Lin Lan secretly said, "With his cultivation base, how could it be so easy to see through my shortcomings in cultivation and give pointers ?"

Not to mention Xu Ming, even the Elder Dragon Blood, who had apprenticed to Lin Lan before, couldn't do this level!

You must know that the dragon blood elders exist at the peak of Nirvana realm; in terms of strength, they are even more comparable to the domain master realm!

Could it be that... Xu Ming is stronger than Elder Dragon Blood?

But if not, how should I explain that my understanding of the path of cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds? -Lin Lan was shocked and confused again!

"Are you enlightened?" At this moment, Xu Ming's voice, like a morning bell and a twilight drum, roared in Lin Lan's ears.

Lin Lan's eyes lit up: "I got it! Thank you teacher for making it happen!"

At this moment, Lin Lan knew that he did not come to repay his gratitude by taking Xu Ming as his teacher, but instead gained a great opportunity!

"Yeah!" Xu Ming didn't think too much about it, he just said lightly, "The way of cultivation, the teacher can only give pointers, and can't do it for you! Although I have instructed you, how should you follow the path of cultivation; but, I really want to To become stronger, you still have to rely on your own diligent cultivation!"

With that said, Xu Ming looked at Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun, and said, "The freshman assessment will be held soon! I hope that you two can perform well in the freshman assessment, and don't let me down!"

Only when Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun shined in the freshman assessment can Xu Ming recruit more disciples; in this way, can he hope to earn more merits and go to the "Jiuzhongtian".


"Please take the teacher's direction, we must cultivate hard and never fail the teacher's cultivation!"

Zhao Xu and Mu Chengyun both said.

Who can cultivate to the Chaos Realm or above, which one is not diligent in cultivation? - The way of cultivation, the fear is not that you are not diligent enough, but that you can't find the way to be diligent. How to go!

Now, Xu Ming has already pointed out the way for them, so naturally no one will slack off.

"Let's all go!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Wait for your cultivation, when you encounter confusion again, come back to the teacher! Then, the teacher will help you touch your head!"

Hearing the word "touch your head" coming out of Xu Ming's mouth again, Zhao Xu and the three no longer felt strange, but looked forward to it! - After all, being touched by Xu Ming means an epiphany!

Under such circumstances, how could Zhao Xu and the three feel ashamed to be touched? Not only did they not feel ashamed, but the three of them even wished that they could grow more heads and let Xu Ming touch them more!

"Disciple retire!"

The three of Zhao Xu retired and went to practice with great concentration—of course, the three of them would take advantage of such a cultivation opportunity! After all, the faster you practice, the more you can be touched!

Cultivation has no time.

Retreat above Chaos Realm is often based on "hundreds of millions of years".

However, with Xu Ming's guidance, the three of Zhao Xu's cultivation went extremely smoothly.

Especially Zhao Xu, because only the cultivation base of Chaos Realm, cultivation is naturally the fastest! In just three years, he felt that his strength had undergone an earth-shaking transformation - although it was only the ninth order of Chaos Realm, but Zhao Xu had the confidence of "beating the Chaos Realm invincible"!


Zhao Xu, who broke through the barrier, suddenly frowned slightly, and he was a little puzzled: "More than two years ago, Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian sent a message to me?"

When retreating, it is natural to isolate the communication; unless there is something important, or a communication from an important person, Zhao Xu will be isolated.

Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian were geniuses from the same domain as Zhao Xu. Although they are both at the ninth order of Chaos Realm, Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian's talents are obviously one level higher than Zhao Xu's; therefore, Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian can successfully worship Gu Yanying as their teachers.

"What will they have to do with me?" Zhao Xu and the two of them didn't have any in-depth exchanges!

Although he was puzzled, Zhao Xu immediately sent a message and replied, "The two of you are looking for me?"

"Zhao Xu, come to Taitianxuan to talk about it!" Bai Qingqiu said directly.

More than two years seems to be a long time, but for the existence of Chaos Realm, it is really like a flick of a finger. Therefore, Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian did not feel how slow Zhao Xu was in replying to the subpoena; they just thought it was, Zhao Xu was slightly delayed for something!

The two would never have imagined that in the past two years, Zhao Xu's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Tai Tian Xuan.

A restaurant with destiny in the land of origin.

"Brother Bai, Brother Qin?" Zhao Xu looked at the two sitting opposite him with some doubts, "I don't know what happened?"

"Of course it's a good thing!" Bai Qingqiu said with a smile, "Brother Zhao, from now on, we will be brothers from the same sect!"

"Huh?" Zhao Xu was startled, "How do you say this?"

"When Brother Zhao came to Wen Dao Mansion with us, wasn't it just to get a famous teacher?" Qin Jian also laughed, "It was just that at that time, Brother Zhao was out of luck and was not attracted by Teacher Gu Yanying or other teachers. In the end, he was accepted as a disciple by Teacher Xu Ming, who only has the realm of all things!"

Zhao Xu nodded slightly - being able to worship Xu Ming as his teacher is his greatest luck! Even Zhao Xu is still secretly rejoicing, fortunately, he failed to apprentice Gu Yanying; otherwise, wouldn't he have the chance to be accepted as a disciple by Xu Ming?

"The good thing we said is..." Bai Qingqiu said again, "Teacher Gu Yanying is willing to accept you as a disciple, so let me invite the two of you!"

"Not bad!" Qin Jian also said, "Brother Zhao, hurry up and quit your teacher, and then follow us to worship Teacher Gu Yanying as your teacher!"

Worship Gu Yanying as a teacher?

Before this, Zhao Xu absolutely couldn't ask for it! But now, with the honor of being Xu Ming's disciple, how could Zhao Xu switch to someone else?

Zhao Xu didn't hesitate: "Some more wrong love from Teacher Gu Yanying, but... I won't go!"

don't go! ?

Bai Qingqiu and the two were stunned - they didn't expect that Zhao Xu could resist such a temptation!

However, how did Bai Qingqiu and the two know that worshiping Gu Yanying as a teacher was not a temptation for Zhao Xu at all.

"Brother Zhao is embarrassed to change teachers, right?" Bai Qingqiu said, "Don't worry, you can just quit the teacher; then, Teacher Gu Yanying will explain it to you!"

"No!" Zhao Xu got up and left without any hesitation.

At the same time, Zhao Xu had a little doubt in his heart: "Why did Gu Yanying specially send someone here to convey the meaning of accepting me as a disciple?"

Zhao Xu didn't think that it was his talent that attracted the favor of Teacher Gu Yanying - he still had it in his heart.

"Could it be..." Zhao Xu thought of a possibility, "Is Gu Yanying deliberately trying to dig up Mr. Xu Ming's walls? To make Mr. Xu Ming look ugly?"

The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Xu felt that it was possible, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed - someone dared to dig the foot of his most beloved teacher Xu Ming?

"No!" Zhao Xu sneered in his heart, "If you want to dig at the walls of Teacher Xu Ming, then don't blame me for digging!"

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