Break Into Another World

Chapter 1770: breakthrough

Come to whatever you want!

The siege of tens of thousands of strong men?

To Xu Ming, no matter how many people in the realm of all things are strong, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs! Not only in the realm of all things, but even in the realm of destruction and nirvana, they are also native chickens; no matter how many, there is no threat to Xu Ming at all!

After all, even if you are dealing with a strong Nirvana realm, you only need to use level 20 hanging points; and Xu Ming's hanging points below level 20 are almost inexhaustible.

Even at the domain master level, Xu Ming can easily kill him; after all, Xu Ming has a lot of level 21 hanging points.

Only the existence of the world master realm can make Xu Ming feel jealous.

In other words - from the first layer to the fourth layer, Xu Ming can absolutely sweep invincible!

And in this eternal battlefield, there are only powerhouses from the first layer of the world, Xu Ming is naturally qualified to despise everything!

"Besieged and killed me?" Xu Ming smiled, "I want to see how many strong men will besiege me!"

Xu Ming always felt that there were far more powerhouses who wanted to besiege him.

"Don't be in a hurry to fight against them!" Xu Ming secretly said - after all, once Xu Ming showed the strength of "one enemy, ten thousand", I am afraid there will be many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, too scared to come and kill Xu Ming; In that case, it would be very unfavorable for Xu Ming to earn points!

"It just so happens that my understanding of the 'real self' has been sublimated recently; I can just retreat and practice for a period of time to see if I can break through from the 'illusory self' to the 'real self'!"

The realm of self is divided into three levels: imaginary, illusory, and true.

The path of "real self" that Xu Ming takes is: from nothing to exist!

That is to say: even if there is nothing in the air, as long as Xu Ming thinks about it, he will "create something out of nothing", create all kinds of things out of nothing, and even create "self" out of nothing.

What is the concept of creating yourself out of thin air? - Even if Xu Ming's divine body is completely annihilated, as long as there is still a breath of will, he can instantly create a perfect self! Can be called immortal!

call out-

Xu Ming's figure cut through the sky, and he quickly found a hiding place suitable for retreat.

"Just here!"

Xu Ming hid in it and set up some hidden formations. The main continent is extremely vast, and Xu Ming is only in retreat for a short time, so it is almost impossible for anyone to find out.

"Cultivation!" Xu Ming sat cross-legged.

Whatever he thought, a black flower with seven petals quickly gathered in front of him. Although it is black, it makes people feel delicate and charming.

This is a poisonous flower from the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix, called "Black Blood Flower".

However, this black blood flower is only illusory. Once Xu Ming withdraws his will, the flower will quickly wither.

"Realize!" Xu Ming's thoughts frantically urged.

The black blood flower has also become more and more real, as if trying to break free from the picture and jump into reality.


Suddenly, the black blood flower exploded and turned into a black mist!

"Failed..." Xu Ming sighed.

Created from nothing, failed!

If successful, Xu Ming can get a real black blood flower as long as he "thinks" with his thoughts!

Xu Ming didn't have too many surprises... After all, if he can succeed, it means that he has stepped into the "real self"!

"Come again!"

Xu Ming once again tried to transform into a black blood flower - he really used "ideas" to create a real black blood flower from nothingness; instead of using his own divine power to create it.

If you use divine power, then it is not called "something out of nothing", but "there is something out of nothing"; if that's the case, let alone Xu Ming, even an ordinary **** can do it.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Fail again and again!

The black blood flowers between the illusory and the real, constantly shattered into a cloud of black mist, disappearing invisible.

"Huh!?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes lit up.

"From nothing? To come from nothing?" Xu Ming suddenly remembered the "Divine Phoenix Immortal Body" he had practiced!

Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal and can instantly restore the injured divine body, and even, if one cultivates to the fifth level, even if the divine body is completely annihilated, it can still be reborn! Isn't this... "something out of nothing"?

"Could it be that... Huang Zhizun's cultivation is also the way of 'from nothingness'?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Actually, Xu Ming overestimated Huang Zhizun!

Among the powers at the supreme level, Huang Sovereign's strength should be considered relatively weak; otherwise, it would be impossible for the sewer to capsize and be suppressed by a few realm masters.

With the strength of Supreme Phoenix, it is impossible to create a secret technique like "Divine Phoenix Immortality"!

The one who really created this secret skill is a super-power of the "real universe"; that super-power has realized the realm of "from nothing", even in the supreme realm, it can be said to sweep the same level Invincible!

However, no matter whether "Divine Phoenix Immortality" was created by Huang Zhizun, there is no doubt that it will definitely have a lot of reference for Xu Ming!

"I have the entire chapter on Divine Phoenix Immortality!" Xu Ming read "Divine Phoenix Immortal" and realized.

Today, Xu Ming's realm is very different from when he had just obtained "Divine Phoenix Immortal"; when he looked at "Divine Phoenix Immortal" again, many insights came to his mind.

"I see…"

"It turned out to be like this..."

"This...isn't it wonderful?"

The more Xu Ming looked at it, the more shocked his expression became: "If it wasn't for the 'Divine Phoenix Immortality', I'm afraid that for millions, tens of millions of years, I wouldn't be able to comprehend the essence, let alone step into it.' Real self'!"


The black blood flower is condensed again, but this time, the feeling is different from the previous times - if the previously transformed black blood flower is compared to a picture on paper; then the current black blood flower is really grown. .

"It's done!" Xu Ming just glanced at it and knew that he had succeeded!

Remove the will, this black blood flower still exists.

This is a completely real black blood flower!

"Real Self Realm!" Xu Ming's realm finally moved from "Illusory Self Realm" to "Real Self Stage One"!

From nothing, there is no doubt that it is "the true self of the gods"; although it is only a "true self", it is probably stronger than the "true self flower" condensed by some domain masters!

With this breakthrough, Xu Ming's strength soared instantly! Even if you don't use "Time Pause" to hang up, you only need to open other plug-ins, and it is definitely the strength of "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List"! Sweeping the powerhouses in the sky is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables!

"It's very strong!" Xu Ming felt the power brought about by the transformation of his realm, "It's just the 'first-order true self', which is already so tyrannical; if it reaches the 'second-order true self' and 'the third-order true self', won't it be able to follow the Supreme Being? Wrench your wrist?"

Xu Ming suddenly discovered that the Supreme Realm didn't seem to be very far away from him!

Send the first update first, and the next few chapters will be sent together when they are written, so don't be impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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