Break Into Another World

Chapter 1769: come whatever you want

Shura Blood looked at Xu Ming's appearance and breath at the end of the communication and the water curtain image; and then looked at Xu Ming's deity standing indifferently in front of him, and suddenly... Shura Blood was completely stunned.

Xu Ming?

First place on the list of all things immemorial?

Shura blood is about to cry without tears - I actually came to besiege the "No. 1 in the ancient list of all things"?


Shura Blood didn't think that the four of them could escape from the powerhouse who was number one in the Primordial All Things List.


Even if you can't escape, you still want to fight?

"Why didn't you send this message earlier!?" Shura Xue really wanted to vomit blood—they had just surrounded Xu Ming, and then immediately received this message... What a pit!

"It's dead now!" Shura blood couldn't help shivering.

Death is not scary! What is terrifying is that, knowing that he will surely die, there is no way to struggle.

The other three strong men from the fourth quadrant also noticed that the state of Shura's blood was a bit wrong. They couldn't help but ask: "Asura blood, are you?"

Shura blood grimaced: "Look at the communication..."


The three powerhouses were startled—they did all receive a summons.

"What's wrong with the subpoena?" The three of them looked at each other. Seeing this, they all started to tremble.

"Xu...Xu Ming! You are Xu Ming!" The four looked at Xu Ming in horror, no longer arrogant.

"Oh?" Xu Ming was startled, "You know me?"

"Xu...Brother Xu Ming!" Shura Xue said with a wry smile, "We have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, please give us a way to survive, we are willing to pay all the price!"

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "Sorry, I'm only interested in your points!"

Xu Ming entered the Eternal Battlefield just to earn points!

These four strong men from the fourth quadrant are obviously not weak, and they must be worth a lot of points - how could Xu Ming let it go?

"not good!"


The expressions of the four Shura Bloods changed suddenly, and they no longer had any illusions, and they all fled.

"Whoever escapes depends on luck!"

Of course, all four of them knew that the biggest possibility was that none of them could escape!

While fleeing frantically, the four of them frantically sent messages to the outside world:

"Xu Ming appeared in the main continent..."

"The powerhouses in the fourth quadrant, come and besiege Xu Ming, he is alone..."

However, before the four had time to escape very far, and before sending out a few messages, they all fell into a time pause.

"Die!" Xu Ming didn't show mercy at all—in the battlefield of eternity, for Xu Ming in the second quadrant, the other seven quadrants were all mortal enemies.

Although the four Shura Bloods were instantly killed, their communication was still spread.

The powerhouses in the fourth quadrant were all shaken.

"Xu Ming has arrived at the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield!?"

"The first-ranked powerhouse on the Second Quadrant Primordial All Things List... I'm afraid, no matter which team encounters Xu Ming, they will be killed instantly!"

"Indeed, being number one on the Primordial All Things Ranking is definitely not the same concept as an ordinary Primordial All Things Ranking powerhouse! Even a large team composed of hundreds of powerhouses will probably be swept away by Xu Ming!"

"Asura blood and their luck are really bad, they just happened to meet Xu Ming!"

The powerhouses in the fourth quadrant are a little nervous. After all, Xu Ming is absolutely invincible in the main continent; whoever encounters it will die!

"Who knows which area Shura blood is in recently?"

"Stay away from that area! Otherwise, if you encounter Xu Ming, you will be out of luck!"

It didn't take long.

The powerhouses in the other quadrants naturally also learned that Xu Ming appeared in the main continent of Eternal Battlefield.

"Xu Ming, who ranked first in the Primordial All Things Ranking, has come to the main continent so soon?"

"Anyone who is unlucky enough to meet Xu Ming... is sure to die!"

"Recently, let's stay low-key and dormant! - Xu Ming will definitely not stay on the battlefield for a long time; when he kills enough people and earns enough points, he will naturally leave!"

"I'd better leave the main continent for a while! With Xu Ming here, I always feel uneasy!"

"Why don't you join forces to kill Xu Ming? If you can kill the strongest person in the Primordial All Things Ranking, even if you only participate in the siege, you will be rewarded with a lot of points, right?"

Eternal Battlefield.

The second quadrant main city.

"Oh?" Grandpa Taihao's eyes were full of light, "Xu Ming went to the main continent so soon? - As expected of the number one existence in the Primordial All Things Ranking, he is extremely confident in his own strength!"

Grandpa Taihao sighed: "In this case... I have to go to the main continent as soon as possible! It's too late, if Xu Ming leaves the Eternal Battlefield, then my plan will fail!"

In his previous life, Gong Taihao was a super powerhouse in the Supreme Realm; he did not hesitate to reincarnate just to hide this opportunity in the eternal battlefield!

But now, Grandpa Taihao felt that he saw the hope of success.

"Xu Ming? No. 1 in the Primordial All Things Ranking? Unfortunately... he can only be my chess piece!" Grandpa Taihao sneered, "When I succeed, the great powers of the real universe will probably be pounding their chests!"

After Xu Ming killed the four Shura Bloods, he directly swept the "Main Continent".

The powerhouses of the main continent are indeed quite strong; some are even close to the strength of the Primordial All Things Ranking! But... no matter how strong he was, if Xu Ming encountered him, he would fall into a "time pause" and then be killed without any resistance.


However, Xu Ming was not satisfied with his slaughtering speed at all: "It's too slow!"

No way, the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield is too vast! Even for Xu Ming, it would take a lot of time to find a strong team.

It's hard to find people, so slaughtering will naturally slow down!

"I've only earned a few thousand points in the Eternal Battlefield for so long..." You know, Xu Ming has tens of millions of points; just a few thousand is really worth it for him. No, "At this speed, how long will it take me to earn a lot of points on the Eternal Battlefield?"

Xu Ming thought for a while, and suddenly realized that it seemed like a waste of time to come to the battlefield to earn points!

"Unless...there can be a large number of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant appearing in front of me at the same time!" Xu Ming secretly said.

But the current situation is that the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are hiding and daring to come out.

"How can I get the powerhouses of the main continent to join forces to besiege me?"

Other powerhouses entered the main continent cautiously, for fear of being besieged; but Xu Ming... actually wished to be besieged...

But at this moment, Xu Ming received a message from Ye Juetian: "Brother Xu Ming, you must be careful in the main continent! I just got the news that the powerhouses in the seventh quadrant are preparing to besiege you; it is said that , The powerhouses who participated in the siege have exceeded 10,000!"

"More than 10,000 strong people want to besiege me?"

After Xu Ming heard this, not only did he not panic at all, but his eyes lit up - he really wanted to do whatever he wanted!

It was supposed to be a blast, but I had something to do today, so I broke my promise again. Ashamed of everyone, I have no face to reply to the doubts in the book review area.

I seldom commit to an update because I know I don’t have time; however, the promised update, although sometimes delayed, is usually a blast. Sometimes it is to stay up late and force the masturbation, and sometimes it is to delay it for a day or two.

I don't have the energy to stay up late tonight, so I can only postpone it until tomorrow, I hope brothers understand.

Hmm... no JJ tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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