Break Into Another World

Chapter 1705: What did you just say?

"I think, with my ability, the ten chaotic pronuclear fragments you just got, as well as all the treasures on your body, should belong to me!"

In fact, before entering the virtual universe, Yunlin was intentionally observing Xu Ming!

When he found out that it was the first time that Xu Ming came to this shattered virtual universe, he had already made Xu Ming his target—usually, people like Xu Ming would not be very strong!

And in the shot just now, it can be seen that Xu Ming's strength is only a very ordinary "real me first-order"! The difference between his "real second-order" strength is very obvious!

Now, seeing that Xu Ming had obtained ten chaotic pronuclear fragments, Yun Lin finally showed his fangs.

"This..." Xu Ming pretended to be frightened and said, "Hand over the treasure, will you let me go?"

let you go?

Yun Lin sneered and said to himself: How naive! After entering this imaginary universe that is about to be destroyed, all contact with the outside world is cut off; anything that happens here is almost impossible for the outside world to know! And let Xu Ming's words go, isn't it "cutting the grass without eradicating the roots"?

There is no doubt that, no matter what, Yunlin would never let Xu Ming go!

However, because he was worried that Xu Ming would deliberately destroy the treasure before he died, Yun Lin said, "If you honestly hand over the treasure, you can naturally consider letting you go!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming seemed to be in hesitation.

"Decide now! Is it death or treasure?" Yunlin sneered.


Xu Ming was about to answer, but at this moment, a terrifying deathly aura enveloped the void.

"This is...?" Yun Lin's expression changed - this terrifying deathly aura made him feel fear!

"It's a powerful dead beast!" Yun Lin immediately understood.

You must know that the most powerful among the dead beasts can even have a strength comparable to the domain master realm or even stronger with pure power!

Judging from the terrifying dead aura I felt, this dead beast that appeared out of nowhere was undoubtedly the strength of the domain master realm! Moreover, in terms of strength, I am afraid that it is stronger than Yunlin, who is "the second-order true self"!

Yunlin suddenly cautiously guarded the surrounding area, and his heart was even colder: "I have reached the 'Second Rank of the True Self', and the strength is comparable to that of a low-rank domain master; and this dead beast can give me such a lot of pressure, I'm afraid... it's a dead beast with the strength of a mid-rank domain master!"

The master of the domain!

This is no longer the strength that Yunlin can resist!

At the level of Nirvana, only a genius who has realized the "third-order true self" can be comparable to the master of the middle-rank domain.

Thinking of this, Yunlin became more and more terrified, and even shouted to Xu Ming, "You and I will join forces to deal with this dead beast!"

"Oh?" Now, it was Xu Ming's turn to have a playful smile on his face, "Join us?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yunlin shouted repeatedly, "If you don't want to join forces, we will both die here together! Don't worry, as long as you deal with this dead beast, I will never attack your treasure. From now on We parted ways and went our separate ways!"

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled playfully again, but still said, "Okay!"

He wanted to see what other tricks Yunlin could play.

After all, in Xu Ming's eyes, Yunlin, who is "the second tier of the real me", can't make any waves at all.

"When the dead beast appears, we will kill it together!" Yunlin explained.

The voice just fell-

call out!

A black alien beast, like a black lightning bolt, instantly ripped apart the space and killed Xu Ming and Yun Lin.

"It's interesting!" Xu Ming secretly thought, the long spear was already in his hand.

Xu Ming could see that the strength of this dead beast had indeed reached the level of "True Self Level 3", that is, the level of "Middle Grade Domain Master". However, the middle-rank domain master level is also divided into strengths and weaknesses - for example, the prisoner who was enslaved by Xu Ming is relatively strong in this level; and the dead beast in front of him is relatively weak!

To Xu Ming, of course, there is no threat!

"Kill!" Yun Lin shouted.


Xu Ming immediately rushed out.

And Yunlin... actually threw a piece of chaotic pronuclear fragment in one direction; then, he fled in the opposite direction—obviously, he wanted to use Xu Ming to delay the dead beast and buy himself time to escape!

"Huh?" Of course, Xu Ming immediately noticed Yun Lin's actions, and immediately laughed.

Yun Lin also laughed - in his opinion, Xu Ming could no longer escape the claws of the dead beast!

However... Yunlin hadn't escaped very far when he suddenly saw that an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Xu Ming!

boom! !

The strength of this momentum is obviously better than that of dead beasts!

"What!?" Yun Lin was startled, "Could it be that... he has always been hiding his strength?"

Before Yun Lin was shocked, Xu Ming had already collided with the dead beast!

boom! !

This shot is already Xu Ming's full-strength shot in the open state!

With one shot, the strength is comparable to the strength of the "middle-grade domain master", and he was directly killed by...!

"Uh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled, "One shot to kill?"

With Xu Ming's normal strength, of course, it is impossible to kill the dead beasts at the main level of the middle-rank domain with one shot; but with this shot, Xu Ming directly triggered the "life and death" hanging!

Under the "instant kill" effect of "life and death", the unlucky dead beast was wiped out to the point that there was no **** left before it had time to show off its mighty power!

"What!!?" Yun Lin was so shocked that his eyes popped One shot instantly! ? "

Of course Yun Lin didn't know that Xu Ming opened the plug-in and triggered the "seckill" effect. He also thought that Xu Ming was able to kill this dead beast with one shot!

"This..." Yun Lin was too frightened to speak.

You know, this is a dead beast comparable to the strength of a "middle-grade domain master"! Even if the top-rank domain master came, he might not be able to kill in one shot, right?

"Among the powerhouses who have entered this virtual universe, I'm afraid... it's also the domain master Yi Tao, who has the hope of killing them in one shot, right?" Yun Lin thought secretly.

The domain master Yi Tao, but the top existence among the high-rank domain masters, is attacking the realm of the realm! And Xu Ming is actually on the same level as the domain master Yi Tao?

Thinking of this, Yun Lin almost wanted to die - didn't he just want to kill people and make money? He actually reached the same level of power as the domain master Yi Tao?

At the same time, Yunlin was also scolding in his heart - you said that you are such a powerful power, why do you pretend to be a newbie and form an alliance with me... Isn't this just kidding me?

But this kind of words, Yun Lin can only think about it in his heart, no matter what he dares to say - he still wants to die!

At this time, the only thing Yunlin could be happy about was that he hadn't had time to shoot Xu Ming! If he had made a move, he would probably be dead by now!

"Xu...Brother Xu Ming..." Yun Lin didn't even dare to escape.

Xu Ming smiled lightly: "By the way, Brother Yunlin, what did you just say?"

One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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