Break Into Another World

Chapter 1771: besieged

Cultivation has no time.

From the "Illusory Self Realm" to the "Real Self Level 1", Xu Ming felt that it was just a snap of time; but in fact, more than 30,000 years have passed!

The main continent of Eternal Battlefield is full of voices about Xu Ming.

"Where's Xu Mingren?"

"How come he disappeared after entering the main continent? Could it be that he was scared to hide because he knew that there were many strong men going to besiege him?"

"The first-ranked powerhouse on the Immemorial All Things Ranking is so timid!"

"Maybe... Xu Ming has secretly left the battlefield of Eternal Age!"

"Haha! If he really left the Eternal Battlefield, it would be a joke!"

"Don't be careless! Xu Ming is definitely still in the Eternal Battlefield and has not left! If he leaves the Eternal Battlefield, it is impossible not to be known by others!"

"Not bad! Xu Ming must be hiding somewhere, and he wants to wait until not many people surround him to kill him before killing him!"

Xu Ming, who was in retreat, naturally did not know that the entire main continent, the powerhouses who participated in the besieging and killing of him, had reached a million!

Not only the seventh quadrant besieged him, all the other quadrants except the second quadrant had already participated in the besieging and killing of Xu Ming under the guidance of some kind of force.

Xu Ming didn't show his face, but it was miserable for the powerhouses in the second quadrant. After all, the powerhouses in the other seven quadrants all acted in large groups; while the powerhouses in the second quadrant acted in small groups, they were naturally easily bullied. .

In desperation, the powerhouses in the second quadrant can only act in groups.

After more than 30,000 years, Xu Ming has not appeared, but there have been many battles between the various groups.

"Phew... out of customs!"

Breaking out, the strength has soared. Xu Ming felt that the world he saw had become a little different.

"Uh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's expression changed slightly, "Isn't it? It's such a coincidence?"

When Xu Ming broke through the barrier, he didn't observe the surrounding situation; after all, with his strength, he didn't need to observe whether there was any danger around him, even if there was an enemy, he could just step on it to death!

Therefore, when the level was broken, Xu Ming discovered that there was a team of more than 5,000 strong men not far from him. Judging from their aura, they should be strong men in the sixth quadrant.

Needless to say, Xu Ming also knew that these powerhouses were definitely here to surround and kill him.

The more than 5,000 powerhouses in the sixth quadrant naturally discovered Xu Ming who suddenly appeared !

"This is…"

"Xu Ming!?"

"We found Xu Ming!?"


The powerhouses in the sixth quadrant were a little bit unbelievable for a while; when they realized that it was Xu Ming, they aggressively killed Xu Ming.

When the more than 5,000 strong men in the sixth quadrant were killing Xu Ming, they felt that more than 5,000 evil wolves were rushing towards Xu Ming, a fierce tiger! No matter how strong the tiger is, it cannot hold back the number of wolves!

But in fact, in Xu Ming's felt like there were more than 5,000 little ants crawling towards him!

Xu Ming can trample all these little ants to death with just one lift of his foot!

"More than 5,000 people are a lot of points!" However, Xu Ming resisted the urge to trample them to death. After all, if Xu Ming killed these more than 5,000 strong men easily, other strong men might He was too frightened to besiege Xu Ming again, or even escaped from the main continent; in that case, Xu Ming would have picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon!

With the points of more than 5,000 powerhouses, Xu Ming still doesn't like it!

"Since you can't kill it immediately, then the enemy to be weak!" Xu Ming instantly had an idea, that is to run!

Xu Ming hardly hesitated, turned around and ran.

Moreover, when escaping, Xu Ming also deliberately controlled his speed, so he couldn't be much faster than the powerhouses who were chasing him. After all, the main purpose of escaping was to attract more powerhouses to besiege him! Xu Ming couldn't let the powerhouses who besieged him lose him!

But... Xu Ming's escape, in the eyes of the powerhouses in the sixth quadrant, felt like a no-brainer!


The siege of more than 5,000 strong men!

Even if you are the number one powerhouse on the Primordial All Things Ranking, do you dare not escape?

Suddenly, the powerhouses in the sixth quadrant became more and more murderous!


"Xu Ming, don't think about escaping! You can't escape!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The overwhelming attack also swept towards Xu Ming, trying to reduce Xu Ming's speed and even hurt Xu Ming.

At the same time, these more than 5,000 powerhouses also sent a message to the other powerhouses in the sixth quadrant: "We are chasing Xu Ming, come and help to encircle and suppress!"

Soon, the hundreds of thousands of powerhouses in the sixth quadrant who participated in the siege of Xu Ming knew about Xu Ming's escape trajectory.


"Let's stop Xu Ming together!"

"Xu Ming will not die for a day! Our powerhouses in the sixth quadrant will not be at ease for a day!"

"Don't let Xu Ming escape from the main continent! Kill Xu Ming, but you can get a lot of bonus points!"

"Yeah! No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List! As long as you kill every strong person who participates in the siege will probably get a good share of the pie!"

"Haha! Yes! It's better not to let the powerhouses in the other quadrants know about it! We'd better share this cup in the sixth quadrant!"

But, how can there be an airtight wall in the world?

In particular, in this pursuit, the sixth quadrant dispatched hundreds of thousands of strong men; such a movement would naturally be impossible to hide from the eyes and ears of the other quadrants!

"The sixth quadrant has found Xu Ming's trace!"

"Go! Let's go besiege Xu Ming together!"

"Yes! You can't let the sixth quadrant swallow the reward points!"

It didn't take long for Xu Ming to be besieged and killed in the seven elephants. Millions of powerhouses gathered towards Xu Ming from all directions, as if making dumplings.

In fact... if it was just the ordinary "Immortal All Things List" powerhouse entering the Eternal Battlefield, it wouldn't cause such a big sensation at all. After all, even though there are a lot of reward points for killing an ordinary Taikoo Ranking powerhouse, it is very limited, and the attraction is simply not enough to inspire a crowd.

But Xu Ming is different! Xu Ming is "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List", and the reward points for killing him are very terrifying! In addition, someone deliberately helped fuel the flames behind the scenes, and this was the grand occasion of a million powerhouses besieging and killing Xu Ming!

You must know that every one of these million powerhouses is the strength of the sky list! Moreover, it is still at the top of the ranking list!

With such a powerful army of millions, thinking about it makes people feel that the scalp is too numb!

And Xu Ming, how strong should he be to be besieged and killed by a million army?

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