Break Into Another World

Chapter 1757: Changes in the list of ancient things

Xu Ming was wrapped in mysterious power and came to a vast continent where chaos had begun.

This chaotic continent, the ground is full of cracks, densely spreading to endless distances. The gray cloud layer is very low; deep in the cloud layer, golden light flashes from time to time, containing terrifying power.

A golden figure strode from the depths of the clouds.

"Challenger?" The figure of Liu Jin said in a low voice, "Ranking the sixth thousandth in the sky? Who gave you the courage to challenge me?"


The figure of Liu Jin stepped on the ground, and the entire continent shook violently. He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be deliberately telling Xu Ming: "Since I've been on the Primordial All Things Ranking, I have received 340 challenges! Among them, the challenge of 'The Third Order of God's True Self'. Five of them, and the other three hundred and thirty-five, were also the top geniuses in their era! I won all three hundred and forty challenges, and killed ninety-two geniuses…”

At this time, the figure of Liujin looked at Xu Ming again, with contempt in his eyes, as if he was looking at an ant: "Ranking the sixth thousandth on the list of heaven? - Well, I won't bully you, I will give you a chance to live! Behind you, beyond the billions of worlds, there is a door of light, which is the exit from this battlefield; I will let you run for a while to see if you can escape! Haha... As long as you can escape, you can survive! "


The corner of Xu Ming's mouth evoked a playful sneer - he came to the top of the ancient list of all things!

"Let's fight quickly!" Xu Ming secretly said.

This golden figure is just a copied puppet, not a real life; Xu Ming naturally doesn't need to talk nonsense with him.


The long gun is already in hand.

"Haha..." The golden figure couldn't help laughing, "You still want to do it? Hahahahaha..."

Smiling and laughing, his smile suddenly solidified, and his entire golden figure was completely frozen.

"Time Pause" hangs!

Anyway, the battles in the Primordial All Things Ranking will not be seen by other people; Xu Ming naturally doesn't need to keep a low profile, it's fine to hang up wantonly!

Turning on "Time Pause" to hang up and crushing the entire Primordial All Things Ranking will only cost you some level 18 hanging points!


Xu Ming's long spear was crushed, and the golden figure shattered inch by inch; moreover, the shattered small pieces continued to shatter, until the tiniest particles turned into nothingness.


"The divine body is quite strong!" Xu Ming commented, "In the end, he is a strong person on the Primordial All Things List. In terms of strength, he has already reached the level of a world master, and it is indeed difficult to kill!"

If it is the real world master, Xu Ming is naturally difficult to be an opponent. After all, Xu Ming needed to spend level 22 hanging points in order to make the world master fall into the "time pause"!

And now, the geniuses on the Primordial All Things Ranking, although they have the strength of the world masters, are pitiful that they are only the cultivation of all things realm - Xu Ming can easily deal with them as long as he spends level 18 hanging points, and he doesn't feel distressed at all.

At this time, a voice like the sky and the earth sounded in Xu Ming's ear: "You have earned 10 points!"

Only 10 points?

"It's too little, isn't it?" Xu Ming couldn't help complaining, "It's so difficult to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking, yet you only give so many points?"

However, Xu Ming didn't know that to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking, earning points is only the second thing, and the most important thing is to gain glory!

Of course, there is another reason for the low points, because Xu Ming is still ranked low! If he really tops the list of ancient things, the points he will get will be very terrifying!

"Next!" Xu Ming didn't need to recover at all because he wasn't injured at all.

Another golden figure came.

However, this golden figure is very different in both body shape and imposing manner; its strength should also be slightly stronger.

Zhenyu County.

"Why hasn't the list of ancient things reflected in the sky disappeared??"

"That's right! With Xu Ming's strength, at the beginning of the challenge, I'm afraid he will be killed by the 'Xunfeng' who ranks 10,000 in the Primordial All Things Ranking? As long as Xu Ming is dead, the challenge will be over. The text of the list should also disappear!"

"Could it be... Xu Ming persisted in it for so long, and he hasn't died yet!?"

"If Xu Ming really supported him for so long, then his strength might not be as simple as the 'sixth thousandth place on the Heavenly Ranking'! Even if he is ranked in the top 1000 on the Heavenly Ranking, there is no problem!"

"Why are you talking about this? Do you think that Xu Ming has begun to challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking, and he can still come back alive? - Not to mention the strength of the top thousand in the Heavenly Ranking, even if he is the first in the Heavenly Ranking, he may not be able to come back alive. Bar!"


Obviously, no one thought that Xu Ming could survive.


Suddenly, the ancient list of all things reflected on the dome trembled violently.

"what happened?"

"Is the list of ancient things going to disappear?"

"Is Xu Ming already dead inside?"

Immediately afterwards, in the entire Zhenyu County, everyone saw inconceivably that the 10,000 names on the Primordial All Things List had actually changed! The name of "Xunfeng", which ranked 10,000th, gradually faded from the list, and soon disappeared completely.

At the same moment, the word "Xu Ming" appeared at the very end of the list of all things in the ancient world.


Everyone was stunned for an instant!

"Xu Ming...on the list of ancient things!?"

how can that be! ?

However, the truth is in front of you! It is impossible to go wrong with the list of ancient things!

"Xu Ming's strength, isn't it the sixth thousandth in the sky? How could it be..." There were also some strong people who could not react from their shock.

"The sixth thousandth on the list? Obviously, Xu Ming is hiding his strength!"

"It's too exaggerated to hide it... Xu Ming's strength is definitely number one on the Heaven Ranking! And it's much stronger than the original Heaven Ranking number one!"

Taikoo Pavilion's Angel Banquet Yinjun was completely stunned: "This...this..."

You must know that Xu Ming's ranking on the Heavenly Ranking was determined by him!

The sixth thousandth on the list?

Number one on the list?

The gap between the evaluation and the actual situation is too big, right?

Suddenly Yan Yinjun's "beautiful body" trembled slightly - he felt countless ill-intentioned gazes; it was those powerhouses who waged a gambling war against Xu Ming on the Zhenyu battlefield, Gradually surround him!

"You...what are you going to do..." Yan Yinjun had a bad premonition.

"Sixth thousandth on the list? Banquet patrol angel, are you trying to trick us on purpose?"

"Knowing that Xu Ming's strength is so strong, how could we start a gambling war against him!?"

"When Xu Ming challenges the Primordial All Things List, he will definitely accept our gambling battle! My points!"

Now and then!

Now, everyone knows that Xu Ming is a super powerhouse on the list of all things in the ancient world! - Gambling with Xu Ming? What's the difference between sending points directly?

But unfortunately, they couldn't cancel the gambling war, and could only hope that Xu Ming would not fight.

But... how could Xu Ming put his points aside?

"It's all your fault! Arrange the rankings!"

Yan Yinjun was complained again.

He just felt so innocent: " would I know that Xu Ming is so strong..."

"You're an angel! You don't know, who knows?—beat him!"

This time, more powerhouses joined the fight against Yan Yinjun.

Yan Yinjun was about to burst into tears - I really don't know!

And this time...

The ranking of the Primordial All Things Ranking has changed again - Xu Ming's name has moved slightly forward, and it has become 9999th!

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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