Break Into Another World

Chapter 1672: questioning and provocation

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Wendao House's "New Student Competition" was originally a stage for teachers from all walks of life to show their strength; but now, it has completely become Xu Ming A one-man stage.

In the first three battles, all of Xu Ming's disciples appeared; moreover, each disciple used one move to defeat the enemy, without any hesitation! - With such dazzling achievements of his disciples, Xu Ming, the teacher, naturally became the focus of the audience!

As for Mr. Gu Yanying, who "sends assists" to Xu Ming, and his disciple Ye Xuan, there is no doubt that they have become the most stupid X existences in the audience!

After Zhao Xu shook Ye Xuan, he did not rush off the stage, but looked around and said frantically, "I, Zhao Xu, are just a mediocre talent; after entering Wendao Mansion, no teacher is even willing to accept me as a disciple! Fortunately, Mr. Xu Ming took him in and made me!"

Zhao Xu's remarks undoubtedly attributed all his current strength to Xu Ming; in fact, it was indeed the case.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Ming became the focus of the audience.

At the same time, however, there were voices of doubt.

"Xu Ming's ability to teach his disciples is so strong?" In a certain corner, a Destruction Realm expert said in a dark way.

"Zhao Xu and the three, it seems that they don't have much time to apprentice Xu Ming? With such a little time, even if the Nirvana Realm Great Master can personally give pointers, how much can the strength of Zhao Xu and the three of them be improved? - And Xu Ming seems to be just a cultivation base in the Realm of Everything. Bar?"

"Yeah! Xu Ming is the only teacher who cultivates in the realm of all things in Wendao Mansion."

"When did the teacher of the realm of all things become so powerful? Why am I a little disbelieving?"

"In my opinion, it's probably because Xu Ming was lucky, or he used some unreliable means to receive three talented disciples!"

These voices are mostly from other teachers in Wendao House.

Some of the voices are more subtle, but many voices are that the red fruit is questioning Xu Ming!

"Yuelu", the disciple of Niuwuya, even provocatively said: "Mr. Xu Ming, since your ability to instruct your disciples is so strong, you must not be weak if you think about it? , I want to ask Teacher Xu Ming for some advice!"

As soon as Yuelu said these words, the audience suddenly fell silent.

It is not uncommon for a disciple to challenge a teacher in Wendao House, but it is absolutely rare; because this kind of behavior is definitely a great humiliation to a teacher - if a teacher challenges a teacher, he will lose his worth; if he does not fight, he will It is seen as not dare to fight!

Yuelu did such a thing, but his teacher, Niu Wuya, didn't stop it. This was definitely equivalent to tearing his face with Xu Ming!

The other teachers in Wendao Mansion had looked down on Xu Ming because Xu Ming was only in the realm of all things. Now, seeing Xu Ming being provoked by someone pointing his nose, all of them were even more excited to watch it.

"Will Xu Ming take on the challenge?" All teachers and disciples looked at Xu Ming intriguingly.

"I didn't expect to see such a good show in the freshman competition! Interesting! Interesting!"

"Usually in this situation, when the teacher is provoked, the disciples in the sect have to stand up, fight for the teacher, and help the teacher gain face! However, Xu Ming's sect has the highest cultivation base, that is, Lin Lan, who is at the eighth level of the prehistoric realm. "Even if she stands up, she won't be able to help Xu Ming gain face!"

"Today, Xu Ming's face is definitely lost! Let's see how it is lost!"

"That's right! If Xu Ming were to fight, he would be humiliated;

"Haha! Let's just watch the show!"

Xu Ming glanced at Yuelu and then at Niu Wuya, his eyes were a little cold.

Although Xu Ming didn't care about the mere slaughter of the moon at all; if he really wanted to kill him, he could kill him with just one look. However, if the other party dared to do this, it was already a kind of humiliation to him—no matter whether Xu Ming challenged him or not, it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately... Xu Ming's family is not without disciples who can play!

At this moment, Lin Lan took a step forward without hesitation, and said in a cold voice, "Yue Lu, what are you? You are also worthy of challenging my teacher? I, Lin Lan, will fight with you!"

While speaking, Lin Lan had already stepped onto the battlefield.

"Lin Lan?"

The scene was booed again.

"Lin Lan, originally a disciple of Elder Dragon Blood, right? I heard that it was because Xu Ming had saved her life in the ancient relic world; that's why she worshipped Xu Ming as her teacher and came to repay her kindness!"

"Heh! Under Xu Ming's sect, apart from Lin Lan, who was pointed out by Elder Dragon Blood, there are really no other disciples who can take on the challenge!"

"However...Lin Lan doesn't seem to be enough to deal with this situation, right? - After all, Yuelu is the ninth-order cultivation base of the Great Desolate Realm, and his strength is even more comparable to the realm of all things; and Lin Lan has only just broken through after returning from the ancient relic realm. To the eighth level of the prehistoric realm?"

"Indeed! It's easy for Yuelu to defeat Lin Lan! After defeating Lin Lan, he will probably challenge Xu Ming again!"

Even Elder Dragon Blood, who had been silent all this time, shook his head and said, "Lin Lan is the one who pointed it out. I know her strength very well! She is too far behind to face Yuelu head-on!"

"You?" Yue Lu looked at Lin Lan, sneered, and stepped onto the stage, "Well, since you don't know what to I'll teach you a lesson first, and then challenge Xu Ming!"

"You're talking too much nonsense!" Lin Lan just said lightly.

If it was before Xu Ming's apprenticeship, Lin Lan would definitely be far from Yuelu's opponent! However, after receiving Xu Ming's advice, although Lin Lan did not dare to say that she was invincible in the Great Desolate Realm, she still had confidence in dealing with Yuelu!



Lin Lan and Yue Lu confronted each other and shot at almost the same time.

"Lin Lan, you have a good talent! If you have been guided by the elders of Dragon Blood, you may not have the chance to surpass me in the future; it's a pity that you secretly voted... I hope today's battle will make you wake up!" When facing Lin Lan, he said proudly. Moreover, his remarks were very level, and he flattered Elder Dragon Blood without showing any trace.


During the conversation, the first collision between the two occurred.

"Hehe! Suppress me!" Yue Lu was very confident. However... the moment he and Lin Lan collided, his expression suddenly changed.

"What!?" Yue Lu felt that an irresistible force was transmitted, almost suppressing him—this force naturally came from Lin Lan.

"You..." Yue Lu was too arrogant and didn't take Lin Lan seriously, so when he shot, he was very casual. By the time he found out that the situation was not right, and it seemed that Lin Lan's strength was even more tyrannical than him, it was already too late!

Following Xu Ming's guidance, Lin Lan's real strength was stronger than Yuelu. What's more, she has been hiding for a long time, and she is ready to strike, how can Yue Lu be able to deal with it in a hurry?

The last moment, Yue Lu was still talking nonsense, and the victory was in his grasp; the next moment, under Lin Lan's sneak attack, he was directly blown off the stage.

The fourth battle on the battlefield!

The player who participated in the battle was still Xu Ming's disciple!

There is only one move to decide the winner!

(End of this chapter)

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