Break Into Another World

Chapter 1691: change destiny

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "What do you think of the law of the sect?"

As soon as the elder Taishang said these words, Xu Ming directly... laughed!

How ignorant it is to say such a thing!

"Xu Ming, you..." Ye Qingshui saw that he was reprimanded, Xu Ming not only was not afraid, but also burst into laughter, and he couldn't help being furious.

The new Sect Master and other elders were also furious with Xu Ming's smile, which was equivalent to hitting the entire sect in the face! As the high-level sect, how could they not be angry?

Senior Sister Lu and other women's academy disciples were secretly delighted. In their opinion, Xu Ming dared to be so arrogant in the face of the high-level sect, it was simply courting death!

"Do your own fault, don't live!" Senior Sister Lu secretly looked at Xu Ming, as if she was looking at a dead man.

"Xu Ming! Don't kneel down and be tortured!" The law enforcement elder with a hot personality even pressed Xu Ming directly, wanting him to kneel.

"Ha!" Xu Ming disdainfully shook his head and wanted to kill these ants. He couldn't even think of a single thought. However, Xu Ming had no interest in the vulgarity of slaughtering.

After all, Xu Ming has no habit of "stepping on ants".

"It's you who are kneeling!" Xu Ming said softly.


Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! …

In the entire women's courtyard, from the Supreme Elder to the ordinary disciple, they all fell to their knees. Only Xu Ming and Jiang Bi were still standing.



The top executives of the Five Aggregates Sect, their first reaction was not anger, but panic!

You must know that Ye Qingshui is a master of the spiritual realm! However, without seeing any movement from Xu Ming, he just fell to the ground without any resistance! Moreover, the other masters in the sect also all fell to the ground obediently! What kind of strength does Xu Ming have?

There is no doubt that it is definitely an existence above the Dao Realm!

All the senior leaders of the sect looked at Xu Ming in disbelief. They were so terrified that they could not speak for a moment.

Senior Sister Lu and other female disciples were so frightened that their delicate bodies trembled involuntarily. No matter how stupid they were, they could see that Xu Ming was definitely not someone they could provoke!

If Xu Ming wants them to live, they will live; if Xu Ming wants them to die, they will die!

However, they were trying to bully Jiang Bi, Xu Ming's friend!

Thinking of this, all the female disciples turned pale. They wanted to climb up to please Xu Ming, but found that under the suppression of Xu Ming's momentum, they couldn't move at all.

"Xu Ming..." Jiang Bi was also completely dumbfounded, unable to react for a while.

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled and said, "I'm just a passer-by in this world!"

Jiang Bi and the others are not stupid. It sounds like Xu Ming must be the kind of expert who travels all over the world!

Ye Qingshui even wanted to cry but had no tears. You said that you are a good master, why did you come to play with our little Wuxingzong disciple... Isn't this deliberately playing with me?

However, Ye Qingshui certainly did not dare to say such words.

Xu Ming looked at Jiang Bi and continued: "You are also a friend I made in this world! Before leaving, I will give you a chance!"

With a wave of Xu Ming's hand, Jiang Bi's physique changed at a terrifying speed.

What Jiang Bi didn't know was that in the wave of Xu Ming's hand, her talent had become even more terrifying than the most terrifying genius in this chaotic world!

The seniors and female disciples of the surrounding Wuxian Sect all looked at it with envy; but they knew that this great opportunity had nothing to do with them.

"I will only improve your talent, not your strength! After all, the way of cultivation is to be down-to-earth and take it step by step to go further!" Xu Ming said lightly, "But...for your safety, I Send you a few more servants!"

Saying that, Xu Ming stretched out his hand towards the sky. Suddenly, his arm skyrocketed hundreds of millions of miles, reaching the endless sky.

The center of this dust world is the site of the world's largest force, the "Wild Martial Sect".

The Sect Master of the Wild Martial Sect, "True God of Wild Martial Arts", is a true **** who has opened up a kingdom of gods! With him there, the whole world of dust is as stable as Mount Tai.

At this moment, it is rare for the True God of Desolate Martial Arts to go out and explain the way of heaven in Desolate Martial Sect.

