Break Into Another World

Chapter 1756: Challenge the ancient list of all things

Xu Ming directly set his eyes on the first name at the top: "Since you can earn points by challenging the Primordial All Things Ranking, then I'll go straight to the top of the Primordial Ancient All Things Ranking!"

Although Xu Ming still didn't know the benefits of entering the cosmos flower sea; however, Xu Ming also felt that the cosmos flower sea was definitely a good place.

Moreover, points seem to be quite difficult to obtain. In this case, Xu Ming must rely on the Primordial All Things Ranking to "sweep points"!

As for whether it will fail to challenge the list of ancient things...


The geniuses on the Primordial All Things Ranking, no matter how strong they are, are only in the realm of all things! Xu Ming hung up, and he could ravage as much as he wanted!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming directly covered the blackstone inscription with his palm: "Challenge!"

A thought as vast as the sky and the earth came: "Everyone has only one chance to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking! Are you sure you want to challenge?"


call out-

A mysterious force enveloped Xu Ming's body.

Under the wrapping of this mysterious power, Xu Ming's figure instantly disappeared in place.

at the same time…

The black stone inscription, towards the nine heavens, reflected a projection.

An incomparably huge "List of Primordial All Things" hangs high in the sky; in the whole world of First Layer, you can see this list when you look up.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"This is…?"

In the world of the first layer of heaven, there are 10,800 states, hundreds of millions of counties, and hundreds of millions of cities. Every genius can see the list of ancient things when he looks up!

"Why did the list of ancient things appear suddenly?"

"Someone is challenging the Primordial All Things List!"

"What!? Challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking? Who is it? Are you looking at the night?"

Mo Ye, the super genius who is number one on the Heavenly Ranking list; the "true self" that he has comprehended is the top among the emperors!

"The strength of the night should not be enough to challenge the list of ancient things, right?"

"Eye night? Ha! It's far away!"

"Although Mu Ye understands the top-notch emperor's true self, it's not a god-like true self after all! If he dares to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking, it's hard to say whether he can come back alive!"

"If it weren't for Mo Ye, who would be on the list? If it were someone else, there would be no chance of coming back alive!"

"I don't know which Heavenly Ranking powerhouse is, so I can't think of it, actually going to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking!"

The Primordial All Things List, which records the most top all things realm powerhouses in the history of the entire universe! When these all-world powerhouses challenged the ancient list of all things, their strengths were all recorded for future generations to challenge.

At the beginning, the geniuses on the Primordial All Things Ranking were not very strong, and they were not much stronger than the ordinary Heavenly Rankings.

However, with the passage of time, there are more and more powerhouses challenging the Primordial All Things List; those who can keep their names on the list without being pushed down will naturally become stronger and stronger!

You must know that only if you are ranked in the Heavenly Ranking are you qualified to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking. But gradually, the ordinary Heavenly Ranking powerhouses did not dare to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking - after all, after entering the Primordial All Things Ranking, it is not a home game, but a life-and-death battle! Ordinary Tianbang powerhouse, after entering the battlefield, did not even have a chance to escape, and was directly killed in it.

Later, even the geniuses who are "No. 1 in the Heavenly Ranking" dare not challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking! - No way, the geniuses ranked "10,000th" in the Primordial All Things Ranking are all "the peak of the third-order real self of the gods", how to challenge?

Only in which era, there is a super genius of "the true self of the gods" will try to challenge the list of ancient things, but most of them fail to challenge!

And now, someone dares to challenge the Primordial All Things List?

"Could it be that some crazy Heavenly Ranking powerhouse wants to be grandstanding?"

"Go and check, who has entered the Primordial All Things List!"

Soon, the result was found - Xu Ming!

"What? Xu Ming? Xu Ming, who is ranked sixth thousandth in the sky?"

"Just based on his ranking on the Heavenly Ranking, dare to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking?"

"Where did he get his confidence? Isn't this courting death!"

The Taikoo Pavilion patrol angel "Yan Yinjun" just came to Zhenyu County and heard the news: "Xu Ming? Challenge the list of ancient things?"

Yan Yinjun was speechless—could it be that before Xu Ming challenged him, he didn't ask about the place of the Primordial All Things Ranking? With his strength, he dares to challenge the Primordial All Things List... What is the difference between this and suicide?

"I just ranked in the list of heaven, and I'm about to die in the challenge of the ancient list of all things... Xu Ming is probably the genius who has stayed on the list for the shortest time?" Yan Yinjun couldn't help but think.

"Yan Xun Angel!" At this time, in Zhenyu County, several Tianbang powerhouses saw Yan Yinjun and could not help but stepped forward and said, "You didn't tell Xu Ming how terrible the Primordial All Things List is?"

Yan Yinjun rolled his eyes: "What else needs to be said?"


Does that even need to be said?

As long as you have been in the first layer of the world for a while, you should all understand what a terrifying place the Primordial All Things Ranking is! You should also know that without strength, challenging the Primordial All Things Ranking is equivalent to suicide!

"I originally wanted to deceive Xu Ming for points in the gambling battle! Now, Xu Ming is definitely going to die in the Primordial All Things Ranking; there is no hope that my points will be deceived!" The strong man couldn't help roaring.

"Yeah! I finally got a chance to earn points easily, so I flew like this!"

"Yes! Is it easy to earn some points?"

"It's all the fault of the banquet patrol angel!"

Yan Yinjun looked confused: "blame me? What does it have to do with me?"

A cold and stern voice sounded: "As a patrol, when you send out the invitation letter of the eternal battlefield, of course, you are obliged to clarify the danger of challenging the ancient list of all things! If you make it clear, Xu Ming will again How can you go to the challenge without knowing how to live and die?"

"That's right! The banquet angel, it must be your fault!"

Yan Yinjun was also annoyed: "blame me!"

Those powerhouses who challenged Xu Ming on the Zhenyu Battle Platform were originally a little annoyed because of the "points to the mouth"; Naturally made them even more angry.

"You did something wrong, who do you blame?"

"I lost a chance to earn points, how dare you be so arrogant?"

"What happened to the Taikoo Pavilion patrol angel? Dare to be arrogant in Zhenyu County? Hit him!"

Suddenly, a group of angry powerhouses surrounded Yan Yinjun, punching and kicking.

Although Yan Yinjun's body was not seriously injured, he was beaten directly into a dog.

"I..." Yan Yinjun wanted to cry without tears - this is really a disaster!

"Xu Ming doesn't want his own life, he wants to challenge the Primordial All Things List... What's up with me!"

"This is the battlefield to challenge the Primordial All Things List?" Xu Ming was wrapped in mysterious power and came to a vast continent where chaos had begun.

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