Break Into Another World

Chapter 1688: do i exist?

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The fire on Wu Yan's body connected to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw that in this dusty world, and even in this entire chaotic world, all the members of the Floating Life Sect were burning with raging fire; moreover, all the firelight rushed to the sky, and finally merged and converged. It turned into a huge firelight and shot directly at the endless chaos.

Xu Ming's spiritual sense unfolded, covering the range of hundreds of millions of worlds, but he was surprised to find that this huge firelight instantly shot out the range shrouded by his spiritual sense - such a method obviously should not be in a small chaotic world. power, the means to have.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be because of Hong Lingge? When he said 'found', did he find Hong Lingge?"

Xu Ming looked at Hong Lingge again, but found that the momentum of Hong Lingge had undergone earth-shaking changes! Become... so detached!

"This is..." Xu Ming's eyes suddenly widened, "Gu Hanmo!"

Yes, Xu Ming was absolutely sure that this was Gu Hanmo's temperament, not Hong Lingge! —I saw her reach out and gently brush the void, and ripples like waves appeared in the void. The ripples stirred, and there were dozens of Chunhuan masters around, and they all turned into powder.

Then, her eyes turned towards Xu Ming, and a smile appeared: "Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming was shocked by the electric shock, his whole body trembled, he couldn't believe it, but he was full of expectations: "Han Mo?"

"What do you think?" Gu Hanmo asked back, and then smiled, "It seems that I have to stay in this chaotic world for a while!"


Xu Ming heard that Gu Hanmo seemed unable to stay for long.

However, being able to meet Gu Hanmo here is already the greatest surprise!


Gu Hanmo waved his hand, and suddenly, black shrouded the entire chaotic world, and time fell into a standstill.

In the entire chaotic world, the clouds no longer move, the rain no longer drips, the rivers no longer flow... From the star master to the mortals and livestock, all living beings have fallen into stagnation. All the masters of the Floating Life Sect are also at a standstill.

Only Xu Ming and Gu Hanmo were outside the "time stop".

"This..." Seeing Gu Hanmo again, even though Xu Ming's strength has soared; however, he is still shocked by Gu Hanmo's methods - even the "Supreme Realm" powerhouse Xu Ming has seen cannot show Gu Hanmo's level. s method.

Obviously, Gu Hanmo is definitely the most powerful being among the Supremes!

Ordinary Supreme, compared with Gu Hanmo, is definitely far behind!

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon!" Gu Han said with a smile.


In Xu Ming's view, it seems like thousands of years have passed!

"The strength has improved a lot, and I have already realized the 'imaginary realm'!" Gu Hanmo boasted, "Also, what I have comprehended is... the 'no way'? This is a road that is almost impossible to 'prove the true self', but ...hope you can make it!"

almost impossible…

That is, there is a very slight possibility.

Xu Ming heard that no one has ever been able to successfully prove the Dao on "The Way of Nothing"; however, Gu Hanmo's vision is much broader than Xu Ming's, but he knows that there is actually one person who has succeeded!

And...and only one person has made it!

If Xu Ming can succeed, he will be the second!

"Hanmo, are you...?" Xu Ming took a step and came to Gu Hanmo, "Reincarnated again?"

"Reincarnation?" Gu Hanmo shook his head and smiled, "I don't dare to reincarnate casually!"

Xu Ming didn't know that reincarnation was the method he used just now at the most desperate time, and the price was extremely high! Like Gu Hanmo, if he hadn't met Xu Ming at the beginning, he wouldn't even be able to awaken his past life memories; in that case, he could only be quietly annihilated in the long river of time.

"This is my avatar!" Gu Han said silently.

"Incarnation?" Xu Ming was puzzled.

"Where do you start?" Gu Hanmo pulled Xu Ming over and sat down on the top of a mountain; obviously, she was thinking about how to tell her experience in a way that Xu Ming could understand.

"Xu Ming, do you know that this endless chaos is not everything in the universe!" Gu Hanmo said.

"I know!" Xu Ming nodded.

At one time, Xu Ming thought that endless chaos was the entire universe; however, when his eyes widened, he found that it was not the case! - The endless chaos where Xu Ming is now is actually just a realm in the universe, the Divine Phoenix Realm!

"Then it's much easier to explain!" Gu Han thought for a while, and said, "Yu, for all directions; Zhou, for the past and present! The universe includes all space and time! All things must not transcend the rules of the universe's operation. !"

Xu Ming listened quietly. Of course, he has doubts about this sentence in his heart - plug-in, is it beyond the rules of the universe?

Gu Hanmo continued: "The entire universe can be divided into three parts: the real universe, the virtual universe, and the border of disorder! - The real universe has only one world; but in the virtual world there are countless billions. Ten thousand worlds! Everything in the virtual universe is false, like a 'projection'! A stone in the real universe, projected into the virtual universe, may become endless chaos..."

"This..." Xu Ming was stunned for a long time.

Finally, Xu Ming asked with difficulty and disbelief: "You mean... everything in the endless chaos is just an illusion?"

It's like a movie being shown.

"Yes!" Gu Hanmo said, "You are illusory, this world is illusory, and the entire endless chaos is illusory! Even now, what you see of me is illusory!"

"This..." Xu Ming was a little unacceptable and difficult to understand; he even doubted his own existence - do I exist, or do I not exist at all?

"Because of the illusion, even sometimes, the entire history of endless chaos can be directly tampered with!" Gu Hanmo said again, "For example, you should have been to the last era of chaos, right? I can feel the shuttle on you. The breath after 'The Long River of Time'! - The last chaotic era you went to is a completely different history from the real last chaotic era! It is because, in the illusory world, the past is easily distorted!"

Seeing whether others have crossed the river of time, even the world master can't do it!

But in Gu Hanmo's eyes, Xu Ming seemed to have just come up from the river, and there was still "river water" on his body.

"But..." Gu Hanmo continued, "The long river of time you have crossed can only be called the 'Void River of Time'! Only the long river of time in the real universe can be called the 'True River of Time'!"

Gu Hanmo's words made Xu Ming stunned for a long time before he asked in confusion, "Then... do I exist?"

Xu Ming could not figure out whether he really existed or was just a false illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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