Break Into Another World

Chapter 1753: old country father

call out-

An arrogant figure cut through the void, from south to north, across the world of the first layer of heaven - it was Xu Ming.

The speed is so fast that the powerhouses in the path are far behind.

"Saint Tianzhou..." Xu Ming looked forward to it.

Soon after the "farce" brought by Mo Jiangran was over, Xu Ming said goodbye to Yun Tian, ​​Lone Gunner, and City Lord Yinguang, and went to Shengtian Prefecture from Yunhe Prefecture alone.

Although Yun Tian and Lone Gunner had followed Xu Ming for a period of time; but after all, their talents were average, and it was impossible for them to follow Xu Ming forever.

Although Xu Ming wanted to help the two improve their strength, but in the world of First Layer, if the cultivation base wants to break through the realm of all things and reach the realm of destruction, he must first understand the realm of self!

To understand the "true self", one can only rely on oneself, and even Xu Ming cannot help—Xu Ming's "Supreme Dao Guidance System" guides "chaos to the Dao"; and "the realm of the true self" does not belong to In the category of "Chaos to Dao", even if Xu Ming wanted to guide him, he couldn't guide him at all.

Therefore, cultivating in the world of the first layer of heaven can only rely on Yun Tian and Lone Gunner himself.

However, when Xu Ming left, he hung it with "wholesale and retail gold fingers" and "installed" gold fingers for both of them. Now, the strength of Yun Tian and Lone Gunner has skyrocketed; in addition, they are living in seclusion in the small Silver Light City, which should be enough to live in the world of a world without worries.

"If there is fate in the future, I will have the opportunity to see you again!" Xu Ming was very calm.

Immediately, Xu Ming's eyes became firm, staring ahead: "Shengtianzhou!"

As Xu Ming's identity as a "Tianbang Powerhouse", it is naturally not difficult to obtain some information about the world of the first layer of heaven. Before setting off, Xu Ming also had a more detailed understanding of Shengtianzhou.

In Shengtian Prefecture, various major forces occupy each county and each city, and each has its own territory. For example, top forces such as Shengtianmeng, Taigu Pavilion, Zhenyu Temple, etc., each occupy the territory of dozens of counties.

And Xu Ming is now going to... the territory of Zhenyu Hall.

"Zhenyu Temple..." When Xu Ming just learned about this faction's information, the whole person couldn't help but be excited - Zhenyu Temple, in fact, is... the power formed by geniuses from the real universe!

The geniuses of the Zhenyu Temple, all forces from the real universe! Among them is... the genius of the Eternal Hall!


Eternal Hall!

It was Xu Ming and Yin Ran's daughter, Xu Yin, to which force they went!

According to the information Xu Ming has obtained, the Eternal Hall is the top superpower in the entire real universe, or directly "the entire universe"! It is even possible... There is no stronger force than the Eternal Hall!

And the Eternal Hall is in Shengtianzhou, and it directly occupies the territory of three counties!

Of course, in the territory, there are only a few geniuses from the real universe; the vast majority are geniuses from the virtual universe.

"I'm going to ask the genius of the Eternal Hall, maybe I'll get news about Xu Yin! Even..." Xu Ming couldn't help but think, "Even, is Xu Yin also in the world of First Layer?"

If you are here, father and daughter will be able to meet!

"My daughter should still recognize me, right?" Xu Ming wasn't sure.

After all, Xu Yin was taken away directly by Gu Hanmo to the Eternal Palace when he was just born; Xu Yin at that time was just a newborn baby.

If it is an ordinary baby, it will definitely not recognize its father. However, Xu Yin is different from ordinary babies; when she was born, she was directly a saint...

Moreover, when Xu Ming saw the first face of his daughter, it was not Xu Ming who spoke first, but his daughter Xu Yin!

Xu Ming remembered very clearly that Xu Yin, who was just born at the time, asked himself in a milky voice, "You are my father!?"

And, before Xu Ming could answer, Xu Yin asked and answered, "That's right! Our breaths are very similar, you must be my father!"

Therefore, in Xu Ming's opinion, her daughter should still recognize her!

Instead, Xu Ming was worried—would he not recognize his daughter?

After all, the eighteenth change of the female university!

Xu Ming has only seen Xu Yin when he was a baby. Now that such a long time has passed, Xu Yin's appearance must have been completely different; even his breath may have changed!

Xu Ming is really worried... When he sees his daughter, he will not know her daughter!

That would be embarrassing...

But no matter what, Xu Ming will go to the Eternal Hall to find out!

"Saint Tianzhou, Zhenyu Hall, Eternal Hall!"

This is Xu Ming's destination.

call out-

Thinking of this, Xu Ming became a little faster.

"I hope Xu Yin will be in the world of the first world!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

But Xu Ming also knew that his daughter was probably not in the world of the first world! Because, according to the news Xu Ming got, the true geniuses of the universe who entered the world of the first layer of heaven are all extremely powerful, and many of them are at the forefront of the heavenly list!

Although the daughter's talent is against the sky, can she cultivate to the sky's strength so quickly? —Xu Ming feels that it should be impossible!

After all, if Xu Yin really cultivated to the strength of the sky list so quickly, doesn't it mean that Xu Yin's talent and strength are even more insane and perverted than Xu Ming's?

gallop all the way.

The closer he got to the Eternal Hall's resident in the first world, the more nervous Xu Ming felt.

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but worry: "Will my daughter deliberately deny me?"

After all, Xu Ming wanted to give his daughter a bigger future, plus the **** level can have an infinite lifespan, and there is no need to care about the momentary clutch; therefore, Xu Ming and Yin Ran are cruel, both It was decided to let Gu Hanmo take his daughter to the Eternal Hall.

At that time, Xu Yin was just born. After so many years, it is indeed possible to not recognize Xu Ming as an "old country father".

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little scared - even in the face of a big life and death crisis, Xu Ming has never been afraid; but now, he feels scared and frightened!

Finally, under this complicated emotion, Xu Ming arrived at "Eternal County".

This county town is the foundation of the Eternal Hall in the world of the first layer of heaven.

"It's here!" Xu Ming lowered his body from the air and walked towards Eternal County with some trepidation.

At the gate of Eternal County, only a genius is meditating cross-legged.

Xu Ming stepped forward and prepared to enter the city.

"Stop!" The gray-clothed genius shouted coldly, his voice without a trace of emotion, "The Eternal Hall is stationed, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned - not allowed to enter the city?

Xu Ming thought about it, he couldn't tell Xu Yin's name directly, could he? —Even if it is reported, even if Xu Yin is indeed in the county town, the other party will not necessarily take care of him!

Xu Ming's eyes lit up and said, "I am Xu Ming, who is ranked 6,000th in the sky, and I want to enter the city!"

Top of the list!

At this time, Xu Ming finally felt the usefulness of being on the list!

"Heaven's List?" What Xu Ming didn't expect was that the gray-clothed genius sneered with great disdain, "You can't enter the Holy Land of Eternal Hall! Don't say that you are on the Heaven's List, even if you are among the ancients. The list is useless!"

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