Break Into Another World

Chapter 1690: What is the sect law?

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Hummo is gone!

Xu Ming's divine body seemed to be pulled away from his soul.

In the entire chaotic world, these minions of the Floating Life Sect are still burning frantically. The blood-colored firelight, ferociously twisted, is still transmitting information beyond the endless chaos.

Xu Ming's spiritual sense shrouded the range of hundreds of millions of worlds; the distance in a chaotic world, to him, seemed to be close at hand.

"Destroy me all!"

When Xu Ming thought about it, in the entire chaotic world, all the members of the Floating Life Sect were wiped out, leaving no trace.

Xu Ming was on guard for a while, making sure that there was no great power to take action against him - as Gu Hanmo said, after she disappears, the terrifying power beyond the endless distance will not be interested in paying attention to this place again!

After all, even for superpowers, the divine sense spans countless worlds in the virtual universe; even directly from the real universe, to descend the will to the virtual universe, there is some price to pay!

Xu Ming's eyes turned to the endless sky: "Han Mo, wait for me!"

Floating life teaching?

The super-existing minions in the universe?

Xu Ming is ready. In the years to come, he will walk through endless chaos and eradicate all such minions! —Although, doing this, it can really help Gu Hanmo very little; however, Xu Ming will not fail to do it.

After all the minions in the entire "Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm" have been cleared; Xu Ming will also consider and find a way to go to other chaotic realms around to clear the minions.

Clearly one side is one side!

Moreover, in this process, Xu Ming's strength will definitely increase rapidly!

"Huh—" Xu Ming sighed heavily, but his eyes were unprecedentedly determined.

Immediately, Xu Ming restrained his momentum and turned into an ordinary person again.

His gaze, looking in the direction of Wu Yunzong, finally fell on Jiang Bi.

"Get to know each other once, if you can help me, please help! As for how far she can go on the road of cultivation, it depends on her own good fortune!"


Xu Ming's figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Five Aggregates.

Although the sect master was replaced, the super genius Hong Lingge was also missing; however, the situation of the entire sect did not change much.

Jiang Bi's talent is mediocre. In the Wuyun Sect's inner sect, she can only be regarded as a very mediocre member; even, under the suppression of other female disciples in the sect, she can hardly get along with the inner sect, and she is about to be expelled. Waizong went.

"Senior Sister Lu, why haven't any of my pills for this month arrived in my hands!" At this moment, Jiang Bi was blushing, arguing with a cold senior sister.

This Senior Sister Lu looked at Jiang Bi with incomparably contemptuous eyes, and said lightly, "If you want you to get your medicine pill, what does it have to do with me?"

Around, several other female disciples also looked at Jiang Bi mockingly.

"But, isn't the medicine pill in our women's hospital always taken by you, Senior Sister Lu?" Jiang Bi said angrily.

The matter is very simple, it was this Senior Sister Lu who swallowed Jiang Bi's medicinal pill and did not admit it.

However, Jiang Bi was weak; no one spoke to her in Wu Yunzong.

"I'm taking the lead? Is there such a thing? Why don't I know?" Sister Lu turned her head away after she finished speaking; her sneer still echoed in the air, "Jiang Bi, your medicinal pill is gone, you are in a bad mood. Well, I can understand; but remember, you must speak with evidence! Spitting out blood without evidence will cause disaster to come out of your mouth!—Okay, 30 slaps and mouths will make her remember!"

There were several female disciples on the side who wanted to step forward and capture Jiang Bi.

Jiang Bi's expression changed, and she was about to flee, but found that the escape route had been blocked!

Jiang Bi's face changed again - it's so unreasonable! The other party not only embezzled his own medicine pill, but also taught himself a lesson...

But Jiang Bi also knew that in this world, strength is respected;

"Humph! When Hong Lingge was here, you all forgot what each of you was like?" Jiang Bi shouted coldly.

At the beginning, with Hong Lingge's talent, her status in Wuyun Sect was naturally extremely high; Jiang Bi and Hong Lingge had a close relationship, and her status also rose. These disciples of the Inner Sect Women's Academy were all flattering in front of her.

Now that Hong Lingge is gone, these female disciples have changed their flattery and bullied themselves in various ways; it seems that doing so will give them a lot of dignity.

However, no matter what Jiang Bi said, she was easily captured.

A female disciple with a sharp chin and sharp eyes raised her skinny palm and was about to swipe it towards Jiang Bi's face.

Jiang Bi's eyes were full of humiliation, but she was completely powerless to resist.

And just then-

The space seems to be frozen!

The slap raised by the lingering female disciple stayed in the air, unable to slap.

The two female disciples who captured Jiang Bi seemed to be pinched by an invisible force and thrown aside.

The next moment, the female disciples saw an ordinary and inconspicuous figure appearing in the women's courtyard.

"This is..." Jiang Bi looked at the figure in disbelief, "Xu Ming!?"

All this is clearly caused by Xu Ming! In this case, Xu Ming's strength is too strong, right?

Besides, didn't Xu Ming disappear with Hong Lingge? Why is it here again?

"Xu Ming?" The Senior Sister Lu looked at Xu and shouted loudly, "How dare you break into the women's court!"

You must know that in the women's courtyard, any male disciples are strictly forbidden to enter. Whoever dares to trespass into the women's court will be severely punished by the sect.

While shouting loudly, Senior Sister Lu activated the alarm in the women's hospital.

Jiang Bi's expression changed, and she continued: "Xu Ming, hurry up! Trespassing in the women's court, even the elders of the sect will be severely punished!"

"Let's go?" Lu Shijie sneered, "It's too late! The senior members of the sect must be on their way!"

Indeed, the new Sect Master of the Wuxun Sect, the elders, and the Supreme Elder Ye Qingshui, who was just idle, all rushed over to the Women's Court.

"Dare to trespass into the women's courtyard, Xu Ming, you are doomed!" Senior Sister Lu was ready to make up a few stories about Xu Ming's frivolous female disciples. In that case, according to the laws of the sect, Xu Ming would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die.

Xu Ming naturally saw through this Senior Sister Lu's thoughts at a glance, and laughed secretly in his heart: "It's the most poisonous woman's heart! It's a pity... so ignorant!"


So ignorant!

For Xu Ming, destroying the entire chaotic world is all in one thought. To Xu Ming, what is a small Wuyun sect in the dust world attached to this chaotic world?

Nothing counts!

The only thing that can make Xu Ming care a little is Jiang Bi - after all, Jiang Bi, Hong Lingge, and his relationship are not bad.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

A high-ranking sect descended to the women's court in a fierce manner.

The Supreme Elder Ye Qingshui shouted with an embarrassed expression: "Bold Xu Ming! Not to mention leaving the sect privately, but now when he came back, he even made absurd acts of trespassing in the women's court! What do you think of the sect's law? "

(End of this chapter)

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