Break Into Another World

Chapter 1714: Dare to have this face?

"Holy area!"

Xu Ming's eyes penetrated the endless chaos and landed on that very ordinary chaotic world.

This is just a low-grade chaotic world, which is extremely ordinary; placed in the vast and endless chaos, it is inconspicuous. However, in Xu Ming's eyes, it is more precious than the most dazzling treasure!

This is his root in this world!

"It's been a long time since I came back, and I feel a little timid when I'm close to my hometown..." Xu Ming laughed at himself.

Immediately, Xu Ming looked at the Divine Realm more carefully. The scene in God's Domain became clearer and clearer in Xu Ming's eyes.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's brows furrowed sharply, and the whole person burst out with uncontrollable murderous aura.

"court death!!"

Holy area.

The ferocious claws of the Whale Demon Lord directly crossed the endless void and grabbed Yin Ran.

For the Whale Demon Lord of the Great Desolate Realm, everything is within easy reach of him in the small Divine Realm.

"What!?" Yin Ran also felt the crisis, and couldn't help showing panic. However, her strength was still too weak after all, and she couldn't resist at all. Feeling the surrounding space gradually solidifying, Yin Ran couldn't even escape back to the independent space.

"How could..." Yin Ran was at a loss.

"Hahaha...I want to see, what secrets are there in your little girl!" The claws of the Whale Demon Lord cover the sky, the earth, and the sky, which is even bigger than the dusty world "Endless Continent" where Yin Ran lives. huge!

Under the claws of the sky, Yin Ran only felt that he was extremely small, and the whole person was helpless.

"No." Of course Yin Ran didn't expect that he would encounter such a situation when he left the independent space on a whim and was about to return to God's Domain to see. At this moment, all that flashed in Yin Ran's mind were Xu Ming's figure; however, Xu Ming was not here, and no one could save her!

"Could it be, are you going to be captured alive?" In the face of the absolute strength gap, Yin Ran couldn't even die!

To be honest, Yin Ran is not afraid of death; she is more afraid of being captured alive, and life is better than death.

But now, Yin Ran deeply felt the despair that life and death were not under his control.

In desperation, Yin Ran even closed his eyes; he couldn't do anything except pray in his heart.


He closed his eyes in despair and waited for a long time, but Yin Ran hadn't waited for the claws of the sky to come.

"What's going on?" Yin Ran couldn't help but open his eyes, but saw that this incomparably huge claws stopped in mid-air, as if bound by something, unable to move.

Beneath the sharp claws, in the void, there was a figure that made Yin Ran think about it.

Yin Ran looked at this figure in disbelief: "Xu...Xu Ming!?"

Xu Ming burst into a smile: "Xiao Yin, I'm back!"

It's really Xu Ming!

Yin Ran suddenly rushed into Xu Ming's arms desperately.

Xu Ming waved his hand, annihilating the sharp claw that was bigger than the sky, and hugged Yin Ran deeply into his arms.

Holy area.

Hall of Seven Stars.

The Whale Demon Lord was extremely terrified: "Super powerful!"

The Whale Demon Lord did not expect that the Divine Realm still hides such a terrifying superpower! You must know that his cultivation has reached the Great Desolate Realm, but he has been subdued so easily; then, the cultivation base of the almighty shot has probably reached the Realm of All Things, right?

The Whale Demon Lord guessed Xu Ming's cultivation base correctly, but he did not guess that Xu Ming's strength was already invincible under the World Lord!

"Just now..." Yin Ran asked with some fear and some doubts, snuggling in Xu Ming's arms.

"It's just a clown jumping on the beam! Let's go and see!" Xu Ming said, and took Yin Ran a step, and the man had left the Endless Continent and appeared in the Seven Star Hall of God's Domain.

"Xu Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"


In the Hall of Seven Stars, the ancient demons, Wushang, Misty Star Lord, etc. all saluted one after another.

Xu Ming said hello to the great masters of the God Realm, and then his eyes fell on the whale master: "How dare you violate my God Realm in the prehistoric realm?"

The Whale Demon Lord trembled, and continued: "I don't know, God's Domain is the realm of the predecessors, so... so..."

In the face of a powerhouse who is many times stronger than himself, the Whale Demon Lord does not dare to be arrogant at all.

"I don't know?" Xu Ming said indifferently, "Is it all right if I don't know?"

Xu Ming's words were incomparably plain, but his tone was full of killing intent. If Xu Ming hadn't returned to God's Domain in time, he really couldn't imagine how this area would have been tossed into God's Domain. Even, even Yin Ran, I am afraid it will suffer!

Thinking of this, even if the Demon Lord of the Whale is killed a thousand times or ten thousand times, it is difficult to understand the hatred in Xu Ming's heart.

"Senior, this junior knows it's wrong!" The Whale Demon Lord is honest like a grandson of a turtle, "I am an elder of the Prisoner Sea, and I ask the seniors to see the face of the Prisoner Sea Lord and let me go. A way to live!"

"Prisoner of God Sea?" Xu Ming's eyes were still cold.

The Prisoner of the Divine Sea, Xu Ming had heard of, was a "third-grade peak" force that was thousands of realms away from the Divine Realm. However, when Xu Ming was in the capital of the Chaos Kingdom of Jiansong, he had heard that the Prisoner Sea might hide the powers of the realm of all things, and even had the ambition to replace the Chaos Kingdom of Jiansong.

Of course, regardless of whether the Prisoner Sea has the ambition to replace the Chaos Kingdom of Sword Song, in Xu Ming's view, it is all a joke!

After all, in terms of real strength, Xu Ming is the top powerhouse in the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm; who can compete with him if the Realm Master is out of the realm?

As for the Prisoner of the Divine Sea, even if there are a few hidden creatures, to Xu Ming, is it not a joke?

"That's right!" Seeing that Xu Ming seemed to know about the Prisoner Sea, he even said and asked the seniors to give us Prisoner Sea a face! "

Give Prison Shenhai a face?

Xu Ming really laughed: "Does Prisoner Shenhai dare to have this face?"

When the Whale Demon Lord heard the words, he said inwardly, "Senior, what do you mean, do you look down on our prisoner of the Sea of ​​God?"

Obviously, the Whale Demon Lord wanted to use the Prisoner Sea to threaten Xu Ming, hoping to deter Xu Ming.

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to pay attention to the Demon Lord of the Whale. Instead, he looked in a certain direction in the depths of the endless chaos. Beyond the tens of thousands of realms, it was the Sea of ​​Prisoners.

Xu Ming saw that the Prisoner Sea Lord and the elders were bragging about the glorious past of the Prisoner Sea with countless disciples. In the depths of the huge chaotic world, there is a peak power of the realm of all things hidden, obviously the Supreme Elder who imprisoned the sea of ​​​​God.

Although they were separated by thousands of worlds, everything in the Prisoner Sea could be seen in Xu Ming's eyes.

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, but his voice rumbled directly in the sky over the entire Sea of ​​Prisoners, "I will take all the Supreme Elders, Sect Masters, and all the elders in the Sea of ​​Prisoners! , and then re-select some high-ranking sects!"


"Who is talking nonsense!"

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, come out if he has the ability!"

Xu Ming's words naturally aroused the anger of the strong prisoners in the sea of ​​​​gods.

However... the angry scoldings of the disciples of the Prisoner Sea had just sounded, and then they were horrified to see that the Prisoner of the Sea Lord and the elders had truly disappeared!

Obviously, it was "taken away" by the mysterious voice that had just appeared.

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