Break Into Another World

Chapter 1723: The ruined Wendaofu Dabi

on the battlefield.

Xu Ming's third disciple "Feng Banqiu" stood proudly against the wind, showing a faint sense of decadence in his expression, like a lonely master.

All around, all the great powers and all the geniuses looked at Feng Banqiu, wanting to see if he would be as arrogant as the previous two disciples.

Feng Banqiu stroked his hair that had been ruffled by the wind, and pretended to say in a low voice, "Then...the old rules!"

old rules?

The great powers and geniuses present were all stunned—what is the old rule?

Feng Banqiu saw that the surrounding area was in the cold, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "The old rule is... All the third-order Chaos Realm, let's all go together!"

Let's all go together!

Still this sentence!

"Too arrogant!"

"Just as arrogant as Lu Lin and Qiu Li who played earlier!"

"Xu Ming's disciples, apart from 'all together', wouldn't they say something else?"

There was an uproar.

However, with the experience of being slapped in the face two times before, this time, the voices of doubt are much less!


"I want to see if Feng Banqiu really has such strength!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

One after another, the third-order figures of the Chaos Realm flew onto the battlefield one after another; soon, there were tens of thousands of geniuses on the battlefield.

"Dare to provoke us?" All the third-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm were indignant, "Feng Banqiu, can you do it?"

"Slow—" Feng Banqiu hurriedly signaled, don't do it yet.

Don't do it?

The audience immediately burst into laughter—Feng Banqiu must have felt scared, so he said "slow".

"It seems that Feng Banqiu is afraid!"

"I'll just say... How could another super genius emerge!"

"This wind is half-hatred, but you have self-knowledge; but, after provoking so many geniuses, you want to step down from the stage without being abused? Naive!"

On the battlefield, a golden-armored **** of war shouted, "Feng Banqiu, what else do you have to say?"

"I..." Feng Banqiu deliberately lengthened his voice, and then suddenly said "proudly", "I said, let all the third-order Chaos Realm go up together! Now, less than half of you have come up!"

When Feng Banqiu said this, the audience was shocked.



"Too arrogant!"

Feng Banqiu continued arrogantly to the third-order Chaos Realm below the battle platform: "If you don't all come up, I won't fight!"

"Damn it!" The whole audience cursed inwardly.

"Damn it!" All the third-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm seemed to be fatally humiliated.

"Damn it!" Even Xu Ming's other disciples couldn't help but scolded secretly in their hearts - this is so good! Pretending to be so arrogant! Compared with Lu Lin and Qiu Li who appeared earlier, Feng Banqiu is obviously better at pretending to be X!

"court death!"


boom! boom! boom! boom! …

On the battlefield, the angered third-order geniuses of the Chaos Realm all launched a siege on Feng Banqiu. However, Feng Banqiu has the "Golden Finger" given by Teacher Xu Ming, and naturally he is not afraid of being besieged by geniuses of the same level.

"Hey..." Feng Banqiu sighed lonely, "If you all come together, maybe you can make me a little more serious! But now, you don't even have half of the people come up, and you don't even have the qualifications to make me serious. No!"

With that said, Feng Banqiu's attack swept the audience.

When his words fell, tens of thousands of third-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm were all blasted out of the battlefield.

Still one against ten thousand!

It is still a devastating and unstoppable victory!

Fortunately, this time, the audience was already mentally prepared, so he was not as shocked as the previous two times.

However... Xu Ming's other disciples couldn't help but scold:

"Damn it! Didn't you say, 'If you don't come up, you won't fight'? Why did the fight start?"

"I'll give you a negative score for this coercion!"

Feng Banqiu ignored the "sarcasm" from the brothers and sisters, he looked indifferently at the other third-order geniuses in the Chaos Realm who had not yet played, and said domineeringly: "Presumably... with your courage, you don't dare to play. Bar?"

The third-order geniuses of the Chaos Realm are all very angry; but... no one dares to go!

Who dares to go up, who is looking for abuse? Under such circumstances, no matter how angry, who would dare to act foolishly?

"Hey... loneliness!" Feng Banqiu once again showed the attitude of "a master of loneliness" and slowly walked towards the bottom of the battle platform.

However, when he walked to the edge of the battle stage, he suddenly stopped: "By the way, let me say to my senior brother 'Fan Tao': the geniuses of the fourth-order chaos realm, let's all go together!"

Fan Tao, also Xu Ming's disciple, is the fourth-order chaotic realm.

At this moment, Fan Tao looked at Feng Banqiu on the battle stage with a confused expression, and scolded his mother in his heart: "Damn it! Who told you to help me? You helped me, what did I say?"

Fan Tao suddenly found out that Feng Banqiu had put off the force he wanted to pretend, and he... had no force to pretend!

In fact, this Wendao Mansion Competition was actually a "pretend X competition" for the twenty-seven disciples of Xu Ming! Fan Tao found that he couldn't play X anymore, of course he was very depressed.

"Hehe!" After Feng Banqiu stepped off the stage, he walked to Fan Tao's side and laughed, "Fake someone else's coercion, so that others can't pretend to be coercive!"

"You..." Although Fan Tao was depressed, he had no choice, he still had to get on the stage.

When it was the turn of the Chaos Realm fourth-order competition to start, Fan Tao stepped onto the stage in a depressing manner, and said deadly: "What I want to say, Feng Banqiu has already helped me! Come on up!"

The reason why Fan Tao is depressed is because he obviously lost in this "Pretend X Big Competition"!

What's the point of losing the "Fighting X Big even if you have won tens of thousands of geniuses of the same level with one enemy and ten thousand?"

Fortunately, Fan Tao is not stupid; after he has ravaged the geniuses of the same level with one enemy, he also said to the senior brother of the fifth-order Chaos Realm: the geniuses of the fifth-order Chaos Realm, let's all go together!

"Vicious competition!" Xu Ming's fifth-order Chaos Realm disciple wanted to cry without tears.

Palace Master Wen Dao, Daoying World Master and other great powers finally gradually realized Xu Ming's extraordinaryness.

If it is said that there are only one or two disciples who acted so defiantly; then, it was Xu Ming who was lucky and received the enchanting genius! However, every disciple of Xu Ming is so defiant, it is definitely because... Xu Ming is too powerful!

"Even if I teach myself, I can't teach such a heaven-defying disciple..." Palace Master Wen Dao had to admit, "Xu Ming definitely has some big secrets!"

Daoying World Master also said: "After the 'Wen Dao Palace Competition' is over, we have to have a good chat with Xu Ming!"

"The Great Competition of Wendao Palace..." Palace Master Wendao looked at the scene on the battlefield with some embarrassment - this year's Great Competition of Wendao Palace has been completely ruined by Xu Ming's disciples!

At this time, on the battlefield, was Xu Ming's ninth-order disciple of the Chaos Realm - Qin Jian!

It was at that time that "Qin Jian" was sent by Teacher Gu Yanying to dig Xu Ming's corner, but was dug back by Xu Ming's disciples.

At this moment, Qin Jianzheng looked at the other ninth-order disciples of the Chaos Realm below the battle platform with a very depressed look: "Could you please come up?"

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