Break Into Another World

Chapter 1744: Land list update

Clouds and states.

Among the 10,800 states in the first layer of the world, it can only be regarded as a very ordinary state.

At this time, in the "Yunhe City", the power center of Yunhe Prefecture, in the Taikoo Pavilion, there are countless people who are strong in the realm of all things.

Taikoo Pavilion is one of the most peak forces in the entire First Layer world. The sub-pavilions of Taikoo Pavilion, spread over 10,800 states, are responsible for the compilation of the list of all things in each state and county; the main pavilion of Taikoo Pavilion is responsible for the compilation of the list of all things.

Three days ago, Taikoo Pavilion Cloud and State Branch Pavilion released news that the Earth List would be updated. As a result, in Yunhe Prefecture, many top-level experts in the realm of all things flocked here, wanting to see what changes would happen to the Earth Ranking.

Most of these top-level powerhouses in the realm of all things are the leaders of one side, or the county master of a county!

After all, there are only 10,000 people in the entire Yunhe Prefecture! Average to every county, not even one! Which power, or which county owner, can win over a strong person on the land list, it will definitely be a leap in strength!

Therefore, there will be so many leaders and powerhouses at the level of county masters who will personally come to the Taikoo Pavilion sub-pavilion and wait for the update of the land list! If a new name appears on the land list, these powerhouses will probably be scrambling to win over at any cost!

"Since Taikoo Pavilion has announced the update of the Earth Ranking, it means that the Earth Ranking must have changed!"

"The last time the Earth Ranking was updated, it seems only a few hundred epochs have passed? It has been updated so quickly. It seems that the changes in the Earth Ranking will not be very big! Could it be that there are only some changes in the rankings, and there are no new powerhouses? Enter the Earth Ranking?"

"You'll know just by looking at it!"


Inside the Taikoo Pavilion, there is a golden and shining list that penetrates the sky and the ground - it is the list of Yunhe Prefecture!

Above the list, the original 10,000 names and information gradually faded and disappeared; the new rankings, above the list, appeared one by one from high to low.

"Aoji, No. 1 on the Earth Ranking! Yunhe City's lone powerhouse, record..."

"Liao Tianhao, second on the Earth Ranking list..."

Names emerge one by one.

There was no change in the top 100 on the list.

After all, the strength of the top 100 strongmen on the Earth Ranking List has reached a terrifying height; even if it is only a little further, it will be difficult! Therefore, it is difficult for the top 100 and thousands of epochs to change once on the earth list; unless there is a strong person who does not want to stay in the world of the first layer of heaven and goes to the world of the second layer of heaven, a ranking will be vacated, and the change will occur.

"Thousand Illusory Demons, three hundred and nine on the earth list..."

When seeing this title and ranking, there were a lot of shocked sighs in the Taikoo Pavilion sub-pavilion.

"Last time, the Thousand Illusion Demons ranked out of the top 1000 on the Earth Rankings, right? It suddenly jumped to around 300? This speed of progress is too terrifying, right?"

"It must be that the Thousand Phantom Demons have been hiding their strength for a long time, and now they have exploded!"

The further back you go, the more the ranking changes. However, most of them are just a change in ranking, and it is rare to see a new name appearing on the land list.

"Xu Ming, number 9,300 on the Earth Ranking! Now living in Yinguang City, Youlong County, he has no power yet, so he is a loner! Record: Long Daotian, who ranks 47th on the Killing List in Yizhang Town, is able to handle it with ease, obviously I didn't use all my strength! Taikoo Pavilion's sub-pavilion evaluation, qualified to rank 9,300 on the Earth Ranking!"

Xu Ming!

This strange name appeared in Yunhezhou for the first time.

The big forces in Yunhe Prefecture immediately learned the name "Xu Ming"! More importantly—Xu Ming is a loner who suddenly appeared without any power!

Immediately, the leaders of all forces were boiling! -Which side doesn't want to have an extra powerhouse in their own family?

How can the combat power and deterrent power of a strong person on the land list be underestimated?

"Youlong County, Silver Light City! Go!"


"It's too late, Xu Ming was invited by other forces to leave!"

In particular, the Lord of Youlong County left Yunhe City in a hurry, and went straight to Yinguang City—this is the top-ranking powerhouse that emerged in Youlong County. My subordinates; if other forces take the lead, then Princess Youlong will definitely not have time to cry!

Just when all the powerhouses rushed to Silver Light City, in the Taigu Pavilion branch, a master of the realm of all things with awe-inspiring aura, his eyes were full of killing intent. On his divine body, there are countless complicated secret patterns, all lingering with evil energy, obviously very angry.

He was the one who was on top of the last Earth Ranking and ranked the 10,000th Earth Ranking expert—Huang Jixie!

As the existence at the bottom of the earth list, when the earth list was updated, of course Huang Jixie couldn't help but appear here. He was afraid that some new masters would be on the list and squeeze him out; but now, the thing that made him worry happened!

"Xu Ming!?" The murderous intent in Huang Jixie's eyes was boiling, "Where is the nameless person, I have never heard of it! With the record of killing Long Daotian with one palm, not only did he make it into the Earth Ranking, he also ranked Nine thousand three hundred!?"

The emperor is extremely evil in his heart!

Very dissatisfied!

"Can't I kill Long Daotian with one palm? Why, I can only rank 10,000, but Xu Ming can rank so high!"

Of course, what angered Huang Jixie the most was that he was nowhere on the list!

"No! I must kill this Xu Ming and return to the Earth Ranking!" Huang Jixie's eyes gradually became crazy, as if it was because of the exercises he practiced, "As long as I kill Xu Ming, I will not only be able to restore Return to the ranking list, and can win his current ranking!"

Silver Light the Wu Family Manor.

Naturally, Xu Ming didn't know at all that his name had shaken the entire Yunhe Prefecture. Not only are there forces coming to invite him, but also the madman Huang Jixie is coming to challenge him.

At this time, Xu Ming was sitting in meditation by the lakeside in the Wu family manor.

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner stood behind Xu Ming and did not dare to disturb him at all—in front of Xu Ming, they all maintained an absolute humility.

The lake water is rippling.

In Xu Ming's eyes, this lake does not seem to be lake water, but countless mysteries derived from chaos to Tao flowing in the lake.

However, at Xu Ming's current realm, it is naturally difficult for the heaven and earth to touch him much - what he comprehends in his current practice is not the heaven and earth, but the "true self".

The power of heaven and earth, the power of chaos to the Tao, is only an external force after all; only the "real self" is the power that truly belongs to itself! It is the real powerful force!

"The realm of the true self..." Xu Ming found that he was still far from even stepping into the "first order of the true self"!

It's not that Xu Ming's talent is poor, and he can't understand the "true self". But it is because the "no way" that Xu Ming has learned is too difficult to comprehend; the second is because Xu Ming's cultivation time is too short!

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's face sank slightly. He felt that there were countless strong men coming in his direction, obviously coming at him.

There is only one chapter today, sorry.

There will be more than three more tomorrow. There is something in reality, thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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