Break Into Another World

Chapter 1743: slightly better


City Master Yinguang, Sect Master Ranheng, and Qing Mo all looked at each other in dismay, so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

Of course, the most shocking was undoubtedly Long Daotian who was suppressed to the ground.

Long Daotian was stunned, and it took a while before he dared to believe that he was really suppressed by a palm!


You must know that this is a situation that can only occur when there is a huge gap in strength! And Long Daotian's own strength can definitely rank in the top 50 of the list; then... Xu Ming's strength?

"Definitely the top ten on the list of people! Even... the strongest on the earth list!" Long Daotian looked at Xu Ming in horror.

What is the concept of the top ten on the list?

You know, in one county, there are 10,800 cities! And every city has gathered all the top geniuses in the realm of all things that are comparable to the "Destiny Heaven" range! - The top ten people on the list are equivalent to the top ten geniuses within the range of 10,800 "Destiny Heavens"!

As for the Earth Ranking... it's even more than 10,800 counties, that is, the top geniuses in the range of hundreds of millions of "Destiny Heavens"!

"too strong…"

Long Daotian really didn't expect that in this small Silver Light City, he would meet a powerhouse of this level!

However... When he thought of the big backer behind him, Long Daotian suddenly became hard again. After all, the big backer behind him is one of the top 100 people on the Earth Ranking!

Thinking of this, Long Daotian's face was no longer afraid, but he shouted arrogantly: "Boy, you still don't give it to me..."

"Huh?" Xu Ming was startled - where did this Long Daotian come from? He was suppressed by his own palm, yet he dared to speak madly? Is it true that Brother Ming dare not kill you?

A mere top 50 ants, what did Xu Ming dare not kill?


With a slight force from Xu Ming's palm, Long Daotian's divine body instantly shattered into endless particles, and each particle immediately turned into nothingness.

Long Daotian, die!

Poor Long Daotian originally wanted to report the big backer behind him to threaten Xu Ming. As a result, before he could even call out the name of his backer, he was directly killed by Xu Ming with one palm... It was a shame to die!

Of course, even if Long Daotian called out the name of his backer, it would be useless! First, because Xu Ming had never heard of the names of the powerhouses in the world of First Layer, and he shouted in vain; second, because even if Xu Ming had heard of it, he would still kill them! —The backing of the top 100 on the list? Not to mention the top 100 on the Earth Ranking, it is useless to be the first in the Heavenly Ranking as a backer!

Anyone who Brother Ming wants to kill will surely die!

"Hi-" City Master Yinguang, Sect Master Ranheng, and Qing Mo were all shocked by Xu Ming's ruthlessness.

In particular, Sect Master Ranheng was even more frightened and trembling! You know, just now, he also contemptuously humiliated Xu Ming in various ways; now seeing Xu Ming's strength so terrifying, how could he not be afraid?

For a time, none of the top three great powers in Yinguang City dared to say a word.

After a while, the Silver Light City Lord hesitated: "Xu... Brother Xu Ming, I heard that there seems to be a strong backer behind Long Daotian!"

"Backer?" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "If his backer is honest and acts like a man with his tail between his legs, that's fine! If he comes to take revenge, then prepare to die!"

Seeing City Lord Yinguang's expression of hesitating to speak, Xu Ming naturally guessed his worries and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will stay in Silverlight City for the time being! Even if I have to leave in the future, I will I will recognize this account of killing Long Daotian; presumably, the backer behind Long Daotian will not come to trouble you!"

City Lord Yinguang was ashamed when Xu Ming saw through his thoughts.

Xu Ming said again: "But... from now on, the karmic entanglement between you and Yun Tian will end!"

"Yes! Yes!" City Lord Yinguang continued.

Immediately, the City Lord of Yinguang said again: "Brother Xu Ming, as you are living in my Silver Light City, you naturally want to live in the best place, or else, I will vacate the City Lord's Mansion and let you live alone? "

The strength shown by Xu Ming is really too strong! City Lord Yinguang must be respectful and careful in front of Xu Ming!

At this time, the Sect Master of Ranheng also seized the opportunity and stepped forward and said, "Brother Xu Ming, why don't you come and live in my Ranheng Sect! I'll send an order to clear the entire Ranheng Sect!"

The place where a superpower like Xu Ming lives, of course other people can't live, and must be cleared.

Xu Ming said lightly, "No need! Just stay here for a while!"

"Yes! Yes!" City Lord Yinguang continued, "But... Yun Tian and Lone Gunner's current residence is too bad, why don't you change to a better place?"

"Alright!" Xu Ming thought about it and said.

"I'll do it now!" City Lord Yinguang rushed out as if he had received the imperial decree.

South of Silver Light City.

The big clan "Wu Family" occupies a large manor, like a city within a city.

Among the Wu family, there are quite a few masters who have reached the "Second Rank of the True Self"; however, there is not a single master who has entered the ranking.

However, because the Wu family never dared to offend the City Lord's Mansion, Ranheng Sect, and Qingmo, even though they often do evil in the city, they are still prosperous.

"Hahahaha... Beauty, once you enter the gate of my Wu family, you will never want to go out! Your next life's duty is to serve my Wu Yue well!" A lewd voice came from the high walls of the Wu family.

The masters of the realm of all things walking in the city naturally understand what happened; however, all of them dare not speak out-after all, whoever dares to talk nonsense is to offend the Wu family and die!



The mighty momentum rolled over!

Thousands of soldiers from the City Lord's Mansion surrounded the entire Wu family.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Passersby were curious.

The Wu family went up and down but suddenly fell into a panic: "That's the people of the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Why did the people of the City Lord's Mansion surround our Wu family? Our Wu family has never offended the City Lord's Mansion!"

At this moment, a thunderous low and angry shout sounded: "Everyone in the Wu family listens carefully, immediately remove the formation, and all leave the Wu family! After a stick of incense, those who remain in the Wu family manor will all be killed. amnesty!"

what! ?

The Wu family suddenly panicked!

The head of the Wu family, who was in retreat, was also alerted, and even went out of the gate and asked, "I don't know where I offended the city master? Please also inform us that our Wu family will come to apologize immediately!"

"You didn't offend me!" A majestic voice sounded, it was the City Lord Yinguang, "There is no reason! Everyone in the Wu family leaves the Wu family manor immediately, or they will be killed without mercy!"

Although Xu Ming said that it would be good to change to a "slightly better" place, the City Lord of Silver Light did not dare to be too "slightly"!

Since Xu Ming was unwilling to live in the City Lord's Mansion and the Ranheng Sect, the Silver Light City Lord chose the Wu Family Manor as the target - this is the best place besides the City Lord's Mansion and Ranheng Sect!

Faced with such a strong Silver Light City Lord, would the Wu family dare to resist?

Of course not!

Unless the Wu family wants to be exterminated!

So... the Wu family left the manor one after another with their faces full of bewilderment. The head of the Wu family was even more inexplicable. Until he handed over the control of the manor's grand formation, he didn't know what happened.

At night, the child has been making trouble, unable to code words, and only one chapter has been published. I'll change it today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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