Break Into Another World

Chapter 1791: Ancient God Kun Kun

[Book Title: Chapter 1791, The Ancient God of the Ancient God Breeding Kun Author: Wang Bustei]

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Strongly recommended: My beautiful president, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the immemorial **** king, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements .

All geniuses, at this moment, their minds are filled with fear once dominated by Xu Ming's slap!

"Xu Ming is going to... challenge the Tower of Myself?"

The answer speaks for itself!

Xu Ming glanced at all the geniuses indifferently, and looked at the audience with no expression on his face. There was no genius who was qualified to be confronted by Xu Ming!

After that, Xu Ming directly entered the Tower of Mingwu.

At this time, the geniuses from all the big borders dared to start talking.

"Xu Ming is about to start the challenge!"

"Xu Ming passed the third floor last time! How many floors can he pass this time?"

"With Xu Ming's strength, defeating Daojing Kun and breaking through the fourth floor is absolutely as easy as the palm of your hand! The colossus of capturing Kun on the fifth floor should not be Xu Ming's opponent!"

Many geniuses present have challenged the giant statue of Kun, and deeply felt the horror of the giant statue of Kun! But in their opinion, Xu Ming is obviously more terrifying than the giant statue of Kun! In the face of the giant statue of Kun, they still have the strength to resist; but in the face of Xu Ming, they don't even have the strength to resist!

"I don't know... what kind of monster will the sixth floor be..."

"The colossus of capturing Kun on the fifth floor definitely has the strength of the top ten in the Primordial All Things Ranking! The sixth layer is definitely stronger than the fifth layer, I am afraid it will be comparable to the 'No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List'! Xu Ming His strength has been suppressed by two hundred times, can he still defeat it?”

"Xu Ming should be able to get past the fifth floor, but that's it!"

Xu Ming, who has entered the Tower of the Self, naturally does not know what the outside world is saying about him.

Of course, even if he knew, Xu Ming wouldn't care about the conversations of the ants. How could he be allowed to care?

"Fourth floor!"

Because Xu Ming had already crossed the third floor before, as soon as he entered the Tower of Mingwu, he was directly teleported to the fourth floor, facing the incomparably huge Dao Jing Kun.


Daojing Kun, which was as huge as hundreds of gods, roared and twisted his terrifying body, which seemed to be real but virtual, and swooped towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming raised his hand gently: "Time pause!"

Xu Ming's strength is now suppressed by two hundred times, and he can't take advantage of it without using "time pause".

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming's spear destroyed Dao Jing Kun's body one after another. In a short time, the whole Dao Jing Kun was annihilated.

"Breaking through to the 'real self third-order', my attack really skyrocketed!"

If it had been before, Xu Ming would never have been able to defeat Dao Jingkun so easily.

"The fifth floor!"

After ascending to the fifth floor, Xu Ming was speechless.

"This is the colossus of capturing Kun? It's too big..."

The two hands of the giant statue of Kun are holding a Dao mirror Kun in each hand, just like catching two chickens. As soon as he saw someone entering the fifth floor, the colossus captured Kun directly smashed the two Dao mirror Kun in his hand.

"It's no wonder that none of those people managed to get past the fifth floor!" Xu Ming thought secretly.

Talent, after all, has its limits! The geniuses in the ancient city, even if all of them are at the top of the list, even if they have training resources comparable to the real universe; however, their talent limits cannot defeat the giant statue of Kun.


For Xu Ming, who was hanging up, capturing the giant statue of Kun was just a meat target.

As soon as the "time pause" was hung up, the colossus of capturing Kun could only be slaughtered.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

It took ten times as long as before, Xu Ming finally completely killed the huge Kun-hunting colossus. There was no way to do it. The body of the Kun-hunting colossus was too huge. Even if he stood there without resistance, Xu Ming would kill him. It takes half a day to kill.

"The sixth floor!"

"This is...?" As soon as he entered the sixth floor, Xu Ming saw a monster as large as a colossus of capturing Kun.

The body of this monster was bound and entwined by countless white iron cables; its aura was several times more ferocious than that of the colossus.

"Exotic beast Shengsheng!" A thought entered Xu Ming's mind.

Xu Ming secretly judged the strength of this alien beast: "It is by no means weaker than 'Zhou Ji', who is number one on the Primordial All Things Ranking!"

You must know that Zhou Ji is in the "first" position of the Primordial All Things List in the second quadrant, and has maintained countless billions of epochs! If it wasn't for Xu Ming's appearance, his name would probably remain "No. 1" forever!

Zhou Ji's strength is beyond doubt!

And this strange beast, Sheng Sheng, is not weaker than Zhou Ji? Obviously, this sixth floor, no matter who comes, is almost impossible to defeat!

But... except for Xu Ming!

"Alas..." Xu Ming sighed a little boredly, "It's not a challenge!"

Really no challenge!

Breaking through layer by layer, Xu Ming only needs to do two things to open the "time pause" and hang up, and then kill kill kill without thinking!

Under Xu Ming's storm-like spear, the alien beast Sheng Sheng was quickly crushed into nothingness.

"Finally on the last floor!"

Stepping on the seventh floor, Xu Ming was shocked for a while: "This Nima..."

The void world on the seventh floor is countless times larger than the previous six In the center of this void world, Xu Ming saw an ancient beast as large as tens of thousands of gods. Lord Kun!

Around the ancient **** Kun Kun, tens of thousands of Dao Jing Kun, hundreds of thousands of swallowing Kun, millions of Bone Kun, and tens of millions of True Kun are all wandering freely.

If it were someone else, seeing such a scene, I'm afraid I would be scared to retreat directly!

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but muttered, "A huge amount of work!"


The amount of work is too great!

Even if Xu Ming has a "time suspension" hanging, it will take an unknown amount of time to get past the seventh floor...

This is simply impossible to beat!


Outside the Tower of Myself.

Thousands of geniuses are all following Xu Ming's progress of breaking the tower.

"Fourth floor, passed through so quickly?" There was no surprise.

"The fifth floor, I also passed through..." There was also no accident.

"I don't know what the strength of the sixth floor is?" Many geniuses guessed.

"No one has seen the sixth floor! But... according to the strength of the first five floors, the strength of the sixth floor is probably at least the top five in the Primordial All Things Ranking, or even the top three and first!"

"Xu Ming can still break through?"

It didn't take long for all the geniuses to have the answer!

"It really broke through!"

"The seventh floor... Could it be that Xu Ming can really swept the entire Tower of Ming Self?"

"I don't know, will it be any good to pass through all seven floors?"

"What's the benefit? The Tower of Myself is just a place to test your strength!" Although some geniuses said this, they actually knew in their hearts that clearing the Tower of Myself would be of no benefit? is it possible! ?

These geniuses say this out of sheer jealousy. 2k novel reading network

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