Break Into Another World

Chapter 1689: Incarnate billions

Xu Ming looked at Gu Hanmo and suddenly felt a chill.

"You... exist!" Gu Han said with a smile, "but... it's just an illusory existence!"

Xu Ming was a little confused.

To be precise, it is somewhat incomprehensible, what kind of existence is an "illusory existence".

Seeing Xu Ming's expression, Gu Hanmo suddenly smiled and said, "Why is it real? Why is it illusory?"

What is real?

What is phantom?

Xu Ming really couldn't tell.

Gu Hanmo smiled and said: "You are an illusory existence now; but when you reach a certain height in the realm of your true self, you will be able to change from illusory to real, and become a real existence! - I want to reach that realm. , it's hard; but I'm sure you can do it!"

Xu Ming gradually became clearer.

"I will!" Xu Ming didn't promise too much, just said three words lightly.

"I believe you!" Gu Hanmo, still Gu Hanmo, "As for... why does my avatar appear here..."

Gu Hanmo pondered for a while, and said, "You also know that I am being chased and killed by a super strong person who is not weaker than me! - For safety, I am incarnated into hundreds of millions to avoid being chased and killed!"

Gu Hanmo said it indifferently, but Xu Ming knew that she must have encountered difficulties! Otherwise, well, why should you incarnate into hundreds of millions to avoid the pursuit?

"My billions of incarnations are in the real universe and in the virtual universe! In the virtual universe, there are countless chaotic realms distributed with my incarnations; some chaotic realms even have several or dozens of incarnations of me! "Gu Hanmo continued, "These incarnations have no memory of me, and cut off all causal connections with me; even myself, I don't know where the incarnation is! Only when I encounter danger, my incarnation will awaken some strength. , kill the enemy, or commit suicide!—like now!”

"Then..." Xu Ming pointed at Wu Yan who was "not far away", "This Floating Life Sect is...?"

Gu Hanmo said: "My enemies are all powerful! It's their minions who are searching for my incarnation! This Floating Life Religion should be a branch of it; everyone has a secret magic body, when they get close to me When the avatar becomes a clone, the secret method will be activated! - Now, this avatar of mine must have been exposed! The only choice is to choose self-destruction and annihilation before the enemy's will arrives; otherwise, when the enemy's will arrives, maybe , you can find a way to search for my other incarnations through my incarnation!"

Xu Ming was shocked: "Then your current situation is very dangerous, isn't it?"

"Dangerous, I can't say it!" Gu Hanmo said in a relaxed tone, "I have incarnated billions of incarnations, and more incarnations will continue to appear in every corner of the universe. It's fast! - As long as I have an incarnation alive, I can restore my full strength at any time!"

Gu Hanmo's methods are obviously already at an unimaginable level for Xu Ming!

After hearing Gu Hanmo's words, Xu Ming felt relieved.


Xu Ming didn't know that Gu Hanmo's words were actually to comfort him - Gu Hanmo is very strong, that's right! But you must know that Gu Hanmo's enemies are stronger and have more means!

Gu Hanmo has the means of "incarnating hundreds of millions", so her enemy has no means of restraint?

how is this possible!

In this hunting game, Gu Hanmo is the prey! - Even if she is not in danger for the time being, it does not mean that she will never be in danger!

Even, Gu Hanmo is already in danger! - For her level of power, "incarnating into billions" is a life-saving secret skill that she chooses to use under difficult circumstances!

And all this, Xu Ming didn't know; Gu Hanmo also deliberately didn't let Xu Ming know!

Suddenly, Gu Hanmo's expression changed: "I'm leaving soon! - The will of the enemy has already descended on the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! The time static area I created will not last long!"

Xu Ming's expression changed as well, but immediately, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness - seeing Gu Hanmo again, even though his strength has increased greatly, he still can't help Gu Hanmo in the slightest!


In front of Gu Hanmo, Xu Ming is still too weak! I'm afraid not even ants!

"How can I see you again?" Xu Minglian asked.

"There is no way!" Gu Hanmo shook his head, "Even I don't know where my avatar is!"

Only in this way, Gu Hanmo's billions of incarnations are the safest! Even if you don't know where your incarnation is, it's impossible for the enemy to know!

"And..." Gu Hanmo looked at Xu Ming with a smile, "Even if you meet my avatar again, what you see is just another 'Hong Lingge', not 'Gu Hanmo'!"

Gu Hanmo's incarnation, when he didn't awaken his strength and consciousness, didn't know Xu Ming at all, he was a complete stranger. At most, that avatar would treat Xu Ming, a stranger, more special than others—for example, Hong Lingge was extremely indifferent to other opposite sex, and would actively reject it; but it would not be the case for Xu Ming.

If Gu Hanmo's other incarnations meet Xu Ming, it will be the same.


Suddenly, the black-wrapped sky felt like a heavy hammer; the entire sky was shaken heavily.

Because time stopped, everything in a state of absolute stillness trembled for a moment - but only for a moment, time stopped and then resumed!

Obviously, this blow has not really broken Gu Hanmo's time standstill field!

"I'm really leaving!" Gu Hanmo's body immediately began to disintegrate, "If you get caught, you'll be in big trouble! - By the way, after I leave, this powerful will will also disappear! You and I The conversation happened when time stopped, so he had no idea what was going on here; through endless time and space, he wouldn't notice anything unusual about you! Then, what kind of life should you live~www.wuxiaspot .com~ just continue what kind of life, no need to be afraid of anything!"

Xu Ming didn't speak, but just looked at Gu Hanmo who was decomposing.

Goodbye this time, see you next time, I really don't know when it will be!

There is absolutely no way to know!

Even if Xu Ming searched every domain and world in the endless chaos, he might not be able to find Gu Hanmo's incarnation again!

"These people from the Floating Life Sect, and others who have the same aura as them, if you encounter them, just kill them! If you don't have some of these probing minions, maybe they can help me!" Gu Hanmo's body, already extremely thin.

Xu Ming smiled bitterly.

can help?

Xu Ming knew that even if he killed all the minions of the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, there would be very few places where he could help Gu Hanmo! It can even be ignored!

However, Xu Ming will definitely kill these minions! At least... if Gu Hanmo still incarnates in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, Xu Ming will never let those incarnations be harmed!

"Xu Ming, I'm leaving!" Gu Hanmo's figure completely disappeared, leaving only a voice that echoed in his mind, "The Eternal Palace where your daughter Xu Yin went is in the real universe! If one day, your strength will be able to Going to the real universe, it shouldn't be difficult to find her!"

As Gu Hanmo's voice completely dissipated, the surrounding time-stop effect also disappeared, and time returned to its normal flow rate.

Everything Xu Ming experienced when "time stopped" was like a dream.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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