Break Into Another World

Chapter 1754: cosmic flower sea

Eternal Temple.

In the real universe, the status is extremely detached.

Even a genius from the real universe may not be eligible to enter the residence of the Eternal Hall; what's more, he is only a powerhouse from the virtual universe.

The word "Heavenly List" is indeed enough to deter the world of the first layer of heaven; but within the sphere of influence of Shengtian Prefecture, especially the "Zhenyu Temple", there is really no deterrence.

Even the gray-clothed genius who looked at the gate of the Eternal Hall was very disdainful of Tianbang.

"It's useless to be listed on the Primordial All Things List?" Xu Ming frowned slightly.

The attitude of this gray-clothed genius made Xu Ming very unhappy. If it were somewhere else, Xu Ming might just slap him directly to teach him how to be a man; but here is the "Eternal Palace" where Xu Yin belongs. Xu Ming is worried that if he does it casually, he will give it to his daughter Xu Yin. Cause trouble, or cause daughter Xu Yin's dislike.

Therefore, although a little annoyed, Xu Ming chose to endure it first!

" can I get inside?" Xu Ming asked.

"Want to go in?" The genius in gray sneered, "Impossible! Don't say it's you, even me, I can't go in, I can only stay here!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming was stunned.

Obviously, the gray-clothed genius in front of him has a very low status in the Eternal Hall.

Bang! Bang! Bang! …

At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly felt that the space was rippling with ripples.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly startled.

You must know that the space in the world of First Layer is extremely stable. Even Xu Ming could hardly cause ripples in space here.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming felt that the waves of space ripples were getting stronger and stronger; obviously, the source of the space ripples was constantly approaching.

As the ripples in the space became stronger and stronger, Xu Ming soon saw a black figure—it was really a black figure.

This black figure, not only the clothes are black, but even the skin is the deepest black; the whole person seems to be a three-dimensional shadow! -Yes! Three-dimensional shadow! All over the body, except for the purest black, there is nothing else!

More precisely, it's a human-shaped black hole! Xu Ming could feel that this black figure seemed to be extremely heavy, as heavy as a real black hole; and because of this, every step he took would cause ripples in the space.

"Just relying on the weight of the divine body will cause ripples in the world of the first layer!?" Xu Ming couldn't imagine, "How heavy should this divine body be!?"

The gray-clothed genius who guarded the door, when he saw this figure, immediately put away his arrogance when facing Xu Ming, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

But this black hole-like figure left without even looking at him and Xu Ming - it was like an ordinary person walking and finding two ants on the ground, so he wouldn't even look at them deliberately!

This is ignoring!

Absolutely ignore!

However, Xu Ming vaguely guessed what the identity of this black hole figure was: "If there is no accident, he should come from... the real universe!"

If we say that everything in the virtual universe is illusory, like a rootless plant. Then, everything and everyone in the real universe is real!

You must know that the more real existence, the darker the color and the heavier the weight; and the more illusory existence, the lighter the color and the lighter the weight!

Once a person from the real universe appears in front of Xu Ming, Xu Ming will indeed look at a black hole - because the other party is too real! So the color is extremely deep, even deep to complete darkness!

In the eyes of the true cosmos powerhouse, Xu Ming is extremely illusory, and the color is extremely pale; it is very likely that the true cosmos powerhouse who has just passed by looks at Xu Ming as if he is looking at a faint light. A nearly non-existent phantom.

At this time, Xu Ming turned to look at the genius in gray who was guarding the gate. This genius in gray doesn't look much different from Xu Ming. Obviously, he is not from the real universe, but from the virtual universe just like Xu Ming. people.

"Then..." Xu Ming thought for a while and asked, "Then I won't go inside, I'll ask you something here, okay?"

"Inquiring about things?" The genius in gray smiled, "I know a lot about things in the Eternal Palace!"

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

"But..." The genius in gray sneered, "Why should I tell you?"

"You..." Xu Ming was suddenly annoyed. But what the other party said is also correct - not relatives, not friends, why should I tell you?

"What benefits do you want?" Xu Ming asked straight to the point.

"Haha! Direct enough!" The genius in gray squinted and said with a smile, "It seems... what do you really want to know!"

Xu Ming did not speak.

The gray-clothed genius said again: "Let's do it! A 'flower of true self', regardless of grade! - You can find me a 'flower of true self', and you can ask me any question! As long as it is what I know , absolutely tell the truth; if you don't know, you can ask someone else I know!"

My flower?

Xu Ming was stunned: "Isn't the flower of the true self formed from the perception of the 'true self' in the domain master realm? Where can I find it?"

In the first layer of the world, there is no domain master realm strong!

Moreover, even if there is a domain master realm strong, is it difficult... Xu Ming kills a realm master realm, and he can pull out his "flower of true self"? - Of course not!

The flower of the true self is not a real but the perception of "the realm of the true self"! How can you win the perception of others?

"You don't even know this!?" The genius in gray couldn't help but look at Xu Ming, "You are really a powerhouse in the sky? You are so ignorant!"

Xu Ming was speechless - he had just arrived in the world of First Layer, and indeed many secrets were unknown to him!

The gray-clothed genius said again: "You probably haven't heard of the 'Cosmic Flower Sea', have you?"

Cosmic sea of ​​flowers?

Never heard of it!

"The universe of flowers is full of flowers of the true self!" said the genius in gray. "The location of the universe of flowers is in the main hall of Zhenyu Temple; there is no prohibition for the genius of our virtual universe to enter, anyone can go!"

"The main hall of Zhenyu Palace?"

"I am here for hundreds of millions of years! If you can get the 'Flower of True Self', you can come to me and ask questions at any time!" The genius in gray said with a smile.

Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Okay!"

Right now, it seems that we can only go to the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers in the main hall of Zhenyu Temple to find the flowers of the true self! After all, Xu Ming couldn't enter the Eternal Hall directly, could he?

Looking at Xu Ming's back, the genius in gray shook his head and sneered: "How can the flower of the true self be obtained so easily? Even if he can get it, it will be a matter of countless epochs... And when the time comes, he will You must know how precious the 'Flower of True Self' is, I'm afraid I would be reluctant to ask a question with a 'Flower of True Self'? Haha... Forget it, anyway, it's just idle and boring, so just make fun of him !"

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