Break Into Another World

Chapter 1768: Alert Summons

"The Primordial All Things Ranking has just been updated! Xu Ming is the number one in the new Primordial All Things List!"

Picking the sky's message, there is only such a sentence; Ye Juetian muttered.


"The Primordial All Things List... First!?"

Heiqiu, Yuehan, and Bo Xuewei all looked at each other, unable to believe their ears.

The main continent of the Eternal Battlefield is an incomparably huge "disc".

The size of the disc, I don't know how many billions of realms, I am afraid it is comparable to a virtual universe.

The endless rolling foothills on the disk, any one of them, are higher than ten thousand worlds. The closer Xu Ming got to the main continent, the more he felt his own insignificance.

"Is this a gun?"

Xu Ming remembered what Ye Juetian and others had told him before, saying that this incomparably huge main continent might be a gun, so he couldn't help laughing - a gun really couldn't grow like this!

call out-

Xu Ming's figure fell into the main continent like a meteor.


He stepped heavily on the top of a mountain: "This mountain seems... very hard!"

Yes, it's tough!

Xu Ming felt that he was like a mortal who stepped on a piece of hard steel, and the soles of his feet actually ached slightly.

"Try it!"


Xu Ming pulled out his long spear and smashed it on the mountain with a random shot.


You must know that although Xu Ming only shot at random, even a weaker domain master would probably be killed by a single shot! And now, this shot smashed on the mountain, and the mountain was not damaged at all!

"Huh!?" Xu Ming was shocked.

You must know that this mountain is just a very ordinary mountain on the incomparably huge main continent! But even this incomparably ordinary mountain can't even destroy Xu Ming's strength?

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Xu Ming's momentum rose wildly, and after a long period of momentum, he fired his gun with all his strength.

This shot is enough to pose a fatal threat to the powerhouses!

boom! !

This time, the mountain peak is not without damage, but a rock directly annihilated into nothingness! - but that's all.

"It seems... this main continent is really extraordinary!" Xu Ming finally accepted.

Moreover, Xu Ming saw that within the range he could see, he couldn't even see a single blade of grass—this was a dead and silent world with no grass!

"Those powerhouses who entered the battlefield in the ancient times are probably all hiding in this main continent, right?"

Suddenly, Xu Ming's gaze was veiled in a direction - in this direction, he felt some peeping.

In the long distance from Xu Ming's billions of realms, there are four powerhouses in the "extraordinary quadrant", peeping at Xu Ming.

These four strong men all had blue patterns on their skin; their elbows even had a sharp piercing bone, as if they were born to kill—they all came from the “fourth quadrant” of war.

At this time, the four powerhouses were all peeping at Xu Ming.

"I came to the main continent alone? It seems that it should be in the second quadrant!"

"As soon as he came, he was banging on the main continent. Doesn't he know that every inch of the main continent is extremely hard?"

"Could he deliberately make a big noise, trying to lure snakes out of their holes?"

"Would you like to go up and kill him?"

The four strong men communicated briefly and then made a decision - kill!

When they looked at Xu Ming, they should not be leading a snake out of a hole, but it was the first time they came to the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield. After all, there are really few people who will use the method of creating big noises to lure snakes out of their holes—you must know that the main continent is extremely large and empty; a movement like Xu Ming’s now cannot be transmitted very far, and it is almost impossible to be caught. Others found.

These four powerhouses were only discovered because they happened to be nearby.


"He's unlucky! As soon as he came to the main continent, we met him!"

"Dare to come to the main continent alone? Does he think he is the existence of the ancient list of all things?"

The powerhouses of the ancient list of all things will not stay in the battlefield for too long.

After all, with the strength of the ancient list of all things, you can quickly get enough points on the battlefield of ancient times, and then enter the universe of flowers to pick the "flower of true self". Next, he will basically leave the world of First Layer.

"How could it be the powerhouse of the ancient list of all things?"

"Haha, even the powerhouses of the Primordial All Things Ranking, don't dare to be too arrogant when they arrive in the main continent, right? Otherwise, if they fall into the siege of the powerhouses on the Heavenly Ranking, there is only one way to die!"

The Primordial All Things Ranking is indeed one level stronger than the Heavenly Ranking! However, the gap between the two levels can still be made up with quantity! - For example, if dozens and hundreds of Heaven Ranking Powerhouses join forces to besiege, even ordinary Primordial All Things Ranking Powerhouses will drink their hatred on the spot.

The four powerhouses quietly circled around Xu Ming in all directions, and then surrounded and attacked Xu Ming in unison.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four incomparably domineering and tyrannical auras had already locked on Xu Ming.

"Hahahaha... Silly boy in the second quadrant! I didn't expect it, we were caught when we first arrived!"

"Alone, dare to come to the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield? I admire your courage! It's a pity... you are too stupid!"

"He's stupid, we can earn points so easily!"

"Haha! Also!"

The four powerhouses gradually approached and surrounded Xu Ming, as if they had already controlled everything.

Xu Ming just looked at it lightly.

"Poor boy, it seems that he has been frightened by our momentum, hahahaha..." The four of them could not help but become more arrogant when they saw that Xu Ming was silent.

Xu Ming glanced at it and said lightly, "It's you who are pitiful!"

"Heh!" The four strong men were immediately amused by Xu Ming's Death is imminent, yet still so arrogant? "

"Don't you think that you can suppress the four of us with your own strength? Hahahaha... Is it possible that you think you are the powerhouse of the ancient list of all things?"

"Immortal All Things List? I'm so scared! Haha!"

The four of them obviously didn't think that their luck would be so bad, and they would just meet the powerhouses of the Primordial All Things Ranking. Therefore, mocking Xu Ming is also unscrupulous.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was really a little surprised by the ignorance of the four of them - how ignorant did these four people stand here to mock the "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List"?

At this time, among the four powerhouses, with **** "Asura blood" in their eyes, they suddenly received a summons.

Shura blood couldn't help but startled - someone actually sent me a message?

You must know that in the battlefield of eternity, there will be very little communication; after all, the price of communication is too high!

"Huh? Or a message sent directly from our main city in the fourth quadrant!" Shura Xue was startled—this kind of message is usually a large-scale mass message; Anyone can receive this message.

It's not a particularly urgent matter, and this kind of alert summons will not be activated at all.

The Shura Blood Company opened the communication and looked: "In the second quadrant, a super genius 'Xu Ming' was born and directly ranked first on the list of ancient things! Now, Xu Ming has entered the battlefield of eternity. alert!"

At the end of the communication, Xu Ming's appearance and water curtain images were also attached.

(End of this chapter)

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