The demigods and Taoist masters were all fascinated and intoxicated, and the color of epiphany flashed in their eyes from time to time, as if they had gained something.

"What is the sky?" Huangwu Zhenshen explained energetically, "Actually, the sky is used to go against the sky, and there is nothing to be afraid of! The way of cultivation is against the sky! Even if I insult the sky at will, the sky can't help it. Me; on the contrary, it will give me the power of heaven and make me extremely powerful..."

True God Araki was talking, suddenly

A huge arm broke through the sky and came from above the dome, directly like catching a chicken, grabbing the bragging true **** of wild martial arts.

Immediately afterwards, this huge arm was pulled, and it directly took away True God Huangwu.

The demigods and Taoist masters all looked at each other in dismay. This is... Too arrogant to be condemned by God?

Some masters who had insulted the heavens were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed, begging heaven for forgiveness.

The poor True God Wild Wu only felt that the scene in front of him flashed and he was caught in front of Xu Ming.

"This is..." The expression of True God Huangwu was completely confused. He hadn't reacted yet, what had happened to him.

However, what is even more confusing is Ye Qingshui!

As the leader of a faction, Ye Qingshui recognized the True God of Huangwu! This is the king of the entire continent! And now... was actually caught directly by Xu Ming?

What kind of existence would Xu Ming be? Ye Qingshui can't imagine it anymore!

"You... you are the True God of Wild Martial Arts?" Ye Qingshui asked tremblingly and in disbelief.

"I am!" True God Huangwu was still in a daze, he looked at Ye Qingshui, "Where is this?"

However, before Ye Qingshui had time to answer the words of True God Huangwu, Xu Ming's indifferent voice sounded: "Huangwu, right? From today, you are Jiang Bi's servant!"

"What!?" True God Huangwu and Ye Qingshui looked at Xu Ming in disbelief.

In fact, Xu Ming's words made his wife arrogant!

"Don't worry! Although you have become a slave, I will also compensate you so that you can go further on the road of cultivation!" Xu Ming said, he did not give any room for discussion to True God Wild Wu, so he directly used the secret method to control The true **** of wild martial arts.

Immediately, True God Huangwu looked at Jiang Bi and became extremely loyal and fanatical: "Master!"

In front of Xu Ming, the True God of Wild Martial Arts has no qualifications to negotiate at Jiang Bi looked at him blankly after hearing the words "True God of Wild Martial Arts", and also understood the identity of True God of Wild Martial Arts! This king of the continent, just like this, became his slave?

Ye Qingshui and other Wu Yunzong masters were even more stunned, unable to react at all.

Then, Xu Ming said again: "Jiang Bi, from now on, Huangwu is your slave! How to deal with the affairs in the Wuyun Sect is also up to you! I won't stay here any longer, you and I are destined to see you again. !"

After saying that, Xu Ming immediately disappeared.

It's just a chance encounter, and a chance is enough!

However, what Jiang Bi didn't know was that not only the True God of Wild Martial Arts was her slave, but even the star master of this chaotic world had become her slave. However, Xu Ming was worried that Jiang Bi knew too much and would lose it. Self-motivated; therefore, the star master was not pulled over to worship the master.

However, Xu Ming had ordered the star master to always pay attention to Jiang Bi's safety. In the future, if Jiang Bi is in danger, the star master will naturally protect him.

In other words, because of getting to know Xu Ming, Jiang Bi is already the most unprovoked existence in this chaotic world, whether in the realm of the gods or the world of dust!

In addition, with Jiang Bi's talent, it may not be impossible to enter the endless chaos in the future!

For Jiang Bi, this definitely changed her life completely; for Xu Ming, it was not even a single effort.

"Jiang...Jiang Bi!"

In the Wuyun Sect, Senior Sister Lu and the others watched in horror, not knowing what Jiang Bi would do with them.

Ye Qingshui and other senior sect leaders were equally terrified! After all, the True God of Wild Martial who stood beside Jiang Bi respectfully and acted as a servant, was the absolute king of the entire continent!

With just one word from Jiang Bi, the fate of the entire Five Aggregates Sect can be decided.

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