Break Into Another World

Chapter 1733: Enemy road is narrow

Xu Ming set foot on the road to heaven later than Wu Yuan.

As soon as he passed the Tianlu, Xu Ming heard a voice: "Wu Yuan, you are finally here!"

At the same time, Xu Ming saw that there were three figures walking in their direction.

These three figures are only the cultivation base of Nirvana Realm, but they are obviously not weak. The leader was a handsome young man with cold eyes. He sneered at Wu Yuan: "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly puzzled, but then he understood - Wu Yuan should be the enemy's Luzhai, and he met the enemy.

The other eight geniuses in the Qinglei world did not make a sound. And Yu Shentian, even deliberately kept some distance from Wu Yuan, directly expressing himself not to interfere with his behavior.

"Jiang Qiye, you actually waited for me in the heavenly world!?" Wu Yuan couldn't help being a little horrified, but he wasn't very panicked - after all, Jiang Qiye and the other three were at best the same level of strength as him, for a while. Can't help him! Moreover, Yuan Zun will arrive soon; when Yuan Zun arrives, Wu Yuan will naturally not be in any danger.

"Humph!" The handsome young man Jiang Qiye said coldly, "I'm waiting here for you, are you weird? - I'm fighting to the death in Kufu Mountain, but you are so good, you dare to come and pick up my bargain? It's really courting death!"

Wu Yuan said: "Isn't it just a few domain master-level divine weapons? As for what?"

Jiang Qiye snorted: "Isn't it just a few domain master-level magic weapons? Humph! It's really not! This is my Jiang Qiye's face! - I can pick up Jiang Qiye's things so easily and cheaply?"

Xu Ming understood - the thing should be that Wu Yuan took advantage of the other party in Kufu Mountain, and the other party was guarding here.

There's no telling who's right or who's wrong.

When Wu Yuan found something cheap to pick up, it was understandable to pick it up. It is normal for Jiang Qiye to come to seek revenge now.

But obviously, Wu Yuan is at a disadvantage right now; Xu Ming is still thinking about whether he should help Wu Yuan.

"Haha!" The two sides were arguing. Suddenly, Wu Yuan laughed, "The treasures of the Disordered Frontier are inhabited by the capable ones, and they don't have your name written on it, Jiang Qiye. How can there be anything that is cheap but not cheap? I I got it, it's my treasure!"

"Huh!?" Jiang Qiye's face sank suddenly, "How dare you speak madly? Courting death!"

"Looking for death?" Wu Yuan said with a disdainful smile, "The heaven is so big, and the Jiuzhongtian is there! With only the three of you, can you stop me and prevent me from entering the Jiuzhongtian? Hehe, after entering the Jiuzhongtian, all scattered, can you find me?"

Wu Yuan appeared to be fearless.

But as Wu Yuan said - Jiang Qiye and the three of them really couldn't stop Wu Yuan!

Xu Ming looked in the direction of Wu Yuan's finger - in this direction, beyond the billions of worlds, the space was distorted into a phantom, blurry, and extremely strange; obviously, that was the entrance to Jiuzhongtian.

"Haha!" Jiang Qiye also laughed, "Do you think I only have three people!?"

As soon as Jiang Qiye's voice fell, dozens of figures came around in this direction.

Among these dozens of figures, the weakest ones have realized the existence of the Nirvana Realm of "Second-Order True Self"; there are even several high-rank domain masters among them.

"Now, do you think you can escape?" Jiang Qiye said with a half-smile.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Qiye shouted at Yu Shentian, Xu Ming and other geniuses in Qinglei Realm: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you all step aside!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Yu Shentian and other eight geniuses retreated without hesitation—although they came from the same virtual universe as Wu Yuan, their friendship was far from the level of "life and death"; It flashed immediately.

Even when Yu Shentian saw Wu Yuan suffer, he still gloated slightly.

Only Xu Ming was left, still standing there, wondering - to help or not to help?


He doesn't seem to have a deep friendship with Wu Yuan!

Don't help?

After he arrived in the Qinglei world, Wu Yuan has always treated him warmly; if he doesn't help, it seems a little out of line with Xu Ming's way of life.

Xu Ming still didn't know that the reason why Wu Yuan treated him warmly was actually to test his details; and now, Wu Yuan has sold Xu Ming to Yuan Zun - if Xu Ming knew about this, I'm afraid The consideration is not "to help or not", but to directly subdue Wu Yuan!

"Brother Xu Ming..." At this moment, Wu Yuan cast a look of help towards Xu Ming.

I have to say that Wu Yuan's face is really thick enough; he has already betrayed Xu Ming, and now he is still counting on Xu Ming to help him.

While Xu Ming was hesitating, Jiang Qiye shouted: "Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business! We are doing things in the Temple of Destruction. If you dare to intervene, you will be at your own risk!"

Temple of Doom! ?

Xu Ming, who was hesitating, suddenly flashed a killing intent in his eyes - is he actually a person from the Temple of Despair? It's really a narrow road for enemies!

If the other party is not from the Temple of Despair, Xu Ming might also consider whether to help Wu Yuan or not. But now... Xu Ming can just take this opportunity to kill these geniuses of the Temple of Despair.

"It seems that these dozens of them are all geniuses that the Temple of Destiny has focused on training!" Xu Ming thought to himself, The Temple of Despair, as if it were the number one force of "Death God".

In the Temple of Death, there is such a rule - if you are mediocre, you will be enslaved, and every particle on your body will have a clear "flame mark". Only the super geniuses who are mainly cultivated will not be enslaved and have no "flame marks".

"If you lose dozens of super geniuses all at once, even if it is the Temple of Destiny, I'm afraid you will feel distressed!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Even if the two virtual universes of Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm and Qinglei Realm add up, they can't make up so many super geniuses! No matter how powerful the Temple of Destiny is, if it loses so many geniuses, it will definitely be distressed!

To make the Temple of Destiny feel distressed, Xu Ming absolutely cannot ask for it!

"Boy, why don't you go away!?" Jiang Qiye shouted impatiently, "Could it be that you want to offend our Temple of Death!?"

"The Temple of Despair?" Xu Ming sneered, "It doesn't matter if you offend me!"

Offend it, it doesn't seem to matter! -Wu Yuan couldn't help looking at Xu Ming in amazement. In his opinion, Xu Ming's words meant to help him!

"Unexpectedly, Xu Ming and I don't have a deep relationship, and he is willing to risk his life and death to help me! How... stupid!" Wu Yuan sneered in his heart, "Don't think that if you help me, I will be grateful to Dade! But it's just right , when Yuan Zun comes, you are a dead person anyway; before you become a dead person, help me first, it can be regarded as a waste!"

That's right, Wu Yuan didn't have the slightest gratitude to Xu Ming, instead he felt that Xu Ming was stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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