Break Into Another World

Chapter 1752: Eternal Battlefield Invitation


Deathly silence!

Mo Jiangran, the powerhouse of the Heavenly Ranking, was killed with such ease!

"how is this possible…"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. Even the powerhouses of the Taikoo Pavilion are full of horror and puzzlement.

"Mo Jiangran is a third-order emperor-level real me like a fake! And Xu Ming, isn't even the emperor-level real me, how could it be possible to kill Mo Jiangran?"

yes! how is this possible?

And the truth happened right before their eyes.

The strong man in the Taikoo Pavilion's main pavilion fell into deep thought: "Two possibilities... The first is that Xu Ming is also the emperor's true self, and he is the strongest among the emperor's true self! Moreover, Xu Ming should only be the true self now. Second-order, so when he shoots, there will be no 'true essence and profound meaning' that belongs to the third-order of the emperor's true self!"

The emperor's true self is naturally divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The top-level emperor-level real self is second-order, and it is indeed possible to kill the ordinary emperor-level real self-level three.

"The second possibility...that would be terrifying!" The eyes of the Taikoo Pavilion powerhouse couldn't help but show a look of horror, "That is... Xu Ming is the real me!"

The true self of the gods is even higher than the true self of the emperor! Anyone who can comprehend the true self of the gods can challenge the ancient list of all things!

Moreover, the true self of the gods will not reveal the "essential and profound meaning of the true self" like the "third-order of the true self of the emperor". Because, the true self of the gods has already reached Consummation, and will not leak any breath at all.

"If Xu Ming is the third-rank god-level true self, or the second-level god-level true self, killing Mo Jiangran will not be a problem at all! And Xu Ming, although stronger than Mo Jiangran, seems to be stronger. limited..."

The Taikoo Pavilion masters quickly came to a conclusion: Xu Ming is either a very strong second-rank emperor, or a first-rank god!

"The true self of the's almost impossible! Then, Xu Ming should be the second-order kind of the very strong true self of the emperor!" Taikoo Pavilion's main pavilion powerhouse secretly said, "Wait until he breaks through to the third order of the true self of the emperor in the future. , I'm afraid they can be ranked at the top of the list!"

Thinking about it, the strong man flew directly into the sky and flew towards Xu Ming; "Brother Xu Ming, admire! Admire!"

"Are you...?" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Inspecting the Angel Banquet Silver Army at the General Pavilion of the Lower Taikoo Pavilion!"

Taikoo Court General Pavilion!

Patrol Angel!

As soon as the Yan Yinjun from the General Pavilion of Taikoo Pavilion said this, all the powerhouses who were shocked by Mo Jiangran's slaughter all turned their shocking eyes to them. Only then did they realize that there was a hidden hidden in the crowd. The Guardian Angel of Taikoo Tower!

You know, the patrolling angel, but the messengers sent by the Taikoo Pavilion to inspect the entire First Layer world, almost directly represent the Taikoo Pavilion! Moreover, the patrol angel has the qualification to determine the ranking of the heavenly list!

The battle between Xu Ming and Mo Jiangran had just ended, and the patrol angel of Taikoo Pavilion appeared. Obviously, he was here to put Xu Ming on the list!

"Where does Xu Minghui rank on the list?"

"Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse... I actually witnessed the birth of a Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse! And, obviously, Xu Ming is definitely a potential Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse!"

Many of the powerhouses who were watching the battle had good eyesight. They guessed that Xu Ming was probably the second-ranking emperor!

Yan Yinjun said: "Xu Ming, I will give you a ranking in the Heavenly Ranking based on the strength you have shown! You have the opportunity now, you can show me more strength, do you want to show it?"

Show more power?

"No!" Xu Ming shook his head directly.

Xu Ming's strength is for killing people, not for acting.

"That's good!" Yan Yinjun said, "Your ranking is the sixth thousandth!"

Yan Yinjun directly gave the ranking.

"If you're not satisfied with this ranking, you can challenge other Heavenly Ranking powerhouses! Likewise, if there is a Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse who is not convinced that you are ranked in front of him, he will also challenge you!" Yan Yinjun reminded.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded lightly, expressing his understanding.

"By the way! There is one more thing for you!" Yan Yinjun suddenly sounded.

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder what it would be?

"Eternal Battlefield Invitation!" Yan Yinjun quietly threw a world ring, which was a golden invitation.

On this invitation letter, there is no text and no breath.

Yan Yinjun continued his voice transmission: "All the powerhouses in the sky will receive such an invitation letter! As for where the Eternal Battlefield is and whether you want to enter, you will know later!"

Having said that, Yan Yinjun also reminded kindly: "Xu Ming, you have great potential. I suggest that you should not be in a hurry to leave the world of the first layer, nor enter the battlefield of eternity in a hurry! Wait for your strength to improve a little, and then It's not too late to enter the eternal battlefield!"

"Okay!" Although Xu Ming didn't quite understand, he didn't ask any further questions.

"I look forward to seeing you in Shengtian Prefecture!" Yan Yinjun said with a smile.

Shengtianzhou is where the main pavilion of the Taikoo Pavilion is located, and it is also the absolute core of the entire first layer of the world.

Most of the top forces and powerhouses in the First Layer World gathered in Shengtian Prefecture.

Even the powerhouses in other states, after arriving in Shengtian state, dare not be too high-profile! After all, almost all the powerhouses on the Heavenly List are gathered in Shengtianzhou; when the Powerhouses on the Earth List are here, who dares to make a high profile?

The patrolling angel banquet Yinjun will leave Outside the city of silver light, many strong people are a little regretful. You must know that if they did not leave the city of silver light before, then at this time, they can make friends with Xu Ming. This is the powerhouse who is ranked 6000th in the sky list! After all, it is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow.

As for now, it will be difficult to make friends with Xu Ming again!

"The main city of Yinguang City has developed!" Many strong people couldn't help but think that regardless of whether the City Lord of Yinguang City was intentional or not, he didn't leave Yinguang City anyway, more or less equivalent to "sharing weal and woe" with Xu Ming a bit!

Sharing weal and woe with a strong person in the sky... This kind of friendship is what everyone wants!

"The sixth thousandth on the list... Xu Ming is definitely the number one powerhouse in the entire Yunhe Prefecture!"

There are 10,800 states in the world of the first layer, but not every state has a strong person on the list! What's more, Xu Ming's ranking on the list is not very low!

Some powerhouses are already thinking about whether they should find an opportunity to make friends with City Lord Yinguang! In this way, I can get a little bit of Xu Ming's light; in case of any trouble in the future, I can still make a name and say that I and Xu Ming's younger brother, City Lord Yinguang, are good friends!

Of course, City Lord Yinguang didn't know that he had been "targeted" by the powerhouses all over the place by accident. Next, he will usher in the initiative to make friends with many local powerhouses!

For the existence of the Silver Light City Lord, encountering such a thing is tantamount to reaching the pinnacle of life.

And this, isn't it a causal cycle? City Lord Yinguang helped Yun Tian and Lone Gunner, while Xu Ming helped the two younger brothers to repay the cause and effect.

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