Break Into Another World

Chapter 1686: Xu Ming's "Dao"

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! What is "real me"?

The true self is actually the "Tao" that truly belongs to oneself - this "Tao" is not the Tao of Chaos, nor the Tao of Heaven, but the "Tao" that truly belongs to oneself.

This kind of "Tao" cannot be found in the endless chaos, and can only be understood by oneself. And the first step in this perception is to imagine—guess what your “true self” looks like.

For a long time, although Xu Ming knew that the "real self" is divided into imaginary, fantasy and real, but he has never been able to capture the inspiration of stepping into the "imaginary".

And at this moment, Xu Ming seemed to have captured this inspiration!

"Everything in the world, just like this boundless snow, was originally empty and empty! However, it was born from 'nothing', just like falling plums falling on the snow... From now on, this boundless snow is no longer empty. One thing, but gradually appeared endless chaos, everything in the world..."

At this moment, Xu Ming felt extremely clear in his heart.

"This is the 'Dao' I'm going to follow - from nothing to exist!"

Out of nothing!

This kind of "dao", Xu Ming had heard of before!

However, the great powers Xu Ming had heard of, at most, only realized the "Imaginary Realm" of the Dao "from nothingness", but when he "prove the Dao and the true me", they all failed!

Yes, it all failed!

No one can truly "create something out of nothing"!

However, Xu Ming is very firm, taking this "dao" as his path to "true self"!

When will Xu Ming be able to reach a very high realm on this path, he will be able to break through to the "Domain Lord Realm"!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! …

After determining the "Tao" to go, countless insights rushed towards Xu Ming like a tide.

Xu Ming's cultivation level is still only the peak of the realm of all things, and he has not stepped into the realm of destruction; however, because of his insight into the realm of "true self", Xu Ming's strength has increased rapidly - even if Xu Ming only touched the "imaginary realm" It's just the fur, but even if Xu Ming doesn't hang up, his strength is probably close to Nirvana!

"So strong!" Xu Ming couldn't help sighing.

You must know that if you don't hang up, your strength can be close to the Nirvana Realm; then, if you open a few hangs, Xu Ming is probably comparable to the peak of Nirvana Realm!

"From nothing, this 'Dao', I don't know if it's right or wrong! But at least, it seems to be quite strong now!"

If it is right, then Xu Ming will follow this "dao" and continue to practice.

If it is wrong, Xu Ming, like other great masters, failed in the "real self"; then, he can only give up what he has comprehended now, and re-comprehend the "real self"—perhaps once Go in the wrong direction again and again until you realize the correct "Dao" that best suits you.


At Xu Ming's current state, although Xiaohang can help him increase his combat power, it is difficult for Xu Ming to understand his own "Dao". Therefore, in order to improve his understanding of the "real self", Xu Ming can only rely on himself!

On the boundless snow, Xu Ming closed his eyes and meditated for a long time.


When he opened his eyes again, the snow had already melted away, and the surrounding spring flowers were blooming.


Xu Ming's line of sight penetrated a million miles of void and landed on Hong Lingge, "Looks like Hong Lingge is in some trouble!"

Top of the mountains.

Hong Lingge wore a green robe and stood proudly with a sword.

Countless birds, as if they had a premonition of the imminent danger, fled in all directions.

"Hahahaha..." A young man in white robe holding a folding fan laughed up to the sky; it was the young master of the Chunhuan Cult, "Hong Lingge... I really didn't expect it! Our Chunhuan Cult has dispatched spiritual masters time and time again. You escaped again and again! On the contrary, you have also damaged several spirit realm masters under your command!—Humph! But this time, I will see where you are going!”

Around the mountain where Hong Lingge is located, dozens of figures stand in the sky, all of them are spiritual monks! Even, there are five spirit peak realm existences among them!

Under the heavy siege, the Young Sect Master obviously did not feel that Hong Lingge would have any chance of life this time.


The Young Sect Master didn’t know that—under Xu Ming’s quiet guidance, Hong Lingge’s cultivation had risen to the Spirit Peak realm at a terrifying speed!

Therefore, in the current situation, in the eyes of the young sect master, Hong Lingge is definitely in a dead end; but in Hong Lingge's view, there is still a chance - although this chance is very slim; but Hong Lingge Under desperate circumstances, you can definitely drag a few to die together! At least... this young sect leader who seems to be elegant and refined, will surely die!

However, the young sect master was not aware of the danger at all, and sneered: "Hong Lingge, you give up your resistance now, there is still a way to live! Don't worry, when you arrive at Chunhuan Sect, this young sect master will make you very happy! Hahahaha …”

Hong Lingge's pretty face sank.

During this period of time, Hong Lingge has been running for her life under the pursuit of Chunhuan Sect. Naturally, she has learned a lot about Chunhuan Sect; she can also hear what the young sect master meaning.

"Haha! Angry?" The young master sneered, "It's all right! When you arrive at Chunhuan Teaching, you will never be angry again, and you will live in happiness forever!"

The dozens of spirit realm masters around also showed malicious smiles. In their opinion, Hong Lingge is an excellent training pot; as long as Hong Lingge is captured, there will be many more masters in the Chunhuan Sect!

"You..." Hong Lingge's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Looking for death!"

call out-

A sword light instantly pierced through the void and killed the young leader. However, Hong Lingge deliberately concealed most of her strength, so this sword does not look strong.

"The peak of the Lingyan realm?" The young master sneered disdainfully.

Spirit Sand Realm, Spirit Rock Realm, Spirit Hill Realm, Spirit Peak Realm—Although the young master is only a spiritual sand realm, he doesn’t think much of the spirit rock realm; after all, there are more people around him than Hong Lingge. Great master!

"Go away!" A Lingqiu realm master shot to intercept Xiang Hong Lingge's sword.

And at this moment, Hong Lingge burst out with all his strength, and the sword light suddenly became a hundred times colder!

call out-

The sword light is like electricity!

Hong Lingge's sword edge is already very close to the Young Sect Master! Several Lingfeng realm masters didn't have time to react at all, Hong Lingge had already forced the Lingqiu realm master to retreat, pierced the head of the young master with a sword - the weak Lingsand realm, facing the sneak attack of the Lingfeng realm master , how could it possibly survive?


"Young Sect Master..."

"court death!!"

The surrounding spirit realm masters are all furious—they are responsible for protecting the young sect master! Now that the Young Sect Master is dead, they are naturally to blame!


The five Lingfeng realm masters immediately surrounded Xiang Honglingge, wanting to capture her alive.

(End of this chapter)

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