Break Into Another World

Chapter 1706: I look so bullied?

"By the way, Brother Yunlin, what did you just say?"

"I..." Yun Lin was about to cry without tears - this was simply a textbook "kick to the iron plate"!

"I... I said to join forces..." In the face of Xu Ming, who can kill the "middle-grade domain master" with one shot, Yun Lin couldn't even speak!

You must know that Yunlin's strength is only at the level of "Lower Domain Master"; in his own opinion, it is not enough for Xu Ming's shot!

"Not this!" Xu Ming shook his head gently, "Go up!"

"Up?" Of course Yunlin knew what Xu Ming was referring to; just now, he said very arrogantly—I think, based on my ability, the ten chaotic pronuclear fragments you just got, and everything on you Treasures belong to me!

"Brother Xu Ming, I am willing to hand over all the treasures, just for a way to survive!" Yunlin said immediately.

"Really?" Xu Ming sneered, "Just now... I didn't feel it, you will give me a way to live!"

"I..." Yunlin was finally so frightened that he threw the treasures around, and then the whole person shattered the time and space, and flew away - he naively hoped that Xu Ming would go after those treasures instead of chasing him!

It's a pity... Yun Lin thinks too much!


Almost at the same moment, Xu Ming killed him directly; the substantive murderous aura made Yunlin feel the countdown to death.

"Brother Xu Ming, no—" Yunlin pleaded repeatedly.

It's just that Yunlin knows the truth of "cutting the grass and eradicating the roots", doesn't Xu Ming know?

Xu Ming is really a "cute newcomer" in the disordered frontier, he doesn't dare to let Yun Lin go; what if he lets go of Yun Lin, will it bring revenge? Therefore, the best way is to kill Yunlin in this virtual universe that is isolated from the outside world!

Soon, Xu Ming caught up with Yun Lin!


This shot failed to trigger the "life and death" hang, but it also had the strength of a "middle-grade domain master"!

Yunlin was slightly startled—he thought that he would be instantly killed by a single shot; it turned out that Xu Ming's strength was not as strong as he thought!

But even if it is not as strong as he imagined, the strength of the "middle-grade domain master" level is not something that Yunlin can compete with!

Yun Lin couldn't resist at all, he could only keep begging for mercy; in the end... he died amid the constant begging for mercy!

"Why bother?" Xu Ming killed Yun Lin mercilessly, and shook his head sarcastically - Xu Ming never took the initiative to bully others, but there are always people who don't know what to do!

After that, Xu Ming quickly put away the treasures that Yunlin threw in all directions - after all, there are quite a few level 20 hanging points! That's enough for Xu Ming to use up the plug-in this time!

Moreover, Xu Ming also got a few chaotic pronuclear fragments!

"Heh! Continue to look for the chaotic pro-nuclear fragments!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Chaos Pronuclear Fragment is a level 21 hanging point!

The more high-level hanging points, the stronger Xu Ming's strength! After he has enough level 21 points and enough strength, Xu Ming can compete for level 22 points again!

Xu Ming estimated that when he got a certain number of level 23 hanging points, he should almost be able to stand on the same level as Gu Hanmo! At that time, we will be able to join forces with Gu Hanmo to fight against the enemy!

"Han Mo, wait for me!"

After getting a few chaotic pronuclear fragments, Xu Ming suddenly felt that the gap between himself and Gu Hanmo had narrowed!

This shattered virtual universe is no smaller than the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

In such a huge space and time, looking for chaotic pronuclear fragments is indeed like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, Xu Ming already knew that he could rely on dead beasts to find fragments of the primordial chaotic nucleus; therefore, the search was not very blind.

Keep looking.

Xu Ming's 21-level hanging points continue to increase!

20, 50, 100...

The number of times Xu Ming encountered other treasure hunters also gradually increased.

Moreover, what makes Xu Ming speechless is that every wave of treasure hunters he encounters will attack him!

Obviously, Xu Ming's "cute new look" when he was outside the virtual universe made other great masters think he was a soft persimmon!

Gradually, Xu Ming discovered that the chaotic pronuclear fragments he found were not as many as "sent" by other great powers...

A domain near the center of the virtual universe.

Xu Ming was surrounded by several Nirvana realm powerhouses again!

Among the five nirvana realms, one is barely comparable to the strength of the "middle-rank domain master", and the other four also have the strength of the "low-grade domain master" - those who dare to come to the shattered virtual universe to win treasures are generally at least comparable to the "low-grade domain masters". The strength of the domain master.

"Everyone..." Xu Ming smiled and looked at the five great powers surrounding him.

"Don't talk nonsense! Die!" The five Nirvana realm masters did not even give Xu Ming a chance to speak, so they started directly.

Five fierce attacks swept through, but Xu Ming smiled bitterly: "I look so easy to bully? Why do you have to shoot at me no matter who you meet..."

Xu Ming is also really drunk!

I can only blame myself for having such a bullying face!

"However... I have benefited a lot from fighting against so many strong men who have stepped into the realm of the 'real self'!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "The 'real self' I imagined has gradually improved, and it should be It's almost time to try to deduce the 'Illusory Realm'!"

Imagination, fantasy, real me!

If the deduced "Illusionary Realm" is relatively stable and strong, it means that Xu Ming is on the right path! When the foundation is, you can break through the "real self" from the "illusory self"!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Soon, the five "Send Fragments" great powers all fell under Xu Ming's spear and couldn't rest their eyes.

As for Xu Ming, it was a blessing to his heart, as if he had an epiphany: "Yes! That's how it feels!"

After beheading these five "real self" powerhouses, Xu Ming felt strongly that he should be able to step into the "illusion self realm"!

"Find a place to retreat first and break through the 'Illusory Self Realm'!"

Xu Ming's current "normal combat power" is almost the peak of the mid-rank domain master! After breaking through to the "Illusory Self Realm", the strength should be able to go to the next level and truly reach the master level of the upper-grade domain!

In that case, in this virtual universe, Xu Ming would be hard to beat!

As for finding Chaos Pronuclear fragments?

Xu Ming thought about it for a while, but he was too lazy to continue looking for it - after all, he was looking for Chaos Proto-nuclear fragments by himself, and there was no other power that could "send" him quickly!

So, don't look for it, wait for someone to "send" it!

"When I break through the 'Illusory Self Realm', I will go to the exit of the virtual universe and wait for the rabbit!" Xu Ming thought maliciously, "At that time... when one comes out, I will rob one!"

Almost all the space-time membrane walls of this virtual universe are in a chaotic state; there is only one exit for the entire virtual universe! As long as Xu Ming guards the exit, the chaotic original nuclear fragments really can't escape!

"Just do it!"

Xu Ming quickly plunged into a deadly chaotic world, hid in the core of this world, and began to practice.

Five is over, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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