Break Into Another World

Chapter 1741: People List 93

"Brother Xu Ming, to be honest, I came here this time because I want to ask you for help!"

City Lord Yinguang directly expressed his intentions.

"Oh?" Xu Ming was pondering, when should he thank this Silver Light City Lord; after all, he saved Yun Tian anyway. Since the other party has something to ask for now, Xu Ming can just take the opportunity to return the favor and clear each other.

"Please tell me!" Of course, Xu Ming had to listen first, what was the matter.

At this time, Qing Mo patted his son's arm and said, "When the adults speak, the children go out first!"

"..." Qing Xiao was speechless. He came here to do things, to humiliate the Lone Gunner... But now, he was humiliated by his father...

Qing Xiao couldn't help but look at the Lone Gunner, the meaning couldn't be more clear. If I go out, will the Lone Gunner also go out?

"What are you looking at!" Qing Mo said, "The people present are your uncles and uncles, you are the junior, get out of here!"

"Pfft!" Qing Xiao vomited blood.

After Qing Xiao went out, City Lord Yinguang continued: "I just got the news that I have a strong enemy who is coming to make trouble and take my position as City Lord!"


How strong is it?

"The name of this rival is 'Long Daotian', I don't know if Brother Xu Ming has heard of it." City Lord Yinguang said, "His previous strength was almost the same as mine, and at most he was barely able to enter the rankings; but these Era, I don't know what chance he got, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he actually ranks in the top 100 people list!"

Top 100 people?

Each person list has 10,000 rankings. To be able to rank in the top 100 people list, in terms of strength, is definitely the top existence in a county!

But... Xu Ming didn't take it seriously at all!

Perhaps, the genius of Tianbang can make Xu Ming pay more attention.

People list? Just a joke!

However, the Lord of Silver Light saw that Xu Ming did not speak, and thought that Xu Ming was intimidated by the reputation of "Top 100 people"; he even said: "With the strength Xu Ming has shown outside the city, there should be some people on the list. The strength of the top three hundred, right?"

Top 300 people on the list?

Xu Ming smiled noncommittally.

City Lord Yinguang continued: "Don't worry, I have invited Sect Master Ranheng, who is ranked 93rd in our Silver Light City's top master list! With Sect Master Ranheng there, it should be no problem to deal with Long Daotian; However, just in case, I would like to invite Brother Xu Ming to come to the town together! In this way, even if Long Daotian's strength is stronger than I expected, it will be foolproof!"

have to!

Xu Ming understood that City Lord Yinguang wanted him to be a "spare tire"!

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to explain anything. The spare tire is the spare tire, as long as the favor is paid back.

"Brother Xu Ming?" Seeing that Xu Ming didn't answer for a long time, City Lord Yinguang naturally thought that Xu Ming was still afraid of Long Daotian and couldn't help but say.

"Okay!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "When will we leave?"

City Lord Yinguang was overjoyed: "Thank you, Brother Xu Ming! The Dragon Daotian may come at any time, or should we go now?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said indifferently.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner even said through voice transmission: "Brother Ming! If there is danger, don't go..."

"It's alright!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "A genius, in my eyes, is nothing!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner are all his own. Since they are his own, Xu Ming doesn't mind being a little high-profile and revealing his strength.

Of course, Xu Ming's words are not high-profile, but rather low-key! If it is really high-profile, Xu Ming will directly say: In my eyes, a master in the sky is nothing!

"His" Although Xu Ming was already very low-key, Yun Tian and the Lone Gunner still took a deep breath. The two of them naturally believed in Brother Ming's strength; if Brother Ming said that if he didn't look at the talents of the list, then he would definitely not put the talents of the list in his eyes!

Thinking of this, Yun Tian and Lone Gunner felt that they were a lot tougher. Looking at the Yinguang City Lord and Qingmo, they no longer had the "sense of looking up" before. After all, Brother Ming is so good, they can't give him Shame, isn't it?

"Let's go!" Xu Ming took the initiative.

"Okay!" City Lord Yinguang naturally couldn't ask for it.

A few people walked out of the door, and when they were about to leave... The Lone Gunner took Qing Xiao's hand and said, "Xiao Xiao, if you are free in the future, I will often come to my uncle's house to play!"

"Pfft!" Qing Xiao really spurted blood.

Silver Light City, in Youlong County, can be regarded as a city in the middle of the ranking.

After all, there are 10,800 cities in one county; and there are only 10,000 masters on the list. That is to say, there are many cities with no masters on the list!

As for Yinguang City, there are not only a few masters on the list, but also a "big master" who ranks 93, so the strength is naturally extraordinary.

When Xu Ming came to the City Lord's Mansion, Sect Master Ranheng, who was known as the first master of Yinguang City, was already drinking tea here leisurely.

Sect Master Ranheng frowned slightly when he saw Xu Ming, obviously a little unhappy.

"Silver Light!" Sect Master Ranheng looked condescending.

Of course, the Sect Master of Ranheng does have the qualification to be condescending. Although he is not the city owner, if he wants to change the name of "Silver Light City" to "Ranheng City", it will be easy.

"I came to the City Lord's Mansion to find you, but you weren't here, so you just went to find him?" Sect Master Ranheng's gaze fell on Xu Ming, and he asked proudly City Lord Yinguang continued: "I'm worried Long Daotian will also bring helpers, so..."

Of course, City Lord Yinguang didn't dare to say it explicitly, because he was worried that Sect Master Ranheng would not be able to beat Long Daotian.

"Humph!" Sect Master Ranheng said proudly, "Even if there are helpers, so what? I am ranked 93rd on the list, and Long Daotian is only 98th! Don't look at the gap of five rankings, the top 100 on the list , Every ranking, the strength is quite different! In front of me, Long Daotian dare not break the rules!"

"Yes! Yes!" City Lord Yinguang had no choice but to shout.

At this time, Sect Master Ranheng said to Xu Ming: "You can easily take over the ultimate moves of Feng Rulong and Ning'er, your strength is not bad! You are enough to rank in the top three hundred on the list of people!"

"Heh!" Xu Ming is too lazy to speak. This Sect Master Ranheng is nothing more than a frog at the bottom of a well with a high self-esteem. What else is there to say?

Xu Ming estimates that Sect Master Ranheng is guarding his own ranking, and his strength has not improved for a long time! Such an existence with neither strength nor potential has any qualifications for Xu Ming to speak to him?

However, Sect Master Ranheng obviously did not have self-knowledge, and instead pointed in front of Xu Ming: "Why don't you join my Ranheng Sect! Your potential is still there, and under my guidance, you can improve your strength. , to enter the top 200 people list, the problem should not be big!"

When Sect Master Ranheng spoke, he seemed to be holding a wisdom pearl. In his opinion, "Top 200 people on the list" is definitely a very attractive word.

"I'm not interested!" Xu Ming replied indifferently, then found a place to sit down.

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