Break Into Another World

Chapter 1685: 1 leaf plum

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The atmosphere is a little depressing.

The Sect Master Ye Neg, the Supreme Elder Ye Qingshui, and a group of high-ranking members of the Wuxun Sect all lined up outside the mountain gate, with extremely solemn expressions, as if they were waiting for something terrifying.


boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Dozens of tyrannical figures broke through the void and quickly rushed towards the direction of the Five Aggregates. Before anyone arrived, the momentum was overwhelming, and the high-level members of the Five Aggregates Sect were so oppressed that it was almost difficult for them to stand.

These dozens of figures are the masters of Chunhuan Sect, all of them are spiritual realm cultivation bases!

The two figures flying in the middle, one black and one white, are the young master and another master who have come to Wuxunzong before.

"Meet the Young Sect Master!" Ye Fu and Ye Qingshui took the lead, and all the elders hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Humph!" The terrifying aura of the young sect leader directly oppressed him.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Except for Ye Negative and Ye Qingshui, the other high-level members of the Wuyun Sect couldn't bear the oppression and fell to their knees one after another.

There was a bit of humiliation on Ye Fu's face, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

"What's going on? Where's the Hongling singer?" asked the young master.

Ye Qingshui took a step forward and said in an unbelievable tone: "You may not believe it, after Hong Lingge defeated me with one blow... ran away!"

When Ye Qingshui spoke, he kept looking at the young leader with attention.

This kind of thing, let alone the young master is unbelievable; even if Ye Qingshui experienced it himself, he felt unbelievable - the genius of the innate realm, it took less than half a year to defeat him, the master of the spiritual realm...

"What did you say!? Are you kidding me!?" Sure enough, the Young Sect Master's face suddenly sank.

"How dare we play the sect master..." Ye Fulian said.

"Whether it's playing a trick on me, I have a way to tell!" The Young Sect Master said, and winked at a blood-robed expert beside him.

This blood-robed master even covered his face in the blood-colored robe, revealing only his hideous eyes. In his eyes, there seemed to be a soul-stirring flame.


The aura of this blood-robed master instantly enveloped Ye Negative.

There was a bit of pain on Ye Neu's face, and then his eyes lost their spirits, like walking dead.

"Young sect master, you..." Ye Qingshui naturally saw that this was a technique of the soul, which was extremely harmful to the soul, and even had to be stopped. However, more than a dozen spiritual masters from Chunhuan's teaching directly suppressed him.

Ye Qingshui had no choice but to watch.


After about a quarter of an hour, Ye Wu's body immediately softened and collapsed to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The blood-robed master said solemnly: "What he said is true!"

"Really!?" Chun Huan's masters were all stunned.

The young sect master couldn't help but muttered: "What a terrifying talent that is! If we can catch her, we can completely become the treasure of our Chunhuan Sect! At that time, the overall strength of our Chunhuan Sect will be as strong as possible. Make it a big boost!"

"But..." A master on the side couldn't help but said, "If we fail to catch it, will it bring hidden dangers to our Chunhuan Sect?"

"Hidden danger?" The young sect master sneered, "Maybe there will be! But... even if there is a hidden danger, so what? Don't forget, there are still..."

Having said that, the masters of Chunhuan Sect smiled tacitly and said no more. But obviously, they have absolute confidence in the backers behind them.

"Send an order to go back immediately!" The Young Sect Master sneered, "Block the whole area, and don't let anyone easily come in and out! In addition, in the whole area, do everything you can to search for Hong Lingge!"

boom! boom! boom! …

After speaking, dozens of figures left Wu Yunzong directly.

As for Ye Fu, the sect master of the Wuyun Sect... the masters of the Chunhuan Sect would not care about his life or death at all! And the Five Aggregates Sect dare not speak out.

Ye Qingshui checked Ye Neg's body, shook his head and sighed: "The soul is seriously damaged, and the strength has regressed a lot... In the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to make an inch!"

The Five Aggregates Sect needs a new suzerain.

Spring and winter come.

Hong Lingge fights the sword alone and walks the world alone.

The Chunhuan Cult is huge. The whole world is a master hunter of Hong Lingge.

Several times, Hong Lingge has also fallen into the siege of spirit realm masters; but fortunately, these days, she has walked through life and death, and her strength has increased rapidly, so she has saved danger time and time again.

And Chunhuan Jiao's pursuit of Hong Lingge has also increased again and again.


plum bossom.

Hong Lingge sat alone under the plum blossom, with her long sword across her knees. Her brows have long since faded away, and some are lonely and resolute.

Hong Lingge didn't know—she thought she was already alone, but in fact, there was always a look that was watching her silently in the dark.

At this time, Xu Ming was also in the snow, but he was probably millions of miles away from Hong Lingge! However, for Xu Ming, whether it is a million miles or hundreds of millions of miles, it is like being within easy reach.

"It really seems like Han Mo..." Xu Ming lay in the snow, drinking wine, with a trace of attention, looking at Hong Lingge.

You must know, how subtle is Xu Ming's power of observation! Even at the particle level, he could easily see every particle clearly—but even so, he still felt that Hong Lingge was very similar to Gu Hanmo! This shows how similar Hong Lingge and Gu Hanmo are!

"Just like this quietly, let Hong Lingge's strength quietly increase!" Xu Ming has been fine lately planning to find an opportunity to comprehend the "real self" in the mundane world; during this time , it should be enough for Hong Lingge to grow into the top existence of this chaotic world, "If she is really reincarnated in the cold, sooner or later, I will find some clues; if not, then I have never appeared!"

Xu Ming just guided Hong Lingge to practice subtly, and naturally he would not let Hong Lingge notice anything abnormal. At most, Hong Lingge would only feel that her talent had suddenly become so outrageous.

"But..." Xu Ming's eyes suddenly became suspicious, "There is something in this small chaotic world that I can't see through?"

Xu Ming's eyes were directed towards the center of this dusty world, and then towards the center of this chaotic world. If he didn't observe carefully, Xu Ming would have no idea; however, upon closer inspection, Xu Ming was surprised to find that this There are things that you can't see through in a small place!

"Fun! Interesting!"

It could make Xu Ming unable to see through it for a while. Obviously, there are some big secrets hidden in it. However, Xu Ming is not in a hurry to reveal the secret; he is not in a hurry to leave this world anyway, he has patience to wait.

"Just let me wait and see what the big secret will be!"

Before he knew it, the wine in Xu Ming's pot was exhausted.

"The realm of self, I really don't have a clue..." Xu Ming shook his head and sighed, "It's been so long, I haven't even got a clue about the 'imaginary realm'!"

Just when Xu Ming put down the empty wine jug, a falling plum just fell on the white and boundless snow.

Suddenly, deep in Xu Ming's heart, something seemed to be touched; his eyes suddenly lit up.

I am sorting out the plot, so I have only written a chapter until now. I'll make an update today, sorry, I'll make up an update on the weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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