Break Into Another World

Chapter 1717: too impetuous

"Now, it's my turn to attack!"

Lu Lin's tone was calm.


"He... is he okay?"

"How could it be okay!"


The tens of thousands of first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm who were besieged were all dumbfounded—every one of them was a disciple of Wen Dao Mansion, and they were the top Chaos Realm first-order geniuses in the entire endless chaos! But now, tens of thousands of them have joined forces to besiege one person, but they can't help Lu Lin, who is also the first-order Chaos Realm?

It's unbelievable!

In the entire history of endless chaos, has nothing like this happened?

boom! !

Amid the shock of all the geniuses and great powers, Lu Lin's aura completely exploded!

At this moment, Lu Lin's strength was no longer hidden, and he directly took out all his combat power! The momentum alone made the tens of thousands of Chaos Realm geniuses on the battle platform breathless.

call out-

A magnificent sword light slashed the world and directly covered half of the battlefield!

As the sword light passed by, on half of the battle stage, thousands of first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm were thrown away irresistibly!

With one sword, thousands of geniuses can be suppressed!

call out-

Another magnificent sword light engulfed the remaining half of the battlefield. The other half of the first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm were all blasted off the stage!

One against ten thousand!

Two swords!

Victory and defeat!

On the entire battlefield, only Lu Lin and the three lucky geniuses who had just avoided Jianguang were left!


The audience was once again completely in shock!

Especially the powerful ones sitting high on the main seat! When they saw that Lu Lin took the combined attack of tens of thousands of geniuses, they could naturally see that Lu Lin won this battle; however, no one could have imagined that Lu Lin would win so simply!

Just two swords!

Even some geniuses of the ninth-order Chaos Realm couldn't help thinking in their hearts - if they were on the battlefield and their opponents were tens of thousands of the first-order Chaos Realm; then, could they be as good as Lu Lin?

After thinking about it for a while, the answer in their hearts was: No!

The most embarrassing ones are the three first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm who are still on the battlefield—they happened to be in the edge area of ​​the two sword lights, and they were lucky to stay until now; however, the three would rather be blasted away themselves. On the stage!

You know... even tens of thousands of geniuses have been blown away, and the three of them are still on the battlefield. Is this looking for abuse?


Lu Lin's sharp eyes were cast towards the three of them, as if asking: Do you still want to fight?

The three of them shuddered in unison, and they all flew back in fright. When they flew back to the edge of the battle platform, the three of them looked at each other and immediately made a decision - they should just jump off the battle platform themselves!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the three geniuses jumped off the stage to admit defeat, this battle of "one enemy, ten thousand" has truly come to an end.

However, Lu Lin did not rush down from the battle stage, but continued to look at the other tens of thousands of first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm who had not yet been on the battle stage, and said lightly, "Is there anyone else who came up to seek abuse?"

But there are still people who come up for abuse?


Extremely arrogant madness!

However, all the talents and talents in the audience have to admit that Lu Lin really has the qualifications to be arrogant!

Even many domain masters, although they knew that Lu Lin was arrogant, showed their appreciation instead: "If you have strength, you should be arrogant!"

Many domain masters are even thinking of accepting apprentices.


Before these domain masters could compete for disciples, they heard a majestic and indifferent voice.

"This Lu Lin, with extraordinary talent, is qualified to be my apprentice!" The one who spoke was... the Master of the Shadow Realm!

"His-" The whole audience was filled with the sound of breathing cold air-is it so terrifying? Even the existence of the realm of the world has moved the heart of accepting disciples!

However, what is even more shocking is that it is still behind!

The words of Daoying World Lord just fell, and Wendao Palace Master said unceremoniously: "Daoying! This Lu Lin is a disciple of Wendao Palace; I am ready to accept him as a disciple!"

For a while, there were two realm masters, expressing that they would accept Lu Lin as a disciple!

This is the existence of the World Lord Realm!

In the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, he is the most powerful almighty! As long as you become an apprentice of the World Lord Realm, you can definitely walk sideways in the endless chaos!

For example, Lu Lin, as long as he worships any of the two great masters, the Dao Shadow Realm Master and Wen Dao Palace Master, as a teacher, then even the domain master realm powerhouse must be polite to him!

"Palace Wendao, you are not being kind!" Daoying World Lord said unceremoniously, "You Wendao Palace is a place to cultivate top talents for the entire endless chaos; when did Wendao Palace cultivate it? Genius, I have to worship you as a teacher? Have you asked our other world masters to agree!"

Obviously, the two world masters have already fought for Lu Lin!

There are some great masters who can't help but secretly look at Lu Lin on the battlefield - being vying for apprentices by the two world master realm masters, Lu Lin should have been very happy, right?

However, these great masters saw that Lu Lin was on the battle platform, his expression as usual; it was as if the two world master realm masters were vying to accept him as a disciple, which had nothing to do with him.

"Humph! I won't argue with you first!" Palace Master Wendao hummed, "After the Wendao Palace Grand Competition is over, let Lu Lin say who he is willing to be his teacher!"

"Okay!" Daoying World Lord also knows that as the two of them, it is really not suitable for arguing on this After all, World Lord Realm exists, and each one is equivalent to endless chaos The emperor, still have to maintain their majesty!

On the battlefield—

Lu Lin looked down on the Quartet. In the end, there was no first-order genius in the Chaos Realm who dared to step on the battlefield.

"No one dares to fight!?" Lu Lin shouted again.

Yes, no one dares to fight!

Only then did Lu Lin step off the stage, and then he ran to Xu Ming's side, and asked expectantly, "Teacher..."

"Not bad! You didn't embarrass me!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Xu Ming's remarks fell into the ears of the great experts in Wendao Mansion, and immediately caused some sneers.

"This Xu Ming will really put gold on his face!"

"That's right! This is Lu Lin's own talent, but he was buried in the past! Now, what does Lu Lin have to do with Xu Ming?"

"Haha! A teacher of the realm of all things. Could it be that he really thought that he taught Lu Lin?"

Obviously, no one thinks that Xu Ming taught Lu Lin; everyone thinks that the reason why Lu Lin can perform so dazzlingly is because of his own talent.

"Teacher!" Lu Lin was so angry that he saw so many teachers who could belittle his teacher, so of course he was so angry that he wanted to correct the teacher's name.

"Don't worry about it!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Didn't I tell you? To pretend to be X, you have to hold your breath first!"

"Yes..." Lu Lin stepped back a little ashamed - as expected, his pretending skills are still far from the teacher's! I am still too impetuous!

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