Break Into Another World

Chapter 1799: no cost

[Book Title: Opening and Breaking into Another World Chapter 1799 Without Price (Fourth Update) Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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"we say…"

All the geniuses looked at each other in dismay and the Kun was swallowed up. In this case, in this second round of luck assessment, which ten people will win?

"Xu Ming wins!" The figure in gray said lightly, "As for you...all of you lose!"

All lost!

Jin Fei's face was pale for a while: "Didn't you say that there are ten geniuses who can win?"

The figure in gray sneered: "There are at most ten geniuses who can win! And've even been swallowed by Kun, do you still want to win?"

With that said, the figure in gray waved his hand, and all ninety-nine geniuses disappeared without a trace, but it wasn't for nothing! If you want to get a big chance, you have to bear the big price of losing!

Of all the geniuses who participated in the assessment, Xu Ming was the only one left.

"Xu Ming!" The figure in grey looked at Xu Ming again, "You can be considered unintentional! Killing all the other geniuses of Kun, you are entitled to the second real chance left by the master!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

At that time, when Xu Ming was on the seventh floor of the Tower of the Self, the mysterious and powerful existence once said that he left three real opportunities; however, it is up to Xu Ming to get a few.

The first opportunity is the "Kun Feeding Picture".

And now, Xu Ming is about to get a second real chance!

"What will it be?" Xu Ming was looking forward to it.


The figure in gray stretched out his palm. In the center of the palm, there is an endless chaotic black-yellow aura lingering; in the center of the airflow, a small bronze-colored cauldron is suspended in it.

"This is the second chance!" The figure in gray said with a smile, "Feng Zhou Ding!"

"Feng Zhou Ding?" Xu Ming took it in doubt, but saw that the small Ding drilled directly into his divine body, instantly blending into the depths of every particle of him.

"This is...?" Xu Ming became more and more puzzled.

The grey-clothed figure smiled and said, "It's a treasure that is a hundred times more precious than the Kun-feeding map! When you go to the real universe, you will understand the usefulness of this treasure!"

The true universe is the center of the entire universe. The virtual universe is just the outer periphery of the universe.

In the virtual universe, those who have reached a certain level of cultivation are trying to find a way to enter the real universe. And Xu Ming, in the near future, will definitely go to the real universe!

There was Xu Ming's real battlefield.

Before going to the real universe, Xu Ming's trump card, naturally, the more the better.

The figure in gray continued: "If you are ready, go to the third round of assessment!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming said.

The figure in gray said sternly: "The third round of the assessment tests 'will'! There have been many geniuses who passed the first and second rounds of assessments throughout the ages; however, there has never been a genius who can pass the first round of assessment. Three rounds of assessment! If you can pass, then the third real chance left by the master, and the biggest chance, is yours!"

"It's much more precious than Kun Kuntu and Feng Zhou Ding?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"It's not a treasure of a level at all!" The figure in gray said with a smile, "This third chance is actually... a boundary-breaking gun!"

Boundary gun!

Xu Ming had no surprises to know that even the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield was only a small part of the Boundary-Breaking Spear; the Boundary-Breaking Spear was definitely more precious than the Kuntu and Feng Zhou Ding. Even the top powers of the real universe will not break their hands in order to break the boundary gun.

This third opportunity is the Boundary Breaker Spear, which is naturally reasonable.

"Boundary-breaking spear..." Xu Ming had war intent in his eyes. "My weapon happens to be a long spear. It must be said that it is a kind of fate! Boundary-breaking spear... I want it!"

As for getting the Boundary Breaking Gun, will I need to pay anything? In Xu Ming's view, even if there is a price to pay, he is willing to pay!

After all, such a treasure as the Boundary Breaker Spear is also a long spear suitable for Xu Ming to use, I am afraid it is difficult to find a second piece in the entire universe! If you miss it, you may never encounter a similar opportunity again.


Gu Hanmo's opponent, even in the real universe, is the top existence! After Xu Ming went to the real universe, what he had to face was definitely the most terrifying enemy!

Therefore, before Xu Ming goes to the real universe, he must first arm himself and maximize his strength!

And now, it is probably the biggest chance Xu Ming can get before going to the real universe. How could Xu Ming not seize it firmly?

Seeing Xu Ming's full of fighting spirit, the figure in gray couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Are you thinking, if you get the Boundary Breaker Spear, will you have to pay a price?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, and said honestly, "Yes!"

"Haha..." The gray-clothed figure burst out laughing, "Actually, you don't need to think too much! The master's strength has already surpassed the limit you can imagine; even if you look at the entire universe, there is no master who can see it. It's an eye thing! So... if you really get the Boundary Breaker Spear, you will only get the chance, but not the price!"

"Of course the premise is..." The figure in gray teased You can get the Boundary Breaker Gun! otherwise…"

The figure in gray did not continue to speak, but his meaning could not have been clearer. If he got the Boundary Breaker Spear, he didn't need to pay any price; however, if he couldn't get it, he would have to pay the price!

"Can't get it?" Xu Ming laughed. If he really can't get it, then I'm afraid no one in the entire universe can get the Boundary Breaker Spear!

"Let's start the third round of assessment!" Xu Ming said proudly.

"Okay!" The figure in gray waved his hand, and the scene around Xu Ming immediately began to change.

This is an endless vast starry sky, cold and deadly.

The figure in gray took Xu Ming and flew across the entire starry sky. Hundreds of millions of stars retreated rapidly around Xu Ming.

When flying past a blue icy star...

"Huh? That's..." Xu Ming suddenly saw a familiar figure on the blue icy star.

"That's the Blue Prisoner Star!" The grey-robed figure sneered, "My father-in-law is trapped there by me, what kind of assessment do you think you are conducting!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "Why trap him?"

From Xu Ming's point of view, it must be easy to kill Gong Taihao by means of a figure in gray!

"Haha!" The figure in gray said with a meaningful smile, "It might be useful to keep him!"

Soon, Lan Prisoner was far away in Xu Ming's sight.

The figure in gray brought Xu Ming to almost the end of the starry sky; in the end, the two landed on a silver-white continent.

"The last round of 'will assessment' is here!" As the grey-clothed figure spoke, a fiery red sun slowly rose from the east of this continent.

On this red sun, Xu Ming felt the powerful pressure constantly coming. 2k novel reading network

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