Break Into Another World

Chapter 1724: Nearly 1 point of merit

"Can you come up here, please?"

Qin Jian said in a pleading voice.

Qin Jian was really depressed—from the first-order Chaos Realm to the eighth-order Chaos Realm, Lu Lin, Qiu Li, Feng Banqiu, Fan Tao and other disciples challenged all the geniuses of the same level as soon as they came to power; , and also won the victory with a smashing attitude. Now, it was Qin Jian's turn, and he also challenged all the geniuses of the same level; however, all the geniuses of the 9th-order Chaos Realm in the Wendao Mansion were all negotiated with the realization, and none of them were willing to set foot on the stage!

Qin Jian clamored for a long time on the battlefield, but no one came up...

You must know that installing X requires the cooperation of the opponent! Without an opponent, how could Qin Jian pretend to be X?

In desperation, Qin Jian had to sincerely ask his opponents to come up; but obviously, the effect was not ideal.

"I..." Qin Jian took a rating of "no one at the same level dares to fight", and walked down the stage in disappointment - compared to the previous eight brothers, Qin Jian's coercion was undoubtedly the most unsuccessful!

"Is it so difficult to pretend to be a coercion?" Qin Jian was distressed, and at the same time he couldn't help but admire his teacher Xu Ming more and more - thinking of his teacher Xu Ming, there are only coercive ones who don't want to pretend, but there is no coercion who can't pretend!

After Qin Jian, the competition in the Chaos Realm stage is over.

Next, it was the big competition at the Xuanhuangjing stage; the first one to set foot on the stage was Xu Ming's disciple, Bai Qingqiu, who was at the first stage of the Xuanhuangjing.

As soon as Bai Qingqiu stepped on the stage, he went straight to the theme: "Old rules, all geniuses of the same level, let's all go on together!"

The whole place was silent.

Xu Ming's disciples have brought so much shock to Wendao Mansion that now, no matter how arrogant Xu Ming's disciples are on the battlefield, the great men and geniuses in Wendao Mansion are all arrogant. It has been possible to face it frankly!

No one dares to fight!

In the entire Wendao Mansion, tens of thousands of first-rank geniuses in the Xuanhuang realm are all concerned about him; it seems that it is not them who are challenged!

Just like what happened to Qin Jian, no genius of the same level dared to take the stage and fight against Bai Qingqiu!

However, Bai Qingqiu didn't show Qin Jian's depressed expression, instead a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I expected it to be like this!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming's other disciples were all shocked - could it be that Bai Qingqiu has some new tricks to pretend to be?

Sure enough, Bai Qingqiu said lightly: "Since the first-rank Xuanhuangjing, no one dares to fight; then, I will challenge the second-ranking Xuanhuangjing here—all the second-ranking geniuses of the Xuanhuangjing here, let's all go together!"

what! ?

As soon as Bai Qingqiu said this, the great powers and geniuses who had not been shaken for a long time were shocked again!

Bai Qingqiu is going to leapfrog to fight!

And it's... leapfrog one to ten thousand!

Too arrogant!

This Bai Qingqiu was completely arrogant to a new height!

Moreover, the teachers in Wendao Mansion knew that Bai Qingqiu was a disciple of Teacher Gu Yanying before he apprenticed to Xu Ming, and his talent was extremely mediocre! That is to say... Xu Ming has only used a very short period of time to cultivate a genius with an extremely mediocre talent into a super genius who can "leapfrog one level and defeat ten thousand"!

At this time, the audience's attention was no longer on Xu Ming's amazing disciples, but completely shifted to Xu Ming - what kind of secret is hidden in Xu Ming?

There is no suspense, Bai Qingqiu succeeded in "leapfrog with one enemy and ten thousand"!

And it is destructive and easy to crush!

In the second tier of the Xuanhuangjing, the first one on the stage was Xu Ming's disciple - Zhao Xu!

When Zhao Xu stepped onto the stage, he didn't even look at the geniuses of the second rank of the Xuanhuangjing: "What the hell, the geniuses of the second-ranking Xuanhuangjing, I won't watch it! The third-rankings of the Xuanhuangjing, let's all go together!"

Wen Dao Mansion Grand Competition has completely become a show field for Xu Ming's disciples.

The disciples who set foot on the battlefield are more arrogant than the other.

Before the competition started, the other great experts in Wen Dao's house still felt that Xu Ming's threat to contract twenty-seven "firsts" was too arrogant! Now, they found that Xu Ming was not arrogant, but too low-key and too modest!

Many Nirvana realm and domain master realm masters have begun to take the initiative to befriend Xu Ming.

However, what Xu Ming cares about is only the merits of Wendao Mansion - he has contracted all the "firsts" in the Wendao Mansion Great Competition. There must be no less merits, right?

"Elder Luanwu!" Xu Ming sent a voice transmission to Elder Luanwu, who had a better relationship, and asked, "Is the merit I won in this competition enough to exchange for a place to go to the 'Jiuzhongtian'?"

Jiuzhongtian is the ladder leading to the "truth of the universe"!

The reason why Xu Ming came to Wendao Mansion was to go to Jiuzhongtian!

"It's almost there!" Elder Luanwu said, "It's only a little bit worse!"

Just a little bit?

In other words, the merit is still not enough to go to Jiuzhongtian?

Xu Ming had to sigh with emotion, it is really difficult to go to Jiuzhongtian! He has contracted all the "firsts" in the Wendao Palace Grand Competition, and he is still a little short of merit.

Twenty-seven of Xu Ming's disciples stepped onto the stage one after another.

Every disciple has achieved the "first" result in the competition without any suspense!

"Xu Ming!" Wendao Palace Master's voice sounded, "Look back, come to me and collect your merits!"

"Okay!" Even in the face of the existence of the realm of the realm, Xu Ming was extremely calm.

World Lord Realm?

To be honest, if Xu Ming broke out with all his strength, the weakest realm might not necessarily be Xu Ming's opponent!

Although Palace Master Wendao is not necessarily the "weakest level" among the realm masters; but at least, Xu Ming already has the qualifications to have an equal dialogue with him!

In the whole endless chaos, no matter which one is almighty, Xu Ming has the qualifications to have an equal dialogue! - Of course, only Xu Ming knew about this, but others didn't.

"Humph!" Daoyingjie sneered softly. Obviously, Xu Ming's attitude made him a little unhappy.

"Xu Ming!" Just when he heard the Daofu Grand Competition announced the end, the voice of the dragon blood elder sounded.

"Is something wrong?" Xu Ming said lightly.

Elder Dragon Blood is Lin Lan's "former teacher". Because Lin Lan changed to Xu Ming as his teacher, Elder Dragon Blood always looked at Xu Ming unhappy and would often provoke him.

"It's something!" Elder Longxue said indifferently, "The disciples you have taught are all powerful! But I am a little puzzled - you are only a cultivation base of the realm of all things, how did you teach so many powerful disciples? ?"

Elder Dragon Blood made it clear that he was questioning the ability of Professor Xu Ming's disciples!

In Wendao Mansion, once it is confirmed that the disciple was not taught by himself, although the merits will not be deducted, it is definitely a great shame!

"How do I teach my disciples, do I need to tell you?" Xu Ming sneered.

"I don't need this..." Elder Longxue said with a gloomy smile, "But now, I'm sending you a bet, do you dare to accept it? Don't worry, I won't bully you on the basis of your cultivation! As long as you can accept my three moves If I don't lose, then I will lose!"

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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