Break Into Another World

Chapter 1789: Slapped in the face and to be slapped in the face

[Book Title: Opening and Breaking into Another World Chapter 17** Being Slapped in the Face and Waiting to Be Slapped in the Face Author: Wang Bustei]

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Highly recommended: Rise of the Wasteland, Reverse Scale, Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of the Holy Ruins

Nearly 10,000 geniuses are all eagerly waiting for the results of Xu Ming and Jin Fei.

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Jin Fei's strength, among us, is relatively strong? It shouldn't be difficult to beat Xu Ming, right? Logically speaking, it should have come out long ago!"

"Maybe Jin Fei was playing with Xu Ming on purpose!"

"It's possible! In this case, Xu Ming is too miserable, isn't it? The existence that ranks first in the list of ancient things is to be ravaged by others? It's too dignified!"

These geniuses did not look down on Xu Ming's strength. In fact, everyone present was in awe of Xu Ming's strength; after all, before entering the assessment, Xu Ming was already number one on the Primordial All Things Ranking, stronger than they are now!

It's just... Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed two hundred times! No wonder other geniuses didn't take Xu Ming seriously.

However, they never imagined that even if Xu Ming was suppressed two hundred times, he could easily torture them into dogs.

At this moment, a figure came out of the virtual universe battlefield.

It's Jin Fei!

"Jin Fei is out!"

"How is it? Did you smash Xu Ming hard inside?"

"Where's Xu Ming? Why didn't he come out? Oh, by the way, he still has a lot of battles to fight!"

Jin Fei walked out of the virtual universe battlefield.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a strong look of panic and humiliation.

"Xu Ming is really... deceiving people too much!" Jin Fei gritted his teeth in his heart.

But... it's just too deceiving, what can you do?

Jin Fei couldn't help but touch his face subconsciously, as if he felt that there was a palm print on his face; but as soon as he touched it, he immediately remembered the virtual battlefield, which was just a virtual battle world; he was killed in the virtual battlefield. Slap in the face, it will not have any effect after it comes out, and there will be no palm prints on the face.

"Too hateful!" Jin Fei thought fiercely. But then, there was a moment of weakness.

Xu Ming is too strong!

So strong that Jin Fei didn't even dare to think of revenge!

At this time, Jin Fei also noticed the questioning of other geniuses around. Those geniuses thought that Jin Fei had tormented Xu Ming for a while before he came out "satisfied"!

"I..." Jin Fei looked at these geniuses, some didn't know how to speak. He couldn't say that he was inside for so long, but he was actually slapped by Xu Ming for so long.

Suddenly, an evil thought flooded into Jin Fei's heart: "Humph! I'm not the only one who was slapped in the face by Xu Ming..."

Jin Fei was quite confident in his own strength.

"Even I was drawn like this by Xu Ming. If other geniuses entered, they must have been drawn too!"

Thinking of this, Jin Fei suddenly knew what to do.

He didn't answer any genius questions directly, just walked aside quietly and said lightly, "Go in next!"

"I'm the second one!" A burly genius stood up excitedly and said, "Haha... It's my turn, 'Fu Lei', to ravage Xu Ming! To ravage the first place in the Primordial All Things List, this feeling, It's really cool just thinking about it!"

Jin Fei looked at Fu Lei with a weird expression of ignorance and arrogance, it was really scary!

But at the same time, Jin Fei couldn't help but think of himself, wasn't he just as ignorant and arrogant as Fu Lei before he entered the virtual universe battlefield?

"Look!" Jin Fei looked forward to seeing Fu Lei's expression when he came out of the Void Battlefield.

"Jin Fei!" Zhang Mu walked to Jin Fei's side without knowing when.

"Oh? Zhang Mu, is something wrong?" Jin Fei couldn't help asking.

Zhang Mu said through his voice: "Jin Fei, in the battlefield of the virtual universe, did you... lose?"

"Huh?" Jin Fei's pupils shrank suddenly.

"And the loss was terrible?" Zhang Mu continued to transmit his voice, and at the same time, his eyes never left Jin Fei's "face".

"How do you know..." Jin Fei said subconsciously. He also noticed Zhang Mu's gaze on his face.

Suddenly, Jin Fei's expression became weird: "Could it be you..."

Jin Fei did not continue.

Zhang Mu didn't say anything else.

The two looked at each other, smiled bitterly in unison, and then chose silence in a tacit understanding.

Soon, Fu Lei also came out of the virtual universe battlefield.

When Fu Lei went in, the whole person was very excited; but when he came out, his expressions became very strange. Zhang Mu and Jin Fei knew at a glance that Fu Lei must have been slapped too.

However, other geniuses don't know what Fu Lei has experienced in it! One by one, they also asked Fu Lei with a smile, what kind of ravaged Xu Ming was!

Fu Lei also chose to remain silent and walked quietly to Jin Fei's side. Obviously, he also wanted the people behind him to be beaten, so he deliberately didn't tell other geniuses Xu Ming's strength!

The next genius to fight, without thinking much, rushed into the Void Battlefield excitedly.

Fu Lei transmitted a voice to Jin Fei: "Before you..."

Jin Fei's voice transmission sighed: "Ignorance!"

"It's really ignorant..." Fu Lei, Jin Fei and Zhang Mu looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

After that, the three of them kept silent in a tacit understanding. They were waiting for the next to come out of the battlefield of the virtual universe.

The third genius also came out of the virtual battlefield with a strange expression, and also stood with Jin Fei, Fu Lei, and Zhang Mu.

"Jin Fei!" The third genius, who obviously had a good relationship with Jin Fei, said depressedly, "Why didn't you remind me?"

"Reminder?" Jin Fei sneered, "How to remind? Could I tell you what I experienced in it? In that case, I will not only be ridiculed by you, I am afraid I will also become the laughing stock of other geniuses? And..."

Jin Fei smiled strangely: "Will you remind the geniuses behind?"

"It's definitely not!" The third genius said without hesitation, "I was beaten in the face, and the people behind me don't even think about being spared!"

"Not bad!" Fu Lei looked at the nearly 10,000 geniuses who were eagerly waiting outside the Xuzhou battlefield and said, "Only if they are all slapped in the face by Xu Ming, no one will laugh at us!"

One genius, one after another, walked into the virtual universe battlefield full of ignorance; one after another, came out of the virtual universe battlefield with a weird look, and stood in a pile with Jin Fei and others. This is a "slapped face"!

As for other geniuses, they are "to be slapped in the face"!

Outside the entire virtual universe battlefield, there are only two types of people who have either been slapped in the face by Xu Ming, or are about to be madly beaten by Xu Ming!

The geniuses who were "slapped in the face" all kept silent in a tacit understanding. We were beaten, and those who haven't been beaten later will never escape this disaster!

Gradually, the number of geniuses "to be slapped in the face" decreased one by one, and the number of geniuses "to be slapped in the face" became more and more...

Finally, the last genius also came out of the virtual universe battlefield.

"Damn it!!" The genius roared as soon as he came out. There was no need to keep silent! After all, all geniuses are already "coming people"!

"Did you all get pumped by Xu Ming? Why didn't any of you speak!?" 2k Novel Reading Network

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