Break Into Another World

Chapter 1755: 3 ways

The main hall of Zhenyu Palace is actually the "Zhenyu County City".

An entire county town is within the scope of the main hall.

Here, it is undoubtedly the place where the most powerful people gather in the entire First Layer World. Most of the powerhouses in the Heavenly Ranking live here.

Xu Ming was about to enter the city, but was stopped by two master guards: "Show your invitation letter!"

"Invitation letter?" Xu Ming wondered - what kind of invitation letter do you need to enter Zhenyu County?

"It's the invitation letter of the Eternal Battlefield!" the master guard said.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but said, "I want to enter the county town, not the Eternal Battlefield!"

The other party replied: "The entrance to the Eternal Battlefield is in the city! Only those who have received an invitation letter and whose strength has been recognized can enter the city!"

"So it is!" Xu Ming understood, and took out the invitation letter for the Eternal Battlefield.

The two guard masters took away the invitation letter and handed Xu Ming a dark purple talisman.

The material of the talisman is special, with the three characters "Zhenyu Hall" on the front and a number: 50 on the back.

"What is this number...?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

The master guard said: "This is your initial score! When your score reaches 100, you can enter the 'Cosmic Flower Sea'!"

Obviously, the only use of the points on the Zhenyu Palace Token is to enter the universe of flowers.

"But..." the guard master said again, "100 points, you can only enter the cosmos flower sea for a very short moment, and it is almost impossible to pick a high-grade 'true flower'; the more points, you can enter the cosmos flower sea. The longer you stay inside!"

"Well..." Xu Ming nodded and pondered, "Then... how can I get points?"

"Three ways!" The guard masters are tireless, after all, this is their duty, "The first way, enter the eternal battlefield, kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, you will naturally get points! The second way, points gambling! The third way There is a way... still don't say it, it's impossible! Say it and say it in vain!"

"Thank you for letting me know!" Xu Ming probably understood the use of points, clasped his fists and thanked him, and strode into Zhenyu County.

"I don't know... Will someone come to me to gamble?" Xu Ming thought to himself, "If there is no one, I'll have to enter the battlefield of eternity for a walk!"

In Xu Ming's view, earning 100 points should not be difficult. At that time, you will be able to enter the universe of flowers and obtain the flower of your true self; then, go to the Eternal Hall and find the gray-clothed genius to inquire about Xu Yin's news.

Walking in Zhenyu County, Xu Ming did not know that he had been targeted by many strong men.

"Look at that!"

"I just came in with an invitation letter from the Eternal Battlefield! It's a new arrival!"

"Check who it is!"

Soon, the powerhouses in Zhenyu County confirmed Xu Ming's identity.

"The sixth thousandth on the list, Xu Ming?"

"Sixth thousandth? Too weak!"

"Indeed! In Zhenyu County, although there are many Heavenly Ranking powerhouses ranked after 6,000, and even some powerhouses, they are no longer on the Heavenly Ranking! But... the Heavenly Ranking powerhouses ranked after 6,000 have not been on the Heavenly Ranking for a long time. I've made a move; once I make a move, I'm afraid the strength will far exceed the ranking! As for the powerhouses who are not on the list, that's even more terrifying!"

You must know that once you enter the eternal battlefield, you will automatically withdraw from the Heavenly Ranking! After all, entering the eternal battlefield means that life and death are uncertain! Therefore... the powerhouses who are in Zhenyu County but not on the Heavenly Ranking list are all superpowers who came back alive from the battlefield of the ancient times!

"Let's go! Go to Zhenyu Battle Platform first and send Xu Ming a point bet!"

"Will Xu Ming accept it?"

"If he doesn't accept it, we won't have any loss! Besides, I set the points for the betting battle to a lower value, maybe... Xu Ming took the bait with the mentality of giving it a try?"

"Haha! Yes! Over the years, many newcomers have been cheated of their points by gambling!"

Immediately, there were many strong men who went straight to the Zhenyu Battle Stage.

In fact... this is also a "convention" in Zhenyu County.

You must know how high-spirited those powerhouses who have just entered the "Heavenly Ranking" are in the world of the first layer!

These newly promoted Heavenly Ranking powerhouses enter Zhenyu County and are challenged by other powerhouses, so naturally they will not be convinced.

Therefore, every newcomer entering Zhenyu County will be challenged by many people; Xu Ming is not an exception.

A strong man entered the Zhenyu battle stage and launched a points gambling battle with Xu Ming.

"I'll bet 50 points! If I'm lucky, Xu Ming is the first to challenge me, then I can earn 50 points in one battle! Haha... It's not easy to earn 50 points in the battlefield of Eternal Age!"

"I don't think Xu Ming would be so stupid! Even if he takes on the challenge, he probably has to take a gamble with low points and try it first! I only bet 1 point, haha!"

"Why do you think so much? With so many people starting a gambling war, even if Xu Ming takes on the challenge, do you think it will be our turn? Come on as you like - there is no limit to the points gambling war! He can bet as much as he wants!"

Inside the Zhenyu Battle Stage.

The points gambling battle initiated by Xu Ming filled the gambling battle column. As long as Xu Ming comes here, he will definitely see it.

At that time, Xu Ming can choose to challenge or ignore it. As long as Xu Ming does not fight, after a while, these gambling battles will naturally be cancelled.


Xu Ming did not come to Zhenyu Battle Arena, but wandered around other places in Zhenyu County.

"List of all things immemorial!"

Suddenly Xu Ming saw a huge black stone inscription with gilded names on it; 10,000 names were arranged from top to bottom!

These ten thousand names represent the entire universe, from ancient times to the present, the strongest ten thousand geniuses in the realm of all things that have appeared! Even the name at the bottom of the ranking is probably much stronger than "Number One in the Sky"!

After all, the history of the universe is so vast! Countless billions of eras, each era will have a few geniuses who rush to the "first place in the sky"; the "first place in the sky" that has appeared in the whole world of the first layer, how many billions?

And the ancient list of all things has only 10,000 names.

That is to say... Among the hundreds of millions of "Number Ones in the Heavenly Ranking", there may not be one who can make it to the Primordial All Things Ranking.

Next to the black stone inscription, are the rules for challenging the Primordial All Things List: To challenge the Primordial All Things List, you must start from the last one, and challenge one by one! The number one you can beat is the number one you rank on the Primordial All Things List! If the challenge is successful, you can get points; the higher the ranking, the more points!

"So... this is the third way that the guard master said!" Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head and chuckled, "No wonder they said that the third way is impossible, and it is useless to say it!"

Indeed, for an ordinary Heavenly Ranking expert, this third way to obtain points is indeed meaningless! But... Is Brother Ming an ordinary Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse?

"List of Primordial All Things?" Xu Ming fixed his gaze directly on the first name at the top.

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