Break Into Another World

Chapter 1790: that man

[Book Title: Chapter 1790, The Man Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Strongly recommended: The strongest cooking soldier Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound Realm Choose the Heaven to Remember the Eternal Night King Reverse Scales Great Ruler Saint Ruins Lord Xue Ying thought forever "Are you all drawn by Xu Ming? Why don't you speak a single one !?"

The last genius roared.

However, all the other geniuses did not answer, but looked at him playfully. Why? Needless to say? We've all been pumped, do you want to be alone?


At this time, Xu Ming also walked out from the virtual universe battlefield.

Seeing Xu Ming's figure again, all the geniuses looked solemn, and no one dared to show the slightest contempt. Looking at Xu Ming, there was nothing but awe or awe.

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered, "Now, no one will disturb my cultivation, right?"

Jin Fei and other geniuses are all messed up in the wind. If I had known that you were so strong, who would dare to challenge you when they were full? It's just that now, the slap has been slapped, and it's too late to regret it.

The most depressing thing is that the geniuses who were "challenged by Xu Ming" did not challenge Xu Ming! For them, it was a complete disaster!

Xu Ming glanced at these geniuses, didn't say any more, left directly, and continued to practice with great concentration! After all, this kind of cultivation environment that is comparable to the real universe is only 10,000 years old. Of course, we must take good care of the time.

Above the endless clouds above the ancient city.

The figure in gray overlooked everything in the ancient city.

"Oh?" Xu Ming's performance was obviously beyond his expectations. "What kind of trump card does this Xu Ming have? I have already suppressed his strength by 200 times, yet he is still so strong!"

Even the figure in gray felt that Xu Ming was too strong and too strong!

"But it doesn't matter..." The grey clothed figure thought again, "The chance left by the master is here, whoever can get it is his fortune! I really hope that this time, someone can get the chance of the master!"

The figure in grey has been waiting for too long!

"Ha!" Suddenly, a playful smile appeared on the face of the figure in gray, "That grandfather, Taihao, is still struggling! Let him struggle, huh, a reincarnated person also delusionally wants to get the master's chance! Naive! "

Naturally, Xu Ming didn't know that his performance had already attracted the attention of the figure in gray.

At this moment, Xu Ming was completely immersed in cultivation.

"It's really my third-order!"

In Xu Ming's mind, a deeper understanding of "the true self of nothingness" is constantly evolving.

Wuzhi's true self, among the many types of divine-grade true self, is the top one! In the "Destiny Heaven" where the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is located, no one has ever heard of anyone comprehending the "True Self of Nothingness".

Even if one looks at the entire "Second Quadrant", or even the entire universe, there are only a handful of geniuses who realize the "true self of nothingness".

"Right, that is it!"

Although Xu Ming has not yet reached the "third level of the true self", he is absolutely sure that the path he has comprehended is correct!

" the realm I want!"

The many doubts about the "true self" dissipated in Xu Ming's heart like a cocoon; Xu Ming saw his "true self" more and more clearly.

"This is my 'Dao'!"

In Xu Ming's heart, a sense of enlightenment suddenly emerged. His realm is even more natural, and he has finally stepped into the "third-order real self".


The third-order true self is the limit of the true self. Going up, is to condense the flower of the true self and create the "true self world"!

But Xu Ming suddenly found out: "More than three thousand years have passed..."

It took more than 3,000 years to break through from "the second-order peak of the true self" to the "third-order true self".

"I don't know... before the expiration of the ten thousand years, can my realm reach the 'real self's third-order peak'?"

If you want to condense the "flower of true self" and break through to the domain master realm, you need to meet two conditions at the same time.

The first condition is the comprehension in the realm of the true self. To reach a peak such as Xu Ming, it is necessary to reach the "third-order peak of the true self".

The second condition is to fully comprehend the Chaos to Dao, that is, to reach the pinnacle of Nirvana!

Xu Ming is close to the first condition! As for the second condition... For Xu Ming, it is even more difficult! Open the "attribute modification" link, and you can achieve it in minutes!

"Don't be in a hurry to bury your head in cultivation! Now that you have made a breakthrough, let's go to the 'Tower of Ming Self' first!"

In the Tower of Myself, if you pass the first three floors, there will be rewards from classics; but starting from the fourth floor, there will be no rewards! But Xu Ming always felt that if he continued to challenge, and even climbed to the top of the "Tower of Ming Self", there should be benefits!

"Then I'll climb to the top of the 'Tower of Myself' and see if it will do any good!"

At this time, there are many geniuses gathered around the Tower of the Self, and more than 3,000 years have passed. Many geniuses have reached a bottleneck in their cultivation;

After all, other geniuses are different from Xu Ming!

When Xu Ming first came to the ancient city, his realm was only "first rank"; for Xu Ming, there is a lot of room for improvement.

As for other geniuses, their realm has already reached the "peak of the third-order true self"; their main gain in the ancient has evolved from "the true self of the emperor" to the "true self of the gods", and now they have evolved After it is completed, the strength will naturally reach the bottleneck, and there is no way to enter!

Therefore, in this case, many geniuses chose to challenge the "Tower of Ming Self". When there is no way to enter, it is impossible to break through with practice. Only by constantly fighting can it be possible to make a little progress in strength.

"The colossus on the fifth floor is really too strong! It is definitely the strength of the top ten in the Primordial All Things Ranking!"

"Our strength has been suppressed, how can we defeat it?"

"The fifth floor is so strong, then... how strong should the sixth and seventh floors be?"

"I have some doubts, what is the significance of this tower of self-knowledge! From the fifth floor up, it is impossible to defeat it; instead of this, it is better not to have the sixth and seventh floors!"

A genius is complaining. They have failed the fifth floor too many times!

"I don't believe that anyone can pass the fifth floor when their strength is suppressed!" The burly genius "Fu Lei" said angrily.

"No!" Jin Fei on the side said, "There is one person, he has hope..."

"He?" Fu Lei instantly understood who Jin Fei was referring to, and instantly remembered the fear once dominated by Xu Ming, "That man..."

When thinking of that man, all geniuses subconsciously touch their own faces. Once, that man's slap was wanton on their faces!


The air quieted down.

All the geniuses looked horrified and closed their mouths together, daring not to speak. At the same time, the gazes of the geniuses were looking at the sky in the same direction one after another.

In that direction, Xu Ming was stepping into the void without haste.

That man, here he comes! 2k novel reading network

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