Break Into Another World

Chapter 1742: between palms

"You..." Sect Master Ranheng's face suddenly gloomy, and he said angrily, "I don't know what to do! I have the intention to cultivate you, but you don't know how to cherish it!"

City Lord Yinguang also changed his face slightly, and even said in private voice: "Brother Xu Ming, this is your fault! Even if you are really not interested, you shouldn't say it directly. After all, Sect Master Ranheng is also kind. !"

"Really?" Xu Ming glanced at City Lord Yinguang and didn't say any more.

Originally, Xu Ming also felt that City Lord Yinguang was a good person, and maybe he was someone to befriend; coupled with Yun Tian's reasons, Xu Ming could even give some pointers to City Lord Yinguang. But now, Xu Ming was a little disappointed with the Silver Light City Lord.

"Forget it, when Long Daotian is resolved, it will be considered a favor for Yun Tian! When that time comes, let's cut off the relationship!" Xu Ming already had a plan in his heart.

"Humph!" Seeing that Xu Ming didn't come to apologize for a long time, Sect Master Ranheng snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for the enemy, I would definitely let you know, the gap between the top 300 and the 93rd! Let you understand that you must know how to respect the strong!"

Sect Master Ranheng still wanted to say something, when suddenly, a tyrannical momentum descended on Yinguang City.

"Come on!" The look of City Lord Yinguang suddenly became serious.

Sect Master Ranheng is also a little dignified about his arrogance, but he also knows that any opponent in the top 100 cannot be taken lightly!

In the next moment, this monstrous aura descended on the city lord's mansion, which was Long Daotian, the formidable enemy of the city lord Yinguang!

"Hahahaha..." Long Daotian was wearing a black robe, his aura was extremely fierce, "Yinguang, you know I'm coming, how dare you stay here?"

"Longdaotian kid, don't be too arrogant!" Sect Master Ranheng said proudly, "Look who I am!"

City Lord Yinguang also snorted: "With Sect Master Ranheng here, do you think I dare to stay?"

"The Ranheng Sect Master of the 93rd Renbang? That's no wonder!" Long Daotian sneered, looking very disdainful; then, his eyes swept over Qingmo, "Is this Qingmo? However, it's just a human being. The bottom of the list is not worth mentioning!"

In the end, Long Daotian set his eyes on Xu Ming again, but he ignored it. After all, Xu Ming had just come to the world of the first layer of heaven; it was normal that Long Daotian didn't know him.

"Tsk tsk!" After looking around, Long Daotian couldn't help shaking his head and sneering, "No one can fight!"

No one can beat it!


Xu Ming found that the Sect Master Ranheng and Long Daotian he saw today were more arrogant than the other!

"Could it be that... the top 100 geniuses on the list are all so fascinated and confident?" Xu Ming couldn't help but think, but he was too lazy to mind his own business. He just came to help the main town of Yinguang City! When the town is over, he and the City Lord of Yinguang will be settled, and he will not owe any favors.

However, Sect Master Ranheng couldn't bear such a provocation: "It's really maddening! Your ranking on the list of people is only ninety-eight! Do you really think that you will be my opponent?"

"Sect Master Ranheng?" The corner of Long Daotian's mouth evoked a sly smile, "If I didn't have the confidence to win you, I wouldn't come alone!"

"Surely beat me?" Sect Master Ranheng suddenly became angry, "I don't know what good or bad boy! I will let you know that the ranking of people's strengths is reasonable! People's list ninety-eight and ninety-three are very big. The difference!"

boom! !

As soon as the words fell, the divine body of Sect Master Ranheng suddenly seemed to be ignited, and it burned wildly. This is the secret skill of Sect Master Ranheng, which can burn the divine body without limit! Relying on this secret skill, Sect Master Ranheng can rank ninety-three!

"Take me a trick of the surging sea of ​​fire!" Sect Master Ranheng roared, the stunt "surging sea of ​​fire" repeated one after another, endlessly crushing Longdaotian.

"Humph!" Long Daotian sneered, "I've heard that Sect Master Ranheng's divine power is almost inexhaustible; I saw it today, sure enough! But... You want to win me with this trick? It's too far!"

An incomparably sharp but incomparably sharp ray pierced the sea of ​​​​fire, and instantly shot through the divine body of Sect Master Ranheng! What shocked Sect Master Ranheng even more was that his damaged divine body could not be recovered!

With just one move, the Sect Master Ranheng was injured, while Long Daotian was safe and sound.

"You..." Sect Master Ranheng said in horror, "Your strength..."

"Hahahaha... Do you think that I, like you, will guard the ranking of one person and never improve?" Long Daotian obviously looked down on Sect Master Ranheng at all.

"You..." Sect Master Ranheng was annoyed, "Who wins and who loses, it's still very early!"

City Lord Yinguang even sent a voice transmission to Xu Ming: "Brother Xu Ming, hurry up and join hands with Sect Master Ranheng!"

Xu Ming didn't make a move, just sat there, as steady as Mount Tai to deal with a Dragon Daotian, do you still need to join forces with others? Just a joke!

"Brother Xu Ming!" City Lord Yinguang urged again.

Xu Ming still stood still.

City Lord Yinguang was in a hurry! He did not expect that Xu Ming would drop the chain at a critical moment.

Qing Mo could only watch him stand at the bottom of the list, and he was not qualified to participate in the "Top 100" battle.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

In the fight between electric, light and flint, the divine body of Sect Master Ranheng weakened rapidly.

"Boy! You really don't have a seed! You don't dare to shoot!!" Sect Master Ranheng shouted angrily at Xu Ming.

"Hahahaha..." Long Daotian laughed loudly, "What's the use of him even if he makes a move? Let me tell you the truth, my strength has already entered the top 50 on the list!"

Top 50 people list! ?

The face of Sect Master Ranheng changed suddenly, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly dimmed: "I admit defeat!"

Sect Master Ranheng is pondering the ranking of the people list every day, of course he knows how powerful the top 50 people are! In his Even if Xu Ming dares to make a move in the top 300, it is impossible to defeat Long Daotian! Unless... Xu Ming's strength can be ranked in the top 100, then there is still hope for a battle!

However, is it possible that Xu Ming is one of the top 100 people on the list?

Sect Master Ranheng and City Master Yinguang, of course, felt that it was impossible!

"Humph!" Seeing Sect Master Ranheng admit defeat, Long Daotian didn't chase after him. After all, it's not easy for him to kill the 93rd person on the list of people, I'm afraid he has to pay some price!

"Silver light!" Long Daotian sneered, "Now, do you have any other means?"

City Lord Yinguang said sadly: "Long Daotian, I lost... I just want a way to survive!"

"Live?" Long Daotian couldn't help laughing, "Yinguang, you didn't give me a way back then! If it wasn't for my fate, I wouldn't be alive today! Now, do you want to live with me? is it possible?"

Long Daotian's palm suddenly turned into a black claws and captured the City Lord Yinguang.

Before this claw, the Silver Light City Lord had no resistance at all.

"Are you going to die?" City Lord Yinguang had already felt the coming of death.

But at this moment

boom! !

A larger palm descended from the sky, slapping Long Daotian's entire body directly to the ground.




City Lord Yinguang was shocked!

Sect Master Ranheng was shocked!

Qing Mo was shocked!

The three of them looked at the direction of the palm in unison, and saw the old **** Xu Ming leaning on the wooden chair, with Erlang's legs crossed.

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