Break Into Another World

Chapter 1759: worship

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that his name had already shocked the whole world of First Layer.

But even if he knew, Xu Ming wouldn't care. After all, Xu Ming challenged the Primordial All Things Ranking not to shock others, but purely to gain points.

"Can Xu Ming go further?"

Countless strong people are staring at Xu Ming's name on the list of ancient things.

The answer needs more to say?

It didn't take long for Xu Ming's name to "jump" again on the list of ancient things!

"too fast!"

"It's so fast, winning three games in a row! Does this mean that after each battle, Xu Ming started the next battle with almost no rest? In this case... Isn't Xu Ming stronger than those at the bottom of the Primordial All Things List? If you want to be stronger, you have to be a lot stronger?"

"How far can Xu Ming go? The top 9,000 of the Primordial All Things Ranking? Or a higher ranking?"

The first nine thousand?

The person who said this would definitely not have thought that Xu Ming came directly to the top of the Primordial All Things List!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's name is constantly rising on the list of ancient things, and the speed is extremely fast! And, there's no stopping at all!

Obviously, Xu Ming is sweeping the list of ancient things with a posture of destroying the dead!


The Primordial All Things List is the ultimate pursuit in the minds of all the powerhouses in the First World!

And now, Xu Ming has swept away the ultimate pursuit of all the powerhouses...

So brutal!

Ranked nine thousand nine hundred!

Ranked nine thousand eight hundred!

Ranked nine thousand!

Ranked eight thousand!

Xu Ming's ranking continued to soar.

It also constantly shocked the powerhouses of the entire First Layer World!

At first, every time Xu Ming's ranking rose, the entire First Layer world would exclaim in unison - the whole world exclaimed at the same time, and even the heaven and the earth seemed to resonate together!

But gradually, the number of exclamations increased, and the powerhouses in the First World World became numb!

Everyone could see that with Xu Ming's overwhelming momentum, he was definitely going to hit the top of the ancient list of all things!

The only question now is, how far forward can Xu Ming rush?

"The first thousand?"

"According to this momentum, the first thousand should be no problem! After all, if Xu Ming didn't have the strength to crush, how could he rush so fast!"

"I'm afraid it will be the top three hundred! Even the top one hundred!"

The powerhouses in the outside world can only guess the "top 100"! As for higher rankings, they don't even dare to guess!

Ranked six thousand!

Ranked 5,000!

Ranked 3000!

Xu Ming's ranking soared rapidly.

"The first thousand!"

"It's too strong! It rushed to the 1,000th place!"

"How on earth did Xu Ming do it..."

At this time, the powerhouses in the entire First Layer world worship Xu Ming in addition to worshipping him!

Even the geniuses from the "real universe" have attached importance to Xu Ming - you must know that the geniuses of the real universe look down on the geniuses of the virtual universe! In their opinion, even if they are number one on the Heavenly Ranking, even if they are ranked in the Primordial All Things Ranking, they are not very worthy of their attention!

However, Xu Ming's ranking on the list of ancient things is too high! This has attracted the attention of the geniuses of the "true universe"!

"The top thousand, how far can Xu Ming go?"

At this moment, in the whole world of First Layer, all eyes are doing the same thing - watching Xu Ming's ranking on the Primordial All Things Ranking!

Every step of Xu Ming's changes is under the worship of the whole world of First Layer.

In the battlefield of the ancient list of all things.

Xu Ming was a little puzzled: "All beings worship the system, how did it increase my combat power so much?"

All beings worship system: The worship of others will give the host a combat power bonus! The more worshipers, the stronger the worshipers, and the stronger the worshipping emotions, the stronger the strength bonus the host gets.

You must know that after Xu Ming walked out of the realm of the gods and entered the endless chaos, the bonus to his combat power from the "Worship System of All Beings" was already negligible!

After all, Xu Ming's other plug-in functions are too perverted, directly covering up the effect of the "worship system for all beings".

But now, Xu Ming was horrified to find that he could easily swept the ancient list of all things by relying on the "Worship System of All Living Beings" without opening any other plug-ins! All of a sudden, all living beings worship the system, from a plug-in function without a sense of existence to a plug-in function with the strongest effect!

Xu Ming didn't know that now, in the whole world of First Layer, almost all the powerhouses worship him!

The whole first layer world!

Billions, billions and billions of geniuses in the realm of all things! —And they are all in the second quadrant of the universe, the top geniuses in the realm of all things!

With so many geniuses worshipping, it's no wonder that Xu Ming's "worship system for all beings" is not very effective!

However, Xu Ming knew that the bonus effect of the "Worship System for All Beings" was only temporary! When the enthusiasm of those geniuses is over, the bonus effect of the worship system of all beings will almost return to its original shape!

If you want to really become stronger... you must rely on your own strength! The second is to rely on more hanging points!

"The third hundredth!"

Xu Ming directly raised his foot and kicked the genius who ranked 300th in the Primordial All Things Ranking - the outcome is self-evident!

Entering the top 300, Xu Ming continued to sing along the way.

Ranked 200th!

Number one hundred!

Ranked 50th!

Finally, Xu Ming faced the first-ranked opponent on the Primordial All Things List—Zhou Ji!

"Zhou Ji?" Xu Ming looked at the golden figure in front of him with a slightly solemn expression - this is the second quadrant of the entire universe, the strongest genius that has ever appeared in history!

Zhou Ji looked at Xu Ming and said indifferently: "In so many times, no one has come this far and challenged me...Xu Ming, it's not easy for you to get here! I'll give you a chance to live. , you can leave now!"

"Leave?" Xu Ming was startled.

"Yes!" Zhou Ji said indifferently, "If I make a move, there will only be one fate for you - death!"

Zhou Ji's voice was extremely indifferent, yet extremely confident, as if he was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

Xu Ming couldn't help laughing: "When I challenged the Immemorial Ranking I've heard such words many times!"

"Huh?" Zhou Ji's expression darkened, "It's okay! Since you gave up the chance to live, I will fulfill you!"


A transparent giant sword of frost slashed towards Xu Ming. Wherever the blade passes, time and space are frozen.

"Isn't the power very strong?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - in terms of power, this sword is really quite weak in the top 100 of the Primordial All Things Ranking!

"First place in the Primordial All Things Ranking, just this little strength?"

Xu Ming was thinking.

Suddenly, Xu Ming saw that the Frost Greatsword stopped abruptly and did not advance any further.

"The sword... stopped?" Xu Ming became more and more puzzled.

But then, Xu Ming was surprised to find that it wasn't just the sword that stopped! In the entire battlefield, everything became still and motionless.

Even... even Xu Ming's divine body couldn't move at all; only his consciousness was left, which could still function.

"This is..." A look of panic suddenly appeared in Xu Ming's eyes, "Time is suspended! Time is suspended!"

It's not that the entire battlefield has become static! But... the area where Xu Ming was located was caught in a time suspension!

There are two updates today, brothers and sisters, don't wait.

Originally, I promised everyone to make up the debt over the weekend, but I didn't expect to work overtime for two days on the weekend, so I could only break my promise, and I hope you forgive me. Don't argue, I'm the one who got it...

I owe you 2 chapters last week, I still remember it; even if I ask for leave this week, I will make it up!

Feel sorry! Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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