Break Into Another World

Chapter 1713: Whale Demon Lord

Lord Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu quickly rushed to the origin of their virtual universe.

The status of the two in the virtual universe is second only to the existence of the world master realm; and the world master realm is strong, and there are not many in the entire virtual universe. Therefore, the two of them met the Supreme soon.

"What are you looking for from me?" A majestic voice came from above.

If Xu Ming was here, he would definitely recognize that the owner of this voice was Yuan Zun who had something to do with him!

That's right, the domain master Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu were the subordinates of Yuan Zun.

"Reporting to the Supreme!" Lord Yi Tao respectfully said, "We practiced in the frontier of disorder and met a super genius!"

"Oh? Super genius?" Yuan Zun was slightly interested.

You must know that Domain Lord Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu are not only super geniuses under his command; even if they are placed in the entire Destiny Heaven and the World Lord, they cannot find many who are stronger than them! Being able to be called a "super genius" by the two naturally aroused some interest in Yuan Zun.

However, it's just some interest.

Yuan Zun couldn't help but think of Xu Ming's own incarnation, which was still in Xu Ming's hands! Being robbed by Xu Ming, who is not even the domain owner, is definitely a lifelong shame for Yuan Zun!

The domain master Yi Tao continued: "That super genius, in terms of strength, should be similar to me, at most slightly stronger than me!"

"Stronger than you?" Yuan Zun laughed, "Are you sure it's not the realm of the realm?"

"Absolutely not!" said the head of Yi Taoyu, "Our battle took place in a shattered virtual universe!"

"Oh!" Yuan Zun nodded in the shattered virtual universe, the world master cannot enter! Because, in the "real self realm", the world master has reached the level of forming the "real self realm".

In the real world, once you enter the virtual universe, it will conflict with the virtual universe! If the controller of the virtual universe is there, it is possible to eliminate this conflict and allow the world master to enter the virtual universe; however, in a shattered virtual universe, there will never be a world master who has a controller. Once the world master realm enters the destroyed virtual universe, The result is likely to be: die together with the virtual universe.

Domain Master Yi Tao continued: "But... that genius's avatar secret technique is very terrifying!"

"Very terrifying?" Yuan Zun seemed to have a premonition.

"Yes!" Jiang Taichu also said, "We played against him, and in a very short period of time, the number of his clones became hundreds!"

"What!?" Yuan Zun was startled and asked, "Is that person called Xu Ming?"

"Huh?" Domain Master Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu were both startled, "How did you know?"

Immediately, the two released a water curtain image of fighting with Xu Ming.

"It really is him!" Yuan Zun was shocked and angry.

Domain Lord Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu glanced at each other. Obviously, the two of them did not understand, how could Yuan Zun, who is so high above, have such a big reaction to a genius at the level of Domain Lord.

Yuan Zun was frightened and angry: Xu Ming's strength progress is really terrible!

You know, it hasn't been that long since he and Xu Ming fought!

"It seems... Xu Ming still retained his strength when he played against me last time!" Yuan Zun couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, although he was only playing against Xu Ming in his incarnation; however, Xu Ming retained his strength and fought against his incarnation, which was not right. Are you looking down on his performance?

The dignified existence of the Supreme Realm was actually looked down upon by a Domain Master Realm level...

Gradually, Yuan Zun's eyes became gloomy: "The two of you, is there any way to attract Xu Ming?"

Lead out Xu Ming?

The Domain Master Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu thought about it and said, "This Xu Ming seems to be very greedy for money!"

"Greed for money?" Yuan Zun pondered, and gradually came up with some ideas.

Holy area.

Xu Ming's hometown in this world.

Since Xu Ming left God's Domain and entered the endless chaos, the development of God's Domain has become increasingly vigorous. Especially later, Xu Ming sent his servants "real ancient demons" to guard the realm of the gods; the development speed of the realm of the gods is naturally getting faster and faster.

The real ancient demon is the ninth-rank powerhouse of the Xuanhuangjing.

