Break Into Another World

Chapter 1720: Load X ratio

"My teacher said, don't bully people too much! I can't bully you, it's better to hear all the first-order Chaos Realm in Wendao Mansion, let's go together!"

The introverted Lu Lin, under the gaze of so many superpowers, was a little nervous in his voice; however, what he said was extremely arrogant!

Incredibly crazy!

As soon as these words came out, the entire Wendao Mansion suddenly fell silent; every great master couldn't help but wonder if he heard it wrong!

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the powers to hear it wrong! It is even more impossible for all the great powers in the audience to hear it wrong! In other words, Lu Lin did indeed say such a thing!

"Lu Lin!" Even Ye Tianhai couldn't help reminding him "kindly", "Did you say something wrong?"

"Wrong?" Lu Lin shook his head and said confidently, "That's right! I said, let all the first-order Chaos Realm in Wendao Mansion go together!"

All together!

This time, no one can doubt his ears again!

Of course, no one thinks that Lu Lin has the strength to challenge the first-order Chaos Realm in the entire Wendao Mansion!

"There are more than 30,000 geniuses in the first-order Chaos Realm in the entire Wendao Mansion! Lu Lin wants to defeat ten thousand with one?"

"Haha! Funny!"

"Needless to say, it's just grandstanding! Sure enough, what kind of teacher will teach what kind of disciple! - The teacher will blow, and the disciple will blow!"

Even Palace Master Wendao said with some displeasure: "Who allowed this Xu Ming to enter Wendao Palace as a teacher? Letting such scum enter Wendao Palace is not to ruin the reputation and atmosphere of Wendao Palace. ?"

Ye Tianhai on the battlefield even snorted angrily: "The tone is bigger than the sky! You can catch my three moves first!"

call out-

A sword light swept across the void above the battle platform. Ye Tianhai was confident that within three swords, he would be able to defeat Lu Lin.

"Too weak!" Lu Lin shook his head slightly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes - in his opinion, Ye Tianhai was really too weak!

"Just use you to prove my strength and the teaching ability of Teacher Xu Ming!"


Before the light of the sword arrived, Lu Lin's feet first imprinted on Ye Tianhai's chest.

Ye Tianhai, who was ranked at the top of the first-order Chaos Realm in the entire Wendao Mansion, was kicked out of the battlefield without any resistance.

In an instant, the outcome was decided.

"This..." Ye Tianhai was stunned.

"This..." The powers watching the battle were also stunned.

Only Xu Ming and his disciples looked as usual, as if they had seen a normal thing.

Lu Lin didn't look at Ye Tianhai, who was kicked flying, but immediately turned his attention to teacher Xu Ming, wanting to see if he could make the teacher satisfied with his pretence.

Xu Ming nodded slightly: "It's alright! It's okay! Reluctantly got a few points of my true inheritance!"

Seeing the teacher nod, Lu Lin suddenly felt his self-confidence skyrocketed. He was originally somewhat restrained and submissive, but he seemed to have changed his personality all of a sudden, and his momentum became fierce.

I have to say: pretending to be X makes people confident.

At this time, the powers watching the battle recovered from their shock.

"what happened?"

"Why did Ye Tianhai... just lose like this?"

"This is too fake, isn't it? Could it be that Ye Tianhai released water on purpose?"

"It must be deliberately releasing water! With Ye Tianhai's strength, how could it be so easy to lose to the first-order chaos realm!"

Just when everyone was shocked, Lu Lin was very imposing, and he picked up all the Chaos Realms in the entire Wendao Mansion: "You, all of you, let's go together!"

Similar words came out of Lu Lin's mouth again; however, the great powers and geniuses who heard it had completely different feelings.

"Could it be that... Lu Lin really has the strength to fight against ten thousand?"

"how is this possible!"

"Humph! I was lucky enough to win Ye Tianhai, just bluffing!"

The audience was still full of doubts. But... the question is questioned, but no one dares to step on the stage and challenge Lu Lin.

In the end, the three tyrannical Chaos Realm first-order geniuses looked at each other and jumped onto the stage in unison—obviously, they were going to join forces to deal with Lu Lin.

"Only three? Not enough to fight!" Lu Lin forced another compulsion.

"You..." The three geniuses dared to step onto the stage under such circumstances, and they were naturally the top first-order Chaos Realm, so how could they be so despised?

"What are you!?" Lu Lin was the first to attack; before the three had time to react, they were all swept out of the battlefield in an instant.

With one enemy and three, you will be defeated in an instant!

Lu Lin successfully pretended to be a coward again! Pretend to be forced, and become more and more skilled.

"Not bad!" Xu Ming nodded gratified - pretending to be X is indeed "practice makes perfect"! In just a short while from Lu Lin stepping onto the battlefield, he continued to pretend a few times, and the X level rose straight up!

At this time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think - I shouldn't teach a "playing X team"?

That's right, Xu Ming has already taught a team of pretending to be X!

In addition to Lu Lin, who has already embarked on the "road of pretending to be X", the other twenty-six disciples have also been gearing up, eager to get on the stage immediately to pretend to be X!

Even Xu Ming didn't realize that the Great Competition in Wendao Mansion had turned into a "pretend X Great Competition" for Xu Ming's disciples! - The one who is now loading X is the No. 1 player Lu Lin.

After successfully loading X in a row, Lu Lin has completely entered the state of loading X. There was even a faint "force" lingering between his brows.

Although it is only the first-order cultivation of Chaos Realm, Lu Lin has been able to show a master demeanor in front of the audience; when he speaks, he also becomes concise and comprehensive: "Let's go together!"

Just three words: Let's go together!


"Too arrogant!"

"kill him!"

Lu Lin's provocation finally succeeded! Pile of first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm rushed towards the battle stage; although not all of them came up, they accounted for at least 60% of the geniuses!

More than 10,000 first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm fought on the battlefield! It's hard to believe that Lu Lin will not be killed!

"Anything else?" Lu Lin asked coldly without fear.

"Kill!" Feeling Lu Lin's contempt, many unbearable first-order Chaos Realm attacked Lu Lin in unison.

Facing the overwhelming attack, Lu Lin did not dodge or evade.

Attack skyrockets!

Defense skyrockets!

Speed ​​skyrocketed!

With the blessing of the three golden fingers, Lu Lin's strength is not at the same level as these first-order Chaos Realms.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Countless attacks landed on Lu Lin almost at the same instant, completely drowning Lu Lin's divine body.

"Are you dead?"

"It must have been beaten to death!"

"Tell him to pretend to be X! This is the end of pretending to be X!"

Tens of thousands of first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm watched Lu Lin's fate with anticipation.

However, the great powers present clearly saw that Lu Lin was not dead!

Not only not dead, but nothing at all!

"how is this possible…"

"How can it be so strong..."

"This Lu Lin, let alone a competition with the first-order Chaos Realm, even if he competes with the higher-order Chaos Realm, right? This talent... is too heaven-defying!"

"Xu Ming's luck is too good, right? He actually received such a heaven-defying genius as his apprentice..."

The smoke from the bombardment dissipated.

Lu Lin didn't even hurt a single hair, and there was a faint sense of pretending in his tone: "Now, it's my turn to attack!"

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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