Break Into Another World

Chapter 1800: doomed to be shocked

[Book Title: Chapter 1800 of Opening and Breaking into Another World is destined to be shocked (the fifth edition) Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Strongly recommended: The Little Idlers of the Tang Dynasty Chose the Day, The King of Eternal Night, the Great Ruler of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King The intensity!" The voice of the figure in gray continued to sound.

Cultivation, realm?

Xu Ming's cultivation is only pitiful in the realm of all things; the strength brought by this cultivation is basically negligible.

And Xu Ming's current strength mainly comes from his realm! The realm of "the real me is third-order"!

The grey-clothed figure continued: "The third-order emperor is a real me, and usually the strength is comparable to the half-step world master; and the third-level real me of the gods, the strength is already comparable to the real world master!"

Xu Ming nodded silently.

Indeed, with his current realm, even if he does not hang up, his strength is comparable to that of a real world master!

"The World Lord is divided into nine ranks! Although the true self of the gods is strong, it can only be compared to