Break Into Another World

Chapter 1673: I just say 1 sentence

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "What!?"



The result of the battle between Lin Lan and Yuelu was beyond everyone's expectations.

"How could Yuelu lose?"

Many great powers are unacceptable, but the fact is in front of them - not only losing, but also a one-shot defeat!

With the eyesight of the teachers of Wendao Mansion, it is natural to see that Yue Lu did not deliberately release water; he was just a little careless when facing the enemy! However... just a little careless, Yue Lu was instantly defeated by one move; this shows that even if he is careless, I am afraid he will not be Lin Lan's opponent!

Lin Lan, the eighth-order Prehistoric Realm, is stronger than Yuelu, the ninth-order Prehistoric Realm!

Elder Longxue only felt a slap in his face—a moment ago, he also swore that he knew the strength of Lin Lan, a "former disciple", and Lin Lan would never be Yuelu's opponent; the next moment, Lin Lan slapped Elder Dragon Blood in the face with a second defeat.

That's all you need to know?

Where did you go?

The one who was beaten even more was undoubtedly Yue Lu! - When provoking Xu Ming, how indomitable and arrogant he was? But the result... As soon as the fight started, Lin Lan, whose cultivation base was lower than himself, was defeated in one move!

I go!

Without strength, what are you invincible? What are you crazy about?

Who gave you the confidence of fans?

To be honest, if it wasn't for Yuelu's thick skin, he would have already wanted to die now!

Even the one who was beaten in the face, there is nothingness cliff.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the reason why Yuelu would provoke Xu Ming must be Niu Wuya's instigation. But now... slapped Xu Ming in the face, instead, he was slapped in the face by Xu Ming!

"Promise!" Lin Lan's voice sounded in the center of the battlefield.

"Lin Lan, your strength..." Yue Yu was still a little unacceptable.

Lin Lan said lightly, "If I didn't apprentice to Teacher Xu Ming, I would definitely not be your opponent!"

Lin Lan's words are equivalent to saying clearly: The reason why I have such strength is entirely due to Teacher Xu Ming's guidance!

When Elder Dragon Blood heard the words, his face became more and more ugly, but he had nothing to say - after all, when Lin Lan was under his sect, he really didn't have such a strong strength!

Bai Qingqiu, Qin Jian, Zhao Xu, Lin Lan... The four disciples in a row performed extremely well in the freshman assessment; this made other teachers and disciples unable to question Xu Ming even if they wanted to!

In other words, I dare not question it! - So those who questioned have already been slapped in the face.

The freshman assessment has just begun, but for Xu Ming, it can be said to be over - his goal has been achieved!

Xu Ming's purpose is to let a few disciples in the new student show their strength well, in order to attract other disciples to apprentice; and now, this wave of strength is absolutely in place!

Although, there must be some people who dare not question Xu Ming, but they still have doubts in their hearts; but to Xu Ming, it doesn't matter - after all, he only needs twenty-seven disciples! And now, five have been received, and twenty-two more will be enough!

Xu Ming estimated that after the freshman assessment was over, there would definitely be more than 22 people who came to worship him as a teacher!

"Let's go!" Xu Ming got up and was about to leave.

As for the other disciple Mu Chengyun, because only the cultivation of the seventh rank of the Xuanhuangjing is not enough to be invincible in the Xuanhuangjing, so Xu Ming will not let him take the stage; after all, his strength is not dazzling enough, even if he takes the stage, the shock that can be caused is not enough. limited.

"Huh?" The faces of the other teachers in the room were not very good-looking - Xu Ming took his disciples directly, got up and left; the meaning expressed was exactly disdain for them!

After all, after the freshman assessment, there is also the "Wen Dao House Competition". Generally speaking, whether it is a teacher or a disciple, they will stay and observe carefully in the freshman assessment to see who will be the formidable opponent in the "Wen Dao House Competition".

"Xu Ming!" Elder Longxue naturally couldn't stand Xu Ming's ignorance, he shouted coldly, "You're leaving now?"

Xu Ming, who had already reached the door, suddenly stopped.

Seeing Xu Ming staying behind, Elder Longxue's expression softened a little - in his opinion, Xu Ming was still afraid of himself, that's why he stayed.

But then, Xu Ming said lightly: "By the way, there is one more thing, let me just say something!"

Xu Ming's words sounded extremely arrogant, and the expressions of many great experts changed slightly.

Xu Ming ignored their facial expressions, and continued, "Wen Dao Mansion Grand Competition, there should be a total of twenty-seven 'first' places, right?"



"Xu Ming, what do you mean?"

All the powerful people shouted.

"It doesn't mean anything, just a simple word-" Xu Ming said lightly, "This time I heard the Dao Palace Grand Competition, I have contracted all the 27 'first' places! That's it!"

Having said that, Xu Ming couldn't react to the other great powers and left directly.

The five disciples, including Lin Lan and Zhao Xu, all looked at each other: Their teacher is too... arrogant, right?

In front of all the other teachers, including quite a few "elder-level" teachers, they directly said - Twenty-seven "firsts", I've contracted them all!

However, after looked at each other, Lin Lan and Zhao Xu felt their blood boil!

Hearing that the Daoist House is "first"!

Even in the small realm of each cultivation base, there is a place for "first"; but there are so many geniuses in Wen Daofu, how easy is it to get the first place? —Before, aside from Lin Lan, I dared to think about it, the other four disciples didn’t even dare to think about it!

But now, Lin Lan and Zhao Xu suddenly discovered that it was not difficult to hear that the Dao Mansion was "first"! With Teacher Xu Ming pointing out their strength, let alone their talent; even if they are pigs, I am afraid they can point them to be "number one"!

Thinking of this, the five disciples also followed Xu Ming's footsteps and left quickly.

At this time, the other teachers and disciples present realized what Xu Ming said just now!


"Too crazy!"

"What does Xu Ming think he is? Is he the realm master? - How dare you let go of such words to us!"

"Humph! Remember! When I heard about the Dao Palace Grand Competition, as long as it was Xu Ming's disciple, I would be a little more ruthless; I would like to see, who else would dare to worship Xu Ming as a teacher!"

"Not bad! Whoever dares to worship Xu Ming as his teacher, I will let him not get along in Wendao Mansion!"

Although many teachers let go of their harsh words, but after the freshman assessment, there are still many disciples who have not been apprentices and come to worship Xu Ming as their teachers. Filtered! Cowardly disciples, Xu Ming will not accept them.

Soon, all twenty-seven disciples, Xu Ming, was full. Moreover, most of them accept one disciple for each small realm of cultivation, and the admission is very even - looking at the posture, it is indeed necessary to contract the "first" of all cultivations in the "Wen Dao Mansion Great Competition".

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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