To Xu Ming, the ordinary ninth rank of the Profound Yellow Realm is naturally nothing. However, for the small God Realm, the existence of the ninth-order Xuanhuangjing is definitely a superpower that penetrates the sky and the earth!

After the real ancient demon arrived in God's Domain, he did not help God's Domain to expand its power; after all, his mission was to protect God's Domain, not to help God's Domain to fight for hegemony. Moreover, if it is to help the God Realm fight for hegemony in the endless chaos, the strength of the real ancient demon is not enough to see the ninth order of the Xuanhuangjing, and at most it will only build a second-rank power!

Therefore, after the arrival of the real ancient demons, the Divine Realm still has only the seven chaotic worlds when Xu Ming left. However, under the guidance of the real ancient demons, there are more and more geniuses in these seven chaotic worlds!

However, at this moment, the situation in God’s Domain is not very good!

Hall of Seven Stars.

It is the power center of the seven chaotic worlds such as God's Domain.

In the Hall of Seven Stars, the real ancient demons, Wushang, Misty Star Lord, Huangquan Sage, Tianyao Sage, Heaven Destruction Sage, and other gods of the realm, all looked dignified and waited.

And sitting on the main seat of the Seven Star Palace, it is not any almighty in the realm of the gods, but a heavy black-robed powerhouse. This is a prehistoric existence!

This Prehistoric Realm exists, and he jokingly looks at the great powers of the God Realm: "Your little chaotic world is really interesting, there are places that I can't see through the Whale Demon Lord!"

As the Whale Demon Lord said, he turned his eyes to a speck of dust in the sky above God's Domain. It was the dust-like world "Endless Continent" where Xu Ming was born.

Ba Whale continued: "There is a mysterious space hidden in that small dust world; it's really interesting that even I can't find the entrance to the mysterious space!"

After finishing speaking, the Demon Lord Ba Whale turned his gaze back on the True Ancient Demon, Wu Di, the Misty Star Lord and others: "You really refuse to tell me, how can I enter that mysterious space?"

After the Whale Demon Lord discovered the mysterious space, he naturally wanted to enter; however, no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to enter. So, he directly arrested all the great powers of God's Domain and tortured them.

"We really don't know how to get in!" Wu Di.

They really don't know!

This mysterious space is naturally Xu Ming's "independent space"! Only those who are approved by Xu Ming can enter; other than that, no one else can enter. Of course, a super existence like Gu Hanmo may be able to ignore this rule.

"Oh! It seems that you still refuse to talk about it!" The Whale Demon Lord sneered, "It's okay, I came from the 'Sea of ​​Prisoners'; in our place, there are tortures! I have methods, You can tell the truth! And... even if you don't tell the truth, occasionally someone will come out in that mysterious space! I don't believe it, they won't tell a single one! Huh? Come out alone!"

As soon as the eyes of the Demon Lord of the Whale lit up, she was really a female cultivator with a detached temperament, exactly the type that the Demon Lord of the Whale wanted to conquer!

True Ancient Evil Demon, Wushang, Misty Star Lord and other gods are powerful, but this female cultivator whose face suddenly changed is... Yin Ran!

"Oh?" The Whale Demon Lord suddenly smiled. From the expressions of the great powers in the God Realm, he naturally judged that the identity of this female cultivator who came out of the mysterious space was definitely not simple!

[Version 4.0 of the Alien Invincible plug-in has opened some new functions, so I will summarize it here so that everyone can have an impression. If it is wrong, please correct me.

Combat functions: leapfrog invincibility, eternal power, life and death.

Auxiliary functions: coordinate transmission, clone, independent space, inscription on the road, immortal mark, forced face slap (exclusive).

System functions: Wanjie hegemony system, Zhidao guidance system, Wanjie mall system, recycling system, and all beings worship system.

Elimination function: stealth, camouflage, heart tree garden.

Functions that have been activated: unlimited clones, attribute modification, forced slavery, time suspension, wholesale and retail cheats.

Unopened functions: Infinite Blue, Infinite Resurrection, Reverse Time, Invincibility, Instant Kill, Copy, Second Space, Second Space, and the Universe! 】

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