Break Into Another World

Chapter 1732: sky Road

"With my strength, I definitely can't deal with Xu Ming! Then contact Yuan Zun!"

"Capturing Xu Ming alive" and "reporting Xu Ming's trace", the rewards are definitely different! - If possible, Wu Yuan would of course want to capture Xu Ming alive; but obviously, this is impossible!

Wu Yuan was no match for Yu Shentian, let alone Xu Ming! You know, even Yu Shentian, who was stronger than him, was suppressed by Xu Ming with one move!


With a wave of Wu Yuan's hand, he activated the guardian formation of the residence.

Then, he sat down with his knees crossed, and in the heart world, summoned a black talisman to the center of the heart world.

Immediately afterwards, this black talisman crossed the barriers of time and space, penetrated the membrane wall of the virtual universe, ignored the chaos of the disordered border, and contacted Yuan Zun.


Yuan Zun's projection descended on Wu Yuan's heart world - this is just a phantom without any combat power, so it will not attract the attention of Qinglei World Lord.

"Wu Yuan, why are you looking for me?" Yuan Zun said lightly.

"Qi Yuan Zun, the Xu Ming you are looking for is now in our Qinglei Realm! He will go to Jiuzhongtian with us!" Wu Yuan said.

"Oh?" Yuan Zun's eyes suddenly lit up, "Sure enough, he is going to Jiuzhongtian!"

Nine Heavens…

It can be said that the entire universe, the only way for all top geniuses! Not only the geniuses of the virtual universe, but also the geniuses of the "real universe" will enter the Jiuzhongtian experience!

Jiuzhongtian, leading to the truth of the universe! Geniuses who have entered Jiuzhongtian will undergo transformation! - For example, Yuan Zun himself, if he has not entered Jiuzhongtian, I am afraid that he will not be able to achieve the position of supreme!

Yuan Zun had long expected that with Xu Ming's talent, he would definitely go to Jiuzhongtian; however, he had no way of knowing when he would go! - He is dignified and supreme, can't squat Xu Ming at the entrance of Jiuzhongtian?

Moreover, if he is squatting at the entrance of Jiuzhongtian, I am afraid that the Divine Phoenix World Master will also get the news, and he will not let Xu Ming go to Jiuzhongtian!


Yuan Zun cut off the "Heavenly Road" from the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm to Jiuzhongtian; in this way, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master could not secretly send Xu Ming to Jiuzhongtian, but had to ask for help from other surrounding virtual universes!

After that, Yuan Zun placed eyeliners in the virtual universes such as Qinglei Realm, which is closer to the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix.

"I really didn't expect that Xu Ming would go to Jiuzhongtian so soon!" Yuan Zun secretly said, "Before he went to Jiuzhongtian, his talent is already so unbelievable; when he goes, will it be worth it? Say? Not sure, his future achievements will surpass me, right? But...he will never have a chance again!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Zun instructed: "Wu Yuan, when you want to go to the 'heaven', contact me."

The core world of Destiny is called "Heaven" in the Border of Chaos.

"Yes!" Wu Yuan said respectfully.

The projection of Yuan Zun gradually disappeared.

The frontier of disorder.

It is extremely far away from Qinglei Realm, belonging to Yuan Zun's virtual universe.

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Zun laughed wantonly, "Xu Ming, this time, I see how you can escape? Hahahaha... Not only can you take back my incarnation, but you can also enslave a genius like Xu Ming... Wonderful! Wonderful! Yay!"

This time, Yuan Zun brought the deity to the heaven in person, and suppressed Xu Ming with the prestige of the supreme!

Yuan Zun couldn't think of what means Xu Ming could have to escape his own suppression!

In the battle of Qinglei Battle Platform, Xu Ming's reputation spread throughout the Qinglei world.

The power of the entire Qinglei world was amazed at Xu Ming's heaven-defying talent.

"It's outrageous!"

"I originally thought that Yushentian's talent was already the top of the entire Destiny Heaven! Now I know that there are people outside of people, and there are gods outside of heaven!"

"If it wasn't for Xu Ming, I would never have heard of the 'Superior Real Self' and the 'Superior Real Self'!"

"It's hard to imagine how high Xu Ming will reach in the future!"

Xu Ming was naturally calm about the exclamations in the Qinglei world - he was used to it!

Really used to it!

Wherever you go, you will be shocked! Such exclamations, Xu Ming has long been accustomed to it!

If he didn't have these exclamations after showing his strength, Xu Ming would feel unaccustomed to it!

"Xu Ming, come and see me!" The voice transmission of Qinglei World Lord resounded in Xu Ming's mind.

"Are you finally going to Jiuzhongtian?"

When Xu Ming arrived, nine geniuses including Yu Shentian and Wu Yuan were already waiting.

Yu Shentian looked at Xu Ming with a look of awe—you must know that Xu Ming is the only one who has cultivated in the realm of all things! With such a talent, let alone the fateful day, even in the "Second Quadrant", or even the entire universe, he is an absolute top genius!

Even if Xu Ming entered Jiuzhongtian, he would still be an existence that stirred the situation! And his Yushentian, when he reaches Jiuzhongtian, will appear incomparably mediocre!

"Xu Ming!" The Realm Master Qinglei made no secret of his admiration, "You are even more powerful than what the Realm Master of Divine Phoenix said, which is beyond my expectations! I hope that in the future, you and I will have the opportunity to explore the world together. Frontier of Sequence!"

Only when you reach the level of the world master, can you truly say that you are "traversing the border of disorder".

Moreover, the Realm Master Qinglei is not like the Realm Master of the Divine Phoenix - the Realm Master of the Divine Phoenix will probably never dare to enter the realm of disorder in this life, but the Realm Master still has the ambition to achieve the supreme. of!

"I also hope that there will be such a day!" Xu Ming said with a smile.

"Haha!" The Realm Master Qinglei smiled and said, "Okay, now I will connect to the 'Heaven Realm' and open the way to heaven!"

The Destiny Heaven is vast, and the time and space in the disordered frontier are ever-changing! If you want to rush to the "heaven", even if the realm exists, you don't know how long it will take.

However, there is a heavenly connection between the virtual universe and the "heavenly realm"! Step on the road to heaven, and you will soon reach the heaven.

call out-

As soon as the voice of the master of Qinglei fell, a road paved with white light seemed to come to Xu Ming and others from outside the time and space.

"Go!" The Master of Qinglei said, "Remember! When you arrive in the heaven, as long as you don't cause trouble; then, as almighty people, you won't be able to lower your worth to trouble you!"



Yu Shentian, Wu Yuan and other geniuses responded and set foot on the road to heaven one after another.

Xu Ming didn't hesitate and set foot on the road directly.

Walking on the road of heaven, Xu Ming found that in just one step, he had already stepped out of time and space and left the scope of Qinglei Realm. There is a vast expanse all around, and I don't know where I am; even the geniuses who set foot on the road with me can't see their traces.

Moreover, Xu Ming could only walk forward along the road of heaven, and he could not leave the road with his feet, let alone explore the surrounding time and space.

What Xu Ming didn't know was that at this time, Wu Yuan was already in the heart world, urging the black talisman to contact Yuan Zun.

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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