Break Into Another World

Chapter 1793: Evolution is all about swallowing

[Book Title: Chapter 1793 Evolution is All About Swallowing Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Xu Ming grabbed this scroll and successfully refined it in an instant.

His spiritual sense sank into the Kun-feeding map, and found that the interior was an endless vast ocean, comparable to the "land of one domain" in the Chaos Realm of the Divine Phoenix. Thousands of giant kun are swimming freely in this vast ocean.

"Uh..." Xu Ming's expression was a little weird, "Accidentally, he has become a big family of kun raising..."

You must know that the strength of these tens of millions of giant kun is not simple! Even the weakest Zhen Kun is comparable to a half-step world master!

Xu Ming even suspected that with his strength, he could easily swept the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm with this picture of Kun-feeding!

Xu Ming looked at the sky in the Kun-feeding map again.

The entire sky is filled with incomparably dark words, and what is recorded is a peak secret technique "Kunpeng Nine Transformations".

"Don't rush to study this secret technique!" Xu Ming secretly said.

He still doesn't know the specific rank of this secret skill, and the secret skill that he has obtained can't fly. In this ancient city, Xu Ming should cherish this cultivation environment that is comparable to the real universe first.

"It's time to go out!"

Originally, Xu Ming just came to casually break into the "Tower of Ming and I", but he didn't expect that he would return with a full reward if he was not careful.

Outside the Tower of Myself.

Because the seventh floor was always on, the geniuses outside could not know what Xu Ming was doing inside.

Suddenly, the light of the Tower of Myself disappeared instantly.

Xu Ming's figure wandered out of the Tower of Mingwu.


"Xu Ming's challenge to the seventh floor of the Tower of Myself is over!"

"In this seventh floor, is Xu Ming winning or losing?"

Challenge the first six floors of the Tower of Myself, and the outside world has a way to judge the victory or defeat.

However, when they challenged the seventh floor, the outside world could not judge the outcome. Because...there is no next layer to light up!

All the geniuses looked at Xu Ming, but no one dared to ask aloud.

Xu Ming naturally wouldn't say what his record was in the seventh floor. After all... Xu Ming didn't need to show off his achievements to a group of ants.

That's right, a swarm of ants.

When Xu Ming first entered the Eternal Battlefield, he might not have regarded them as ants, but barely regarded them as beings of the same level. After entering the ancient city, although the strength of these nearly 10,000 geniuses has grown by leaps and bounds, breaking through from the "level of the sky" to the "level of the ancient list of all things"; however, Xu Ming's strength has broken through even more!

Now, in Xu Ming's eyes, these geniuses are just a bunch of ants!

The ants are very thorough!

Does Xu Ming need to satisfy the curiosity of the ants?

Definitely not needed!

Time flies like water.

Unconsciously, the ten thousand-year period for the geniuses to enter the ancient city has expired.


A blast.

The entire ancient city seems to have lost its vitality in an instant. The flow of time is rapidly freezing the ancient city. After all, it comes from the real universe; if you want to keep the ancient city running in the virtual universe, the price is extremely high!

After 10,000 years, the ancient city will naturally no longer be able to continue to operate and will be "sealed".

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Xu Ming and other 10,000 figures were enveloped by a soft and mysterious force, soaring into the sky and leaving the ancient city.

Above the clouds above the ancient city, 10,000 geniuses gathered again.

The figure in gray looked at these geniuses indifferently, and said, "The ten thousand years have expired. According to the rules, the 100 geniuses with the highest points will enter the second round of assessment!"

As for the fate of the other 9,900 geniuses, the figure in gray did not say.

"Let's go!"

One hundred geniuses such as Xu Ming, Jin Fei, Zhang Mu, etc., only felt that the stars were shifting in front of them; in the blink of an eye, they appeared in another world.

"This is...?" Xu Ming observed this endlessly empty world with some curiosity.

The center of this world should be a gladiatorial arena. And Xu Ming and other 10,000 geniuses were in the stands of this arena at this time.

But the strange thing is that the battle stage of this arena is not a piece of land, but a vast sea.

And the periphery of this arena is also surrounded by endless oceans.

Xu Ming suddenly remembered the scene in the Kun-feeding map, which was also an endless ocean.

"Could it be... is it related to Kun again?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

The other geniuses were also puzzled.

At this time, the figure in gray said lightly: "The first round of the assessment is for 'talent'; and this second round of assessment is for 'air luck'!"

"Luck?" The geniuses became more and more puzzled. How to test?

The grey-clothed figure smiled and said, "In the endless ocean outside the arena, there are countless 'Young Kun'! Each of you can choose a Young Kun, and I will throw them anywhere and let them go. After 10,000 years, all the kuns owned by one hundred of you will be gathered in the arena to fight, and whoever's kun can stay in the final top ten will be able to advance to the third and final round of assessment. !"

"Oh, that's right!" The grey-clothed figure said again, "In the past ten thousand years, you are not allowed to participate, you can only wait here for the In short...the beginning is a kun, and the evolution depends on swallowing!

In the final fight, whoever can stay in the top ten will win this test, and it really is luck! After all, whoever raises the Kun will be more powerful in the future, completely uncontrollable, purely depends on luck!

At this time, Jin Fei and the other geniuses couldn't help but look at Xu Ming with some sympathy, and thought to himself, "Why do you feel that the assessment here seems to be aimed at Xu Ming..."

It is understandable that Jin Fei and other geniuses would think so.

Like the first round of assessments before, Xu Ming was clearly the strongest, but he was abruptly suppressed by 200 times his strength... Although in the first round of assessments, Xu Ming swept the audience with a slap, other geniuses still felt that Xu Ming was unlucky. .

In the second round of assessment now, all the talents came to the arena.

You must know that in the second round of assessment, the strength of all the geniuses will no longer be suppressed; other geniuses are naturally worried that the figure in gray will let them enter the arena and confront Xu Ming. In that case... Xu, whose strength is no longer suppressed. Ming, can definitely sweep the audience more easily. But the result was the second round of assessments, instead of testing the strength of the geniuses, they were testing "Qi Luck"! In this way, Xu Ming's strength would be useless!

In the eyes of the geniuses, Xu Ming was not targeted, but what was it?

"That's great! If the assessment is based on strength, all of us together would not be Xu Ming's opponent! Now that the assessment of luck, Xu Ming will not have the slightest advantage!"

"Yeah! This thing of luck is a little vague! Although Xu Ming is strong, his Kun may not be so powerful!"

"Moreover, the most important thing is... the final big fight is a big melee fight with the Kuns that all of us raised! Haha, in this way, we are just about to take this opportunity to join forces to eliminate Xu Ming!" 2k Novel Reading Network

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