Break Into Another World

Chapter 1794: My 3rd-order limit!

[Title of the book: The first seventy-ninth chapter of the first seventy-ninth chapter of opening and breaking into another world is really my third-order limit! Author: Wang does not steal]

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Strongly recommended: The Great Rancher of America Chooses the Day to Remember the King of Eternal Night, the Great Ruler of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, One Thought of the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King

Yes! Every genius thinks like this with a tacit understanding! After all... Xu Ming's strength is too strong! Incredibly strong!

Although I still don't know what the final round of assessment will be; however, all the geniuses asked themselves, who has the most hope of winning in the final assessment, then there is no doubt that it is definitely Xu Ming!

If there is a chance to eliminate Xu Ming, every genius will stand in a line without hesitation. For example, now, all the geniuses have just heard the rules of the second round, and their eyes are shining, and they are tacit. reached a tacit agreement.

"This..." Xu Ming was also speechless, "Could it be that you are really suppressing me on purpose?"

Xu Ming looked at the figure in gray.

The figure in gray gave him a meaningful smile.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time!" Xu Ming secretly said. Even if it is really hard luck, Xu Ming has absolute confidence.

At this time, the figure in gray said lightly: "Okay! Choose your young Kun!"

The grey-clothed figure said, scooping up in the endless ocean. His palm instantly became the size of ten thousand realms; the sea water in his palm also covered thousands of realms.

In the palm of his hand, there is no more or less, just one hundred young kuns were chosen for Xu Ming and other hundred geniuses.

These 100 young kun seem to be long or short, fat and thin. Some young Kun are fierce and belligerent at a glance; while some young Kun are a little timid and cowardly.

In terms of appearance alone, these hundred young Kun are very different.

As soon as these 100 young Kun were fished up, they were targeted by all the geniuses. Obviously, every genius also knows that openings are important!

In the blink of an eye, geniuses scrambled to report the young Kun they wanted! Before Xu Ming could react, all the other geniuses had chosen the young Kun; only a scrawny young Kun was left, and no one chose.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless for a while. Needless to say, this bony young Kun, who looked like he couldn't even get enough to eat, was Xu Ming's choice!

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but worry, if this young Kun was thrown into the endless ocean, could it live for 10,000 years...

"This is embarrassing..." What else could Xu Ming do? I can only hope that this young Kun can live up to its expectations!

"Haha!" There are several geniuses who couldn't help laughing after seeing Xu Ming's poor young Kun, "I'm afraid to compare goods"! Compared with other talented young Kun, Xu Ming's young Kun is simply shabby!

The figure in gray did not care about the choices of the geniuses, but said lightly: "You Kun has all been selected, and the 10,000-year timer begins!"

Immediately, the grey-robed figure waved his hand, and the ten thousand young Kuns scattered in all directions. Even the geniuses can no longer perceive the situation of their young Kun.

Everything can only be seen in 10,000 years.

"Cultivation!" Although Xu Ming was a little depressed, he didn't think about it any more. He directly entered the cultivation state. He just came out of the ancient city. Now cultivation is still very efficient! Of course Xu Ming will not waste time!

"Hopefully, within this 10,000 years, my realm can reach the 'real self's third-order limit'!"

None of the other ninety-nine geniuses cultivated.

After all, with their talents, they have come to an end on the road of "real self"; next, if they want to continue to improve their strength, they can only comprehend "chaos to Tao", and then condense "real self" "Flower", breaking through the domain master realm!

However, the opportunities faced by the geniuses now are aimed at the "realm of all things"; if anyone breaks through to the realm of destruction, it is equivalent to giving up the opportunity directly! Therefore, naturally no one will comprehend the Chaos Supreme Dao at this time.

Not being able to comprehend the realm of the true self, nor the ultimate Tao of Chaos, these ninety-nine geniuses are equivalent to being completely idle.

Fortunately, for their existence at this level, a mere 10,000 years is as short as a fingertip. Therefore, none of the ninety-nine geniuses such as Jin Fei and Zhang Mu would be bored. On the contrary, they all stood on the edge of the arena with great interest, stopping to look into the distance, wanting to see if they could find their young Kun.

Not to mention, they really found some traces of young Kun.

"Hi! Your young Kun!"

"Haha! It's really my Kun! But it's no longer a young Kun! It's only a few hundred years, but it has evolved to a real Kun! Not bad! Not bad!" Fu Lei couldn't help seeing his own Kun show off. Laughed.

You know, the evolution of Kun can be divided into five stages. Young Kun is the first stage, and real Kun is the second stage.

Now, all the other geniuses discovered are still young, and only Fu Lei's is the real one, which naturally makes Fu Lei feel radiant, as if he has seen victory beckoning to him.

Kun is constantly being discovered.

But... but there is no genius to see Xu Ming's young Kun.

"Where's Xu Ming's Kun? Could it have been... swallowed by other Kun?"

"If Xu Ming's Kun is really eaten, then his luck is too low! He can be eliminated immediately!"

"If Xu Ming's luck was not low, he wouldn't have chosen the worst Kun! Haha..."

Each genius is a little gloating. After all, they were once slapped by Xu Ming and doubted their life. Now that Xu Ming may be unlucky, they naturally want to ridicule it; it seems to do ~You will be able to sweep away the hatred in Xu Ming's face.

"Look! That's Xu Ming's Kun!"

"Haha! It's too miserable! Why is it being chased and killed by other wild young Kun? It seems to be getting weaker and weaker, I'm afraid it won't last long!"

"Haha! Miserable!"

Naturally, Xu Ming didn't know anything about these voices.

Xu Ming had already set up a protective formation, isolating the surroundings, and concentrated on comprehending the realm of the true self.

Deep in Xu Ming's mind...

This is an endless void of nothingness. In this void, nothing exists, not even the concepts of "time" and "space"!

Not even a "space" exists! It is hard to imagine what kind of void this is!

But at this moment, a faint fire seemed to suddenly appear in the center of the void. Wherever the firelight went, space was formed, time was formed, and everything began to be formed... Even some wild beings that seemed real but virtual began to be born and multiply in this extremely weak firelight!

It was just a flash of fire, but it was like the embryonic form of the universe.


The flames dissipated and the universe shattered. Time and space have also disappeared; everything, even more instantly, returns to nothingness.

However, Xu Ming's eyes were shining: "Success!"


It worked!

Doing this step already means that Xu Ming has reached the limit of "Nothing's True Self-third-order"! If you want to improve again, you can only condense the "flower of true self" and step into the domain master realm!

At this moment, Xu Ming felt that the protective formation he had set up shook slightly. A voice came from outside the formation: "The 10,000-year deadline is approaching, please find your Kun!"

"10,000 years?" Xu Ming felt that it was only fleeting, but he didn't expect it to be almost 10,000 years. 2k novel reading network

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