Break Into Another World

Chapter 1719: my teacher said

Hearing the Daoist Grand Competition, he arrived as scheduled.

The quiet and peaceful Wendao Mansion on weekdays was full of people at this time.

Those superpowers who are famous for endless chaos, which are rarely seen in the past, are now appearing one by one in Wendao Mansion.

Outside Wendao Mansion, many monks living in the source land have gathered here - although they are not qualified to enter Wendao Mansion, but they can watch the great powers of all parties here; speaking out, it is considered to have seen the world.

"Look, that's Master Qihuo! The last time I wanted to visit Master Qihuo, I waited outside his door for 49 years and couldn't be seen by him; I didn't expect to see him here today. arrive!"

"Master Qihuo? He's a fart! You must know, who came to watch the great master of the 'Wen Dao House Grand Competition', which one is not a cultivation base above Nirvana? - Among these masters, Master Qihuo can only It's the most common existence!"

"Look, the Nanhe Domain Master is here too!"

"Lord of the Cloud Wind Region!"

"Holy Thirst Domain Lord!"

A bit domain master realm almighty appeared one after another. And those ordinary Nirvana realm powerhouses suddenly paled.

Even, at the back, even the existence of the realm of the realm appeared!

"Daoying World Lord! Hasn't he disappeared for hundreds of millions of epochs in the endless chaos? He actually came!"

"Palace Master Wendao! That's Palace Master Wendao!—He came back from the Border of Chaos?"

"In the usual Wendao Palace competitions, there are very few world master realms to show up! But this time, there are two world master realms at the same time!"

"This year's Wendao Palace Grand Competition seems to be exciting! Those geniuses who performed well in the competition will have a great chance too!"

Wen Dao House.

The stage is already set up.

A master of the realm, the realm of the realm, and the great master of the Nirvana realm, all took their seats in priority and waited for the big competition to start.

One after another, some teachers and disciples have entered the venue.

In the viewing area, there are naturally many great experts, who laughed and guessed the result of this "Wen Dao House Competition".

"I heard that there is a teacher named Xu Ming, who has threatened to contract twenty-seven 'first' places?"

"Haha, that's just a joke in Wendao Mansion!"

"It's just grandstanding! However, among Xu Ming's disciples, there are indeed one or two good seedlings; there is still a chance to win one or two 'first' places!"

"Won one or two 'first' places, that's not bad, it's a lot of merit!"

"Yeah! Merit! When will I be able to collect enough merit and go to Jiuzhongtian..."

Not long after, the teachers, disciples, and the great people who came to watch the ceremony all arrived.

Xu Ming and his twenty-seven disciples naturally became the focus of the audience. It's just that everyone looked at them with sarcasm and mockery.

Xu Ming's disciples were very indignant in their hearts - they received the "secret skills" taught by Xu Ming, and when their self-confidence was bursting, how could they bear these sarcastic and mocking eyes?

Twenty-seven disciples, each with a burning desire to fight, could not wait to get on the stage immediately and beat other disciples of the same level violently to prove their strength.

Xu Ming glanced at the reactions of the twenty-seven disciples and couldn't help shaking his head: "It's still too young!"


Still too young!

At a glance, you can tell that these twenty-seven disciples don't often pretend to be X! If he always pretended to be X like Xu Ming, he would never have reacted like this! —Like Xu Ming, he would not be angry at all because of these sarcastic eyes. Because Xu Ming knew that the more mocking those people were now, the louder they would be slapped in the face later!

As for the twenty-seven disciples, because they didn't have much experience in pretending to be X before, they were not able to enter the state of pretending to be X so quickly like Xu Ming, so they were extremely angry.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Xu Ming said lightly, "It's pointless for you to be angry now! When it's your turn to take action, just pretend to be good, punch your face well, that's it!"

Xu Ming's expression was extremely calm.

The twenty-seven disciples are all like a head-banging drum, morning bell and evening drum—the teacher is really a teacher! The pattern is high!

"Yes! Teacher!" The twenty-seven disciples said respectfully in unison, and the indignant expressions on their bodies also disappeared; instead, they were replaced by serious reflections—every disciple would think about it now, and then board the board later. When on the battlefield, how can you pretend to be good and beat your face well!

Even Lin Lan and many other disciples are thinking in their hearts: Teacher has provided us with such a good stage, if we can't pretend to be forceful, then we will be too sorry for Teacher's cultivation!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the twenty-seven disciples all turned firm again, as if to say—Teacher, don’t worry, we will definitely live up to your expectations!

Seeing the transformation of the disciples, Xu Ming nodded with satisfaction: "You can teach Ruzi! As expected of the disciples taught by my Xu Ming, it's all right!"

So, the old **** Xu Ming raised Erlang's legs on the ground and sat on the seat, waiting for the "performance" to start.

Palace Master Wendao attended in person, and this "Wandao Palace Grand Competition", naturally, he personally presided over the overall situation.

After talking about the scene, and announcing the rules again, after hearing the Daofu Grand Competition, it officially started.

The disciples of the Chaos Realm, the Profound Yellow Realm, and the Prehistoric Realm, three major levels, with a total of twenty-seven small realms, will compete according to their cultivation bases, from low to high.

The first thing to do is the competition of the first-order disciples of the Chaos Realm.

"Which disciple, dare to be the first to take the stage?" The one who played the role of the referee on the stage was Elder Luanwu, who had a good relationship with Xu Ming.

As soon as Elder Luanwu's voice fell, a figure in black with a mighty imposing manner flew onto the battlefield: "I, Ye Tianhai is here!"

Ye Tianhai is a disciple of Elder Dragonblood. It is said that his cultivation has been deliberately staying at the first order of Chaos Realm for a long time; in order to help Elder Dragonblood win a "first" and achieve meritorious deeds.

"It's Ye Tianhai!"

"In the first order of Chaos there is no one who dares to say that they will win Ye Tianhai!"

"Who will he challenge?"

Although Ye Tianhai was only a first-order chaotic realm, he did not show any timidity under the watchful eyes of many great powers. His sword edge, slowly across the audience, finally landed in the direction of Xu Ming.

"What I want to challenge is... Lu Lin!"

Lu Lin was the only one of Xu Ming's disciples in the first-order Chaos Realm.

"Lu Lin, step on the battlefield and tell me, do you want to fight me?" Ye Tianhai was imposing.

Hearing the rules of the Daoist Grand Competition, no matter whether you are willing to fight or not, you must step on the battlefield and say it again.

Lu Lin was introverted, and under the watchful eyes of the strong men, he stepped onto the stage nervously. In terms of momentum, compared with Ye Tianhai, it is more than a little worse!

"Ha ha…"

"Before the fight started, Lu Lin was scared!"

"Isn't Xu Ming saying that he wants to contract twenty-seven 'firsts'? Why is this only the first battle, and he is about to lose? What a joke!"

"Needless to say, it looks like Lu Lin will definitely not take on the challenge!"

Ye Tianhai was even more imposing, and looked down from a height and said, "Lu Lin, do you want to fight me?"

Lu Lin said nervously, "No..."

Do not!

There was an uproar!

Sure enough, Xu Ming's disciples didn't even dare to fight?

However, before the great powers could sneer, Lu Lin immediately said: "My teacher said, don't bully people too much! I can't bully you, it's better to hear all the first-order Chaos Realm in Dao Mansion, let's all go together. !"

(End of this chapter)

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