Break Into Another World

Chapter 1767: 1 subpoena

"What!?" Heiqiu stopped beside Xu Ming and was stunned on the spot.



"how is this possible!?"

Ye Juetian, Yuehan, and Bo Xuewei were also stunned and stunned—Isn't Xu Ming the sixth thousandth on the list? When did the sixth thousand people on the list become so powerful?

Even more ignorant, there is no doubt that Chiluo Zhe and others.

Chiluo thought that they would besiege Ye Juetian and five people with seven enemies and five people, which must have been easily crushed. As a result... as soon as they met, three of the seven people were instantly killed; Xu Ming, who he thought was the weakest, turned out to be the strongest!

How to fight this? - Chiluo fell into despair in an instant.

After all, in terms of strength, Chiluozhe is just about the same as Ye Juetian; compared to Xu Ming's strength, he is obviously much weaker - the remaining four of Chiluozhe, no one can Resist Xu Ming's slaughter!

This well-planned ambush has apparently turned into... death!

"Escape!" Chiluo Zhe shouted without any hesitation; while speaking, he ignored the situation of the three teammates and ran straight away.

"Chiluo!" The three teammates roared angrily when they saw that they had been abandoned, and at the same time they ran away.


Xu Ming smiled, and a strange aura instantly enveloped the Chiluo - it was "forced slavery"!

"Huh?" Chi Luozhe was completely powerless to fight, and his eyes quickly became extremely pious. He stopped running, turned around, and looked at Xu Ming with adoration: "Master!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded lightly, didn't say anything, and didn't shoot anymore.

Owner! ?

The three remaining teammates of Chiluo Zhe have been completely frightened. In such an incomparably short moment, the most powerful Chiluo Zhe among them was directly enslaved?

Although Xu Ming stopped attacking, Ye Juetian and Hei Qiu were not idle, and they all attacked the fleeing three black-clothed powerhouses. The three of them were of average strength, and they were so frightened that they were quickly killed.

At this time, Ye Juetian's four talents looked at Xu Ming again.

"Brother Xu Ming..." The four of them didn't know what to say.

You know, since they met Xu Ming, they all felt that Xu Ming was weak!

From time to time, Ye Juetian will show some arrogant gestures unintentionally - there is no malice, it is just a habit of the strong to face the weak.

Yue Han and Bo Xuewei often told Xu Ming intentionally that Ye Juetian was very powerful!

The four people in the team all thought that Xu Ming would be able to form a team with them as soon as he entered the Eternal Battlefield. It was definitely a great luck! Now, the four people know that it is not Xu Ming who has the great luck, but he is not!

Without Xu Ming, even if the four of them were ambushed by Chi Luozhe and others, even if they were able to escape, it would be a heavy price.

It was Heiqiu who first reacted from the shock: "Brother Xu Ming, didn't you are ranked sixth thousandth on the Heavenly Ranking?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming said, "When I was on the Heavenly Ranking, I was ranked at six thousand!"

Xu Ming didn't say the second half of the sentence - he is no longer on the list!

As long as you are on the list of ancient things, you will be automatically removed from the list. After all, even the last place on the Primordial All Things List is much more valuable than the "No. 1 in the Heavenly List"; what's more, Xu Ming is the number one on the Primordial All Things List! - The mere list of heaven, not qualified to record the name of "Xu Ming"!

However, Heiqiu, Ye Juetian and others obviously misunderstood what Xu Ming meant.

"Brother Xu Ming must have voluntarily withdrawn from the Heavenly Ranking, right?" Heiqiu said, "With Xu Ming's strength, if he is willing to rank on the Heavenly Ranking, he will definitely be No. The best!"

The "No. 1 in the sky" in different periods is also strong and weak. The strong ones can challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking; the weak ones are not much stronger than the top ten of the ordinary Heavenly Rankings.

However, Heiqiu didn't dare to guess that Xu Ming was the strength of the Primordial All Things List! After all... the Primordial All Things Ranking, in the world of the first layer and the battlefield of the ages, are all legendary levels of strength!

In this regard, Xu Ming did not defend, just smiled without saying a word.

However, Xu Ming couldn't help but think in his heart: "When they know that I am the number one in the Primordial All Things Ranking, my expression will be very exciting, right?"

"Master!" At this time, Chiluo also flew to Xu Ming and said respectfully.

Xu Ming ignored the Chiluo, but looked at Ye Juetian and the four of them and said, "Thank you four for being on the road and telling me so much about the Battlefield of Eternals; I'm afraid I have to leave now and go to the lord of Battlefield of Eternals. Continent!"

Xu Ming entered the eternal battlefield to earn points. And the main continent with the highest danger and fiercest fighting is undoubtedly the place with the most points and the most opportunities!

With Xu Ming's strength, he completely swept all the other realms, so he would naturally go to the main continent, and it was impossible to waste time in such a small place as the Red Floating Realm. Like just now, Xu Ming killed three black-clothed powerhouses, and only got a few hundred points.

The efficiency of getting points is too low!

"Brother Xu Ming, are you leaving?" Ye Juetian was taken aback - of course he hoped that he could keep the super expert Xu Ming in his team!

"Yes!" Xu Ming said again, "After I leave, your five-in-one formation will no longer be effective, so... I will give you the Chiluo!"

"Give the Chiluo... to us!?" Ye Juetian couldn't believe You must know that the Chiluo is a servant whose strength is no less than his!

It's not easy to enslave such a servant, Xu Ming actually... just gave it to himself like this?

"Not bad!" Xu Ming looked at Ye Juetian and said, "Chiluo will completely obey you in the future! And I... leave first!"

call out-

Xu Ming's figure flashed, and he went to the distance: "No need to send it away! If you have a fate, you will see you in the rivers and lakes!"

After Xu Ming left.

Ye Juetian looked at the Chiluo who obeyed him—he and the Chiluo were old enemies. The two sides had dealt with each other many times in the Chifu Realm, and they even had some sympathy for each other. And now, Chiluo has become his slave; this time, it was all given by Xu Ming!

"Chiluo..." Ye Juetian's eyes were a little complicated, "From now on, you can be my teammate!"

Moreover, the Chiluo came from the first quadrant. With such an identity, he could also help Ye Juetian to detect and lure the enemies of the first quadrant; the value was undoubtedly higher!

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ye Juetian was stunned—he received a summons.

"It's a communication from 'Zhitian'!" Ye Juetian was a little puzzled. "In the battlefield of the ancient world, if you want a long-distance communication, the price is very high! What is it that is worth picking up a message to me?"

"Zhitian's summons?" The three Heiqiu couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be that there is something urgent?"

Ye Juetian couldn't help but quickly read the contents of the communication. Seeing this, he was completely dumbfounded.

One more tonight.

Pay tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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