Break Into Another World

Chapter 1758: Why so arrogant?

The 9999th place, and the 10,000th place, seem to be only "one" gap, but in fact the gold content is very different!

After all, ranking the 10,000th place may be due to luck, and just restrained the original 10,000th place.

However, ranking the ninth thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth means that Xu Ming's strength must have reached the level of the "Immortal All Things List"!

"So strong!?" Yan Yinjun was beating each other while paying attention to the ranking of the Primordial All Things Ranking.

In fact, the powerhouses in the Heavenly Ranking who besieged the Yan Yin Army still acted in a measured manner, and would not really kill. After all, Yan Yinjun is also the patrol angel of Taikoo Pavilion; whoever kills him will be the enemy of Taikoo Pavilion.

"The real strength of the ancient list of all things!"

Inside the Zhenyu Palace.

The powerhouses were even more shocked.

Although they were reluctant to admit Xu Ming's strength, they had to admit it.

Of course, what's more shocking than Zhenyu Palace?

In the whole world of First Layer, you can see the list of ancient things reflected on the dome, and naturally they also see the name "Xu Ming".

"Who is Xu Ming?"

"I've never heard of this name! It seems that there is no such person on the top of the list?"

Xu Ming had just been included in the Heavenly Ranking, and before his name could spread, only the powerhouses in Yunhe Prefecture and several nearby states knew that Xu Ming had already entered the Heavenly Ranking.

As for the powerhouses in other states, or those in Yunhe state who are not strong enough—their news is not so well-informed yet, so they don't know who Xu Ming is.

For a time, the whole world of First Layer was full of doubtful voices, and countless powerhouses inquired about each other - who is Xu Ming? Why so arrogant?

Yunhe Prefecture, Youlong County, Yinguang City.

City Lord Yinguang looked at the Primordial All Things List beyond the endless sky, his eyes were completely sluggish, and his mouth had not closed for a long time.

"This...this...this..." City Lord Yinguang wanted to say something to himself to express how horrified he was now; but after "this" for a long time, he didn't know what to say.

You must know that when City Lord Yinguang first saw Xu Ming, he thought that Xu Ming had the strength of the Human List. Then he soon discovered that Xu Ming actually possessed the strength of the Earth List!

Then, City Lord Yinguang thought that Xu Ming was the strength of the Earth Ranking; but in a blink of an eye, he discovered that Xu Ming was actually the Heavenly Ranking!

But now, he realized that he still underestimated Xu Ming by a large amount—Xu Ming's true strength turned out to be at the level of the "Immortal All Things List"!

"I actually communicated with the powerhouses of the Primordial All Things Ranking, and I have become friends..." Silver Light City Lord's divine body trembled slightly, feeling incomparably honored.

You must know that even the "No. 1 in the Heavenly Ranking" might not be qualified to have a head-to-head conversation with the "Immortal All Things Ranking" powerhouse! After all, the number one in the Heavenly Ranking exists in every era, and there is more than one; and the powerhouse at the level of the Primordial All Things Ranking may not appear in ten million eras.

What is the list of ancient things?

It's a "legend"!

And now, the legendary powerhouse has been "upgraded" by Xu Ming!

Moreover, there were more than one on Xu Ming—the 10,000th and the 9999th were trampled by Xu Ming one after another! Oh, no, now, the ninth thousand nine hundred and ninety-eighth has also been conquered by Xu Ming!

In the end, City Lord Yinguang could only use one sentence to describe the shock in his heart: "Too strong!"


too strong!

Incredibly strong!

Of course, Yun Tian and Lone Gunner also saw Xu Ming's name on the "List of Ancient Things".

"Brother Ming... It's so perverted!" Yun Tian couldn't help but burst out the word "pervert".

The solitary gunman even muttered: "Brother Ming, it's Brother Ming after all!"

Since Yun Tian and Lone Gunner met Xu Ming, what Xu Ming brought to them was shock again and again! Moreover, whenever they thought that they were about to see Xu Ming's true strength, they would find that Xu Ming was always standing at a height that they couldn't look up to!

Brother Ming, it is Brother Ming after all! Can only be worshipped, not followed!

Clouds and states.

In a deep mountain that stretches across hundreds of millions of worlds.

A swordsman in white clothes and white hair, holding a jug of wine and drinking bitterly. Opposite him is a tombstone.

On the tombstone, the name "Mo Jiangran" is engraved.

It's just a mouthful of clothes.

After all, in the battle of Xu Ming's level, the dead side must be completely annihilated by the divine body, and nothing remains! As long as there is one particle left, it will not die.

"Brother Mo..." The white-robed swordsman lamented, "The past is vivid in my mind, I never thought that you would just leave like this... But don't worry, I will help you get revenge, and I won't waste your brother's friendship!"

This white-clothed and white-haired swordsman is impressively ranked among the top 300 "Swords without Marks"!

"Xu Ming? Ranked the sixth thousandth on the Heavenly Ranking List!?" Wuhenjian snorted coldly, "Brother Mo, don't worry! If you don't kill Xu Ming, I will never be a human being!"

At this time, a canine beast just happened to pass by.

Wuhen Kendao: "If I don't kill Xu Ming, I will be like this dog!"

While speaking, Wuhenjian saw that at the end of the sky, the Primordial All Things List appeared.

"Huh? What's going on?" Wuhenjian frowned slightly, "Someone actually challenged the Primordial All Things List? Who is it? Eye Night?"

The first thing Wuhenjian thought of was naturally the "Eye Ye" who ranked first on the Heavenly Ranking.

But immediately, Wuhenjian shook his head again: "Although Muye is strong, his strength has not yet reached the level of the 'Prime Time List'! Logically speaking, he should not think too hard to challenge the Primeval List! But... no Mo Ye, who would it be!?"

After a while, Wuhenjian was horrified to see that the list of ancient things had changed!

At the very end of the Primordial All Things List there is a name, which is "Xu Ming"!

"What!?" Wuhenjian was so frightened that his eyes bulged out, " is that possible!? Xu...Xu Ming, on the list of ancient things!?"

Wuhenjian was so shocked that he couldn't react for a long time.

After a while, Wuhenjian was even more horrified to see that Xu Ming's ranking was even higher!

"This..." Wuhenjian was completely frightened.

At this time, Wuhenjian suddenly looked at Mo Jiangran's tombstone: "Brother Mo, what did I say just now? It seems like I didn't say anything, right?"

Just now, Wuhenjian thought that Xu Ming was only the "sixth thousandth in the sky", and wanted to do his best to help Mo Jiangran take revenge! In the future, if it is spread out, it can also end up with a good name.

But now, seeing Xu Ming's name on the Primordial All Things Ranking, Wuhenjian was so frightened that he wanted to slap himself a few times - seeking revenge on the strong men on the Primordial All Things List? Is there any essential difference between this and direct suicide?

"Brother Mo! I'm really sorry, you can rest in peace! For revenge or something, just pretend you haven't heard of such a thing!" Wuhenjian smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly, Wuhenjian remembered the oath he had just made—do not kill Xu Ming, oath not to be a human being!

The "causal bondage" of the oath is terrible!

"This..." Wuhenjian thought for a while, and had an idea; anyway, there was no one around, so he learned to bark, "Wow! Woow!"

"So, this 'causal bondage' should be lifted, right?" Wuhenjian secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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