Break Into Another World

Chapter 1725: Said 1 move, is 1 move!

"As long as you can take my three moves without losing, then I will lose!"

The words of the elder dragon blood sounded very generous; but in the whole Wendao mansion, there were endless discussions and sneers.


"Elder Dragon Blood actually launched a gambling war against Xu Ming?"

"This is called 'don't bully you based on your cultivation'? - Elder Dragon Blood is a peak powerhouse in the Nirvana realm, while Xu Ming is only in the realm of all things. Not even a single move!"

"Does Xu Ming dare to fight?"

"That's needless to say? I definitely don't dare! - However, Xu Ming is only a cultivation base in the realm of all things. Even if he does not dare to fight, there is nothing to be ashamed of! After all, the gap between cultivation bases is there; Elder Dragon Blood invites to fight. Xu Ming, to be honest, it's too bullying!"


Xu Ming looked at the elder dragon blood playfully, and said lightly, "I'm not interested!"

Xu Ming is really not interested!

Elder Dragon Blood, to put it bluntly, is just a very ordinary peak of Nirvana Realm; although he has already realized the "real self", his strength is probably not as good as that of "Lower Domain Master"! - An opponent of this level is really no threat to Xu Ming!

You must know that Xu Ming's real strength is at the peak of the top-rank domain master, and it is close to the world's master!


Xu Ming's "I'm not interested" was heard by other great experts in Wen Dao Mansion, but this was not the case!

"Not interested? Don't dare if you don't dare! You actually said you're not interested?" Gu Yanying sneered.

"Haha! Just relying on Xu Ming, is it worthy to say 'no interest'?" The other teachers also sneered.

The strength of Professor Xu Ming's disciples truly shocked the entire Wen Dao Mansion. However, in the eyes of the powerful people in Wendao Mansion, Xu Ming must have obtained some mysterious opportunity or treasure, so he was able to teach his disciples so well; in terms of his own strength, Xu Ming must not be much stronger!

"Not interested?" Elder Longxue shook his head and sneered, "Xu Ming, the three words 'not interested' are not something you are qualified to say!"

I'm not qualified to say that?

Xu Ming didn't want to have general knowledge with Elder Dragon Blood, but when he heard these words, he really had to "general knowledge"!

Xu Ming's expression was calm, neither happy nor angry, and asked lightly, "What are you betting on?"

"Oh?" Elder Longxue's eyes lit up - he just provokes him casually. He never expected that Xu Ming would be so impulsive and would be hooked so easily!

Elder Dragon Blood said without hesitation: "Betting on merit!"

The teachers in Wendao Mansion, who doesn't want to gather enough merits to go to the "Nine Heaven"? Elder Dragon Blood is no exception!

"Don't worry!" Elder Longxue was afraid that Xu Ming would go back and said, "I said, I will not bully you on the basis of your cultivation! As long as you can take my three moves, even if I lose!"

"Take your three moves?" Xu Ming sneered.

"Yes!" Elder Longxue did not hear the contempt in Xu Ming's words.

"No three moves!" Xu Ming shook his head.

"Don't need three tricks?" Elder Longxue didn't understand what Xu Ming meant.

"One move!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Before waiting for Elder Dragon Blood and other great powers to react, Xu Ming continued: "As long as you can take one move from me and not lose, even if I lose!"


Deadly still!

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, the entire Wendao Mansion fell silent.

You must know that when Elder Dragon Blood said "take me three tricks", the powerful people in Wendao Mansion felt it for granted - after all, Elder Dragon Blood is a peak powerhouse in the Nirvana realm. Facing Xu Ming, the realm of all things, Fully qualified to say such a thing.

And now, Xu Ming actually said something similar to Elder Dragon Blood! Moreover, it is even more arrogant than the elder dragon blood - as long as you can take a move from me and not lose, even if I lose!

one move!

How dare you say such a thing to a Nirvana Realm... It's hard to imagine, where did Xu Ming get his self-confidence!

Even Elder Dragon Blood was stunned for a while: "Okay! Good! Good! I want to see how you beat me with one move!"


Elder Longxue stepped onto the battle stage, revealing his tyrannical and domineering aura.

In Wendao Mansion, many teachers were amazed:

"Elder Dragon Blood has not taken action for several epochs! Looking at his momentum, it seems to be stronger!"

"A few epochs ago, the realm of the dragon-blood elder had reached the peak of the 'real self'! ? Or are you already trying to condense the 'Flower of True Self'?"

"'Second-level real self' is too difficult! It should be to condense the 'flower of real self' and break through the domain master realm!"

When Xu Ming roamed the border of disorder, he saw many geniuses who had reached the "Second Rank of the True Self" or even the "Second Rank of the True Self"! But... this does not mean that it is easy to reach the "Second Rank of the True Self" and the "Second Rank of the True Self"!

You must know that there are as many "virtual universes" as the stars in the sky! Those geniuses of the "Second-Order Real Self" are all the top geniuses in the virtual universes!

And if it is not in the border of disorder, but in a certain virtual universe, it is not so easy to find a Nirvana genius who is "the second-order true self"! As for the "True Self Level 3", it's even more likely that you won't even be able to find one!

After all, the "Second Rank of the True Self" means that it can leapfrog to rival the lower-rank domain master, and has the potential to achieve the world's master!

"True Self Level 3" can even rival "Middle Grade Domain Master", and has the potential to achieve supreme!

And like this dragon-blood elder in front of him, he is a top-notch Nirvana realm powerhouse in endless chaos, but if he is placed in a disordered border, he is nothing! His talent is far from reaching the level of "Second-Order True Self"!

To put it simply - if you meet in the border of disorder, this elder dragon blood is not even qualified to be looked at by Xu Ming!

too weak!

What's even more ridiculous is that the dragon blood elders are not only weak, but also do not know how high the sky is!

"Xu dare you come up?" Elder Dragon Blood sneered proudly.

"Forget it, just teach him how to be a man!" Xu Ming shook his head and thought to himself.

Although this dragon-blooded elder does not know how high the sky is, but after all, he is also a teacher of Wen Dao's house, so Xu Ming will not kill him because of this.

Moreover, the reason why Elder Longxue would target Xu Ming everywhere was because his disciple Lin Lan switched to Xu Ming's sect, which made him feel ashamed; that's why he provokes him everywhere.


Xu Ming's figure flashed, and he was already on the battlefield. However, in terms of momentum, it obviously looks far worse than Elder Dragon Blood.

"Come on! Let me see how you defeated me with one move!" Elder Dragon Blood sneered.

Around the battlefield, there were also sneers. Obviously, no one is optimistic about Xu Ming.

And at this moment, Xu Ming moved—


An extremely simple and unpretentious punch, instantly arrived in front of Elder Dragon Blood.

The contempt in the eyes of the dragon blood elders had just turned into panic before he was blown away with a punch; his figure was blown away from the battlefield without any resistance—to deal with even the "Lower Grade Domain Master" Not even a dragon-blooded elder, Xu Ming didn't need to use weapons at all; even, even if he was just bare-handed, he didn't need to use any gorgeous moves at all!

Just such a simple, unpretentious punch is enough!


The elder dragon blood fell heavily under the battle platform, and the body of the gods was somewhat shattered.

Xu Ming indifferently disdain: "If you say a trick, it is a trick!"

(End of this chapter)

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