Break Into Another World

Chapter 1718: Everyone here is trash

After Lu Lin stepped off the stage, other first-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm came to the stage one after another.

Although there is no suspense for the "first" of the first-order Chaos Realm, but the Wendao Palace Grand Competition, in addition to deciding the "first", is also a stage for many geniuses to show their talents! - Can't let other geniuses show their talents because Lu Lin is too dazzling?

However, with a gem like Lu Lin in front, no matter how much other geniuses show off their skills, in the eyes of many great masters, they are just "scratching their heads and making postures"; compared with Lu Lin, the judgment is very different. Couldn't arouse any interest in the almighty.

The Chaos Realm was one level after another, and the following competitions passed in a lifeless state.

Next, it is the competition of the second-order disciples of Chaos Realm.

There were many great powers and geniuses, and they all turned their attention to Xu Ming and his disciples.

Xu Ming has only one second-order disciple of Chaos Realm - Qiu Li!

"Does Qiu Li dare to go to the battlefield?"

"I'm afraid I won't dare! - Lu Lin's performance was too high-profile, and he offended all other teachers and geniuses to death; his own talent is against the sky, so he's naturally fine, but if Xu Ming's other disciples dare to set foot on the battlefield, I'm afraid they will be punished. Kill it!"

"As long as Qiu Li dares to go to battle, he will definitely be targeted! If he is smart enough, he will never go to battle at this time!"

"But... Didn't Xu Ming threaten to contract twenty-seven 'firsts'?"

"It's just bragging! You take it seriously too!"

Amid the skepticism of the audience, Elder Luanwu announced the start of the competition.

At this moment, Qiu Li seemed to be ready to sprint, and stepped onto the battlefield in a flash!

Qiu Li is on stage!

Xu Ming actually had a second disciple to fight!

"He dares to go to the battlefield?"

"I don't know whether to live or die? He will definitely be targeted by other geniuses!"

being targeted?

Qiu Li suddenly laughed!

Of course, Qiu Li never forgot what she did when she stepped onto the stage—not to compete with other geniuses, but to "pretend X"!

This Wendao Mansion Grand Competition has already been regarded by the twenty-seven disciples of Xu Ming as their "Pretend X Special"!

"I must pretend to be better than Lu Lin!" Qiu Li made up her mind.

How can I dress better?

At least, we can't copy Lu Lin's "installation X mode", we must dare to innovate and pretend to have our own characteristics!

Standing in the middle of the battle stage, looking down at the geniuses from all sides, Qiu Li suddenly found the feeling of pretending to be X-I saw him slowly stretch out a finger, pointing to the second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm.

"Huh? What does Qiu Li mean?"

"Is he provocative?"

"Dare to provoke us? Courting death!"

In the face of tens of thousands of angry scoldings from the second-order Chaos Realm, Qiu Li did not panic at all, but a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth - this smile already had a three-point charm of Xu Ming.

Lin Lan, Lu Lin and other disciples couldn't help but pat their legs in praise when they saw the smile on Qiu Li's mouth.

"Wonderful! What a wonderful laugh!"

"Senior Brother Qiuli's X-dress is no longer limited to 'shape', but has risen to the level of 'god'!" Lu Lin couldn't help sighing inwardly - even with this smile, he couldn't match it!

Then, Qiu Li continued to point to the second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm, and said lightly, "I'm not targeting anyone, I just want to say..."

what you want to say?

The geniuses of the second-order Chaos Realm couldn't help but **** up their ears.

"I'm not targeting anyone, I just want to say... Everyone here is rubbish!" Qiu Li's tone was flat, as if she was talking about something that was no longer normal!

Everyone here is trash!


Deathly silence!

This Qiu Li is even more arrogant than Lu Lin!

"court death!"

"kill him!"

"Teach him to be a man!"

Immediately, the second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm were all angry.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Immediately, the angry second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm flocked to the battlefield like locusts; in a short time, there were already thousands of second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm on the battlefield.

"Hey..." Lu Lin couldn't help shaking his head, "I lost again!"

Obviously, Qiu Li pretends to be both better than him! This time, Lu Lin had obviously lost in the X competition!

Xu Ming patted Lu Lin's shoulder kindly, and said, "Don't be discouraged! A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, learn from your brother!"

"Yes! Teacher!" Lu Lin clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with determination.

Soon, tens of thousands of second-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm gathered on the battlefield.

"Is there anyone else?" Qiu Li said lightly.

The answer to him was the overwhelming attack of tens of thousands of geniuses - Wen Dao Mansion Great Competition, there are great masters who are concerned about the safety of every genius; if the divine body of any genius is annihilated to the point of being close to death, the great masters will know it. Go to the rescue. Moreover, because some geniuses will fight several times on the battlefield, if someone's divine body is damaged, the powers will also use treasures to help them recover instantly.

Therefore, no one is worried about whether Qiu Li will really be beaten to death; they just want to see that he is beaten into a dog because of his arrogance.

However, those great powers and geniuses who were expecting to see Qiu Li beaten badly are destined to be disappointed! - Just when tens of thousands of geniuses shot Qiu Li, Qiu Li also shot!


A wild and angry dragon hovered over the battle platform; wherever it passed, all geniuses were thrown out of the battle platform!

When this arrogant and angry dragon disappeared, only Qiu Li was left on the battlefield.



The power of the audience has been habitually shocked!

Obviously, Qiu Li's talent is not inferior to Lu Lin at all; even is even better! Moreover, as Qiu Li said: everyone here is garbage!

"Xu Ming's luck is too good, right? The two disciples I received are so talented!"

"Why can't I receive such a disciple?" A teacher from Wendao Mansion at the ninth level of Nirvana Realm said depressedly, "If I had such a disciple, I would definitely be able to help me win the 'first'!"

In a hurry, the great powers didn't have time to realize that it wasn't that Xu Ming was lucky and received a disciple who was talented against the sky; it was Lu Lin and Qiu Li who were lucky and took Xu Ming as their teachers to jump from mediocre. , Become a talent against the sky!

The Palace Master Wen Dao and the Dao Shadow World Master are also discussing quietly in private.

"Daoying, otherwise, let's not fight! Lu Lin belongs to you, Qiu Li belongs to me; both of us, each accept one person as a disciple!" Wendao Palace Master said.

"Okay!" Daoying World Lord thought for a while. Although Lu Lin's talent might be slightly inferior to Qiu Li's, it was almost the same, so he agreed.

But... Palace Master Wen Dao and Daoying World Master didn't even think about whether Lu Lin and Qiu Li would be willing to worship them as teachers! From their point of view, the two world masters have come forward to accept apprentices, and who would refuse?

Soon, the competition of the second-order Chaos Realm ended; what started immediately was the competition among the third-order disciples of the Chaos Realm.

boom! !

The first person to set foot on the stage was Xu Ming's disciple, Lu Fanchen.

"It's Xu Ming's disciple again!"

"This disciple, shouldn't he have to challenge the same-level geniuses in the audience again?"

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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