Break Into Another World

Chapter 1731: Exquisite?

"Can you dare to step on the battlefield and have a showdown!?"

Around the Qinglei Battle Stage, countless eyes turned to Xu Ming.

"Will this outsider dare to fight?"

"Definitely dare not - although, his realm is said to have reached the 'real self' third-order'; but, after all, the cultivation base is only the realm of all things! If you dare to step on the battlefield, you will be ravaged!"

"In the realm of all things, can there be a cultivation level of 'real self third-order'? I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not, when he sets foot on the battlefield, won't everything be known?"

"But... this Xu Ming would definitely not dare to set foot on the battlefield!"

Most of the geniuses and powerhouses in the Qinglei world believed that Xu Ming did not dare to set foot on the battlefield; some geniuses even questioned that Xu Ming's realm did not reach "the third level of the true self", it was just a rumor.

"Xu Ming!" Yu Ji shouted, "If you don't dare to fight with my brother, then you always dare to fight with me, right? - If you lose, then give up your place in the Nine Heavens, how about that? "

Yu Shi was obviously not reconciled, and he was unable to go to Jiuzhongtian.

"Xu Ming." Wu Yuan's voice transmission said, "You'd better get on the battlefield and show your strength! Otherwise, your strength will not be able to convince the public. Some trouble!"

The entrance of Jiuzhongtian is in the central area of ​​"Destiny Heaven".

As Wu Yuan said, if Xu Ming did not have convincing strength, Yu Shentian would definitely find trouble with Xu Ming after reaching the fateful day!

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled.

Xu Ming is naturally not afraid of trouble. However, Xu Ming knew that if he didn't want to fight now, it would be a shame—you know, Xu Ming standing here now represents the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix! Once he is embarrassed, it is not just his face, but the face of the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!

"The Divine Phoenix World Master helped me get a place to go to Jiuzhongtian. I can't shame him even if I say anything?" Xu Ming thought to himself.

Thinking about it, Xu Ming's eyes first moved to Yu Ji: "If I lose to you, will I give up the place in Jiuzhongtian?"

"Yes!" Yu Ji's eyes lit up.

"Then if you lose to me, what will you lose to me?" Xu Ming said with a playful laugh, then he ignored Yu Shi and looked at Yu Shentian, "Since you want to fight, then go to the battle stage. !"


As Xu Ming said, he stepped onto the battlefield first.

"It's time to fight!" The geniuses of Qinglei Realm looked at Xu Ming and couldn't help but feel a little surprised, "He actually dared to face the 'real self third-order' Yushentian!"

"Oh?" Yu Shentian was also slightly surprised, "It seems that you are very confident?"

Yu Shentian dodged and stepped onto the Thunder Fighting Stage, looking at Xu Ming sarcastically: "Are you in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, and you think you are invincible without encountering any Nirvana Realm opponent? Haha? , well, I'll let you know, the gap between your Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm and our Thunder Realm Realm!"

"There's so much nonsense!" Xu Ming sneered, "Can you do it?"

An opponent of "True Self Level 3" is at best equivalent to the strength of a "middle-grade domain master", so Xu Ming really has no interest in it.

"Since you are in a hurry to find death, then come..."

Before Yu Shentian said the word "ba" in "Come on", Xu Ming started!


In order to show his "respect" to his opponent and to keep a low profile, Xu Ming used a long spear.

Yu Shentian originally had a look of disdain at the corner of his mouth, but when Xu Ming's spear was crushed down, his expression suddenly changed.

"No—" Yu Shentian finally felt the panic, but it was too late!


An ordinary long spear seemed to have the weight of Myriad Realms, and it smashed Yu Shentian to the ground like a dog, unable to stand up again.

In an instant, the outcome was decided.




Deathly silence!

The faces of the audience were full of horror and disbelief.

"how can that be!?"

You must know that Yushentian is the pinnacle of the Nirvana realm of the "third-order real self"; even if there are many domain master realms, they are not his opponents! And now... Yu Shentian was smashed to the ground by Xu Ming, and he was as embarrassed as a dog...

What level should Xu Ming's strength reach?

"Do you still want to fight?" Xu Ming said lightly.

"I... lost!" Yu Shentian could of course feel how huge the gap in strength between himself and Xu Ming was, "It's the same level of 'True Self', your cultivation is not as good as mine, but your strength is , why is he so much stronger than me? Could it be…”

Yu Shentian suddenly thought of a possibility: "I see! The 'real me' you have understood is definitely much stronger than my 'real me'!"

The "real self" that everyone comprehends is different, and naturally there are strong and weak points.

In the frontier of disorder, there is an accurate classification of the "true self" at different levels.

Those who can only reach the "first level of the true self" and cannot reach the "second level of the true self" are uniformly classified as "the true self of no quality".

Those who can reach the "Second-Order True Self" but do not have the potential of "Third-Order True Self" are called "Fanpin True Self".

Only those who can reach the "third-order true self" can be called "the best true self".

However, there are even finer divisions in "The Real Self of the Best": the best, the best, the emperor, and the god!

"Could it be..." Yushentian looked at Xu Ming in Your 'real self' has reached 'superior quality'? "


Xu Ming naturally didn't know that there were so many levels of "real me". And in fact, Xu Ming has not even stepped into the "real self".

However, since Yu Shentian said this, Xu Ming didn't deny it at all, so let him think it's good!

Seeing that Xu Ming did not deny it, Yu Shentian naturally thought he had admitted it. He was pressed by Xu Ming's long spear and lay on the ground like a dog, but he still had the look of "a master of loneliness" on his face, and sighed: "I lost to a genius who is a 'superior true me'. Not wrong!"

Xu Ming put away his spear and walked off the stage indifferently amid countless shocked gazes. At this moment, he doesn't need to say anything more; just one shot, it blocked the mouths of all the geniuses in the Qinglei world!

Xu Ming is not from the Qinglei world, so why is he standing here? - By strength!

Wu Yuan bid farewell to Xu Ming and returned to his residence.

At this time, Wu Yuan's face no longer faced Xu Mingshi's enthusiasm, but rather grim: "I can't believe... Xu Ming's strength is so strong!"

Wu Yuan paced back and forth a few steps, secretly said: "The strength of someone who is qualified to offend Yuan Zun is really not easy! Fortunately... Fortunately, I tried Xu Ming's strength with Yu Shentian's hand; otherwise, I would If you foolishly attack Xu Ming, it will be really miserable!"

Wu Yuan thought for a while: "With my strength, I definitely can't deal with Xu Ming! Then contact Yuan Zun!"

(End of this chapter)

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