Break Into Another World

Chapter 1715: Don't dare to have this face

"The sect master and the elders were all taken away..."

The powerhouses who were imprisoned in the Sea of ​​God all looked at each other in dismay.

What was even more confusing was undoubtedly the Prisoner Sea Lord and the elders. They only felt that the stars were shifting in front of them. When they saw the scene in front of them again, they were already in a completely unfamiliar world.

"We are..."

The powerhouses such as the Prisoner of God and the Sea Lord immediately reacted to their encounter with a super existence!

What terrified the Prisoner Sea Lord even more was that their real trump card, the Supreme Elder at the peak of the realm of all things, was caught just like them! And... Elder Taishang didn't even notice, and was still immersed in cultivation.

The Prisoner of God Sea Lord has been unable to imagine what kind of super existence can have such a means!

"Elder Taishang, Elder Taishang?" The Prisoner Sea Lord called out a few times.

The elder Taishang didn't respond. Obviously, the cultivation was too fascinated! Moreover, he would not have thought that he had already been caught from the secret realm of seclusion to another chaotic world.

At this time, the Prisoner of God Sea Lord saw that the door of the Seven-Star Palace not far from them opened, and there were several weak beings in the Chaos Realm and Xuanhuang Realm, and there was an existence that they could not see through their cultivation. The Whale Demon Lord, who was imprisoning the Sea of ​​God, was also in the hall.

"Ba whale, what's going on?" The Prisoner of God Sea Lord asked continuously.

The Whale Demon Lord was completely stunned. One moment, he was still using the Prisoner Sea to intimidate Xu Ming; the next moment, he saw that the entire high-level prisoners of the Prisoner Sea were all arrested!

What kind of penetrating means is this?

What kind of iron plate did I kick?

"Wake up your Supreme Elder!" Xu Ming said indifferently, but he had an unquestionable domineering over him.

"Yes..." The Prisoner Sea Lord could clearly see that Xu Ming was the incredible super being; he lightly patted the elder Taishang on the shoulders, trying to wake the elder up to the situation in front of the master, but it was obviously not something he could do. It is in control, and the elders must come to take charge in person.

Of course, the Prisoner of God Sea Lord clearly felt that even if he was a supreme elder, he didn't seem to be in charge...

But no matter what, let’s wake up the elder Taishang first! Who made the Supreme Elder, the highest expert they imprisoned in the sea of ​​​​God; the sky fell, and the tall man came to the top!

However, the elder Taishang was obviously too fascinated by his practice. He was tapped a few times, but he still did not respond at all.

Xu Ming became impatient: "It's easier to wake up if you pat your face directly!"


The Prisoner Sea Lord was stunned for a while. This is their Supreme Elder! In terms of strength, he is not sure how much stronger than the "Sect Master" of his prisoner of the sea, and in terms of seniority, he is not sure how much higher!

Let the Prisoner of God Sea Lord slap the face of the elder Taishang?

Does the Prisoner Sea Lord dare to do it?

It's just that at this moment, it's not a question of "dare to do it", but "have to" do it.

"Elder Taishang, I have offended you!" The Prisoner of God Sea Lord apologized lightly, then stretched out his palm and patted the elder Taishang's face a few times.

clap clap clap...

A rhythmic slap in the face.

With every shot, the bodies of the prisoners of the Sea of ​​Gods couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ming couldn't help but miss the scene when he was young and frivolous and slapped the face of all parties! But now, Xu Ming rarely slapped the face himself. No, Xu Ming didn't bother to slap the face at the peak of the realm of all things in front of him.

The Prisoner of God Sea Lord patted a dozen times, but the elder Taishang still did not wake up.

"Take the key points!" Xu Ming shouted.

The Prisoner of God Sea Lord gritted his teeth, and had no choice but to slap his hands towards Elder Taishang's face.

Snapped! !

This slap was extremely crisp.

And this poor elder who was imprisoned in Shenhai was finally woken up by this slap.

Prisoner Shenhai Taishang Elder was terrified and looked confused: "Am I in retreat? Isn't the guardian formation untouched? Who am I? What happened? Where am I?"

"Elder Taishang..." The Prisoner Sea Lord stood aside and smiled.

After a while, the elder Taishang responded: ""

He looked at the Prisoner of God Sea Lord and couldn't believe it: "You brat dare to hit me?"

However, Elder Taishang was not stupid, and immediately realized that the situation was wrong: "Where is this? Why am I here?"

The Prisoner Sea Lord smiled bitterly: "Elder Taishang, this is another chaotic world, and we have all been captured by this superpower!"

"Huh?" Elder Taishang looked at Xu Ming, but still couldn't understand what happened; he asked cautiously, "Senior, may I ask, what's going on? We imprisoned Shenhai, how did we offend the senior? Is it? Also ask the seniors to make it clear!"

Xu Ming grabbed the Demon Lord of the Whale and said lightly, "Is this your prisoner of Shenhai?"

"Yes!" The elder Taishang did not dare to lie and admitted honestly.

"That's good!" Xu Ming nodded lightly, "This Demon Lord of the Whale came to my hometown to be aggressive and was subdued by me, and I wanted to give you a face in the Shenhai prison, so I will put you prisoners in the Shenhai. All the high-level officials came over and asked, you imprisoned Shenhai, do you dare to ask for this face?"

The Whale Demon Lord was too frightened to say a word!

High-level prisoners of Shenhai, I finally figured out what's going on They are eager to kill the Whale Demon Lord with thousands of cuts and you will get yourself into a big disaster. The entire sea of ​​prisoners has been pitted!

Elder Taishang even apologized again and again: "Senior, senior, we are prisoners of Shenhai, and we dare not ask for this face!"

"Yeah! You know each other!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Since that's the case, I won't destroy your prisoner sea!"

The Supreme Elder and the Prisoner of God Sea Lord all sighed and relaxed a lot.

But then, Xu Ming said again: "But... since you already know of my existence, don't even think about leaving, just stay here and be your servants! Don't worry, when I arrested you, I was with you. Prisoner Shenhai said, let them choose another group of high-level officials!"

"This..." The high-level officials of the Prisoner Sea were all about to cry, but they really didn't want to know about Xu Ming's existence!

Of course, these high-level executives are more of the hateful and hateful Whale Demon Lord. What exactly did the prisoners' sea pit look like?

"No! I don't want to be a slave!"


Immediately, many high-level officials, including the Supreme Elder and the Prisoner of God Sea Lord, scattered and wanted to escape.

"Heh!" Xu Ming laughed at his opponents who were ravaged in the disordered frontier, but they were all high-rank domain masters; and among the high-level prisoners of the sea of ​​​​gods in front of him, the strongest were only the peak of the realm of all things. Ming's subordinates escaped?

too naive!

Xu Ming didn't even bother to open the "forced enslavement" link, and directly enslaved all the high-level prisoners of Shenhai as slaves with his overwhelming strength.

"From today onwards, you will be here to protect the Divine Realm!"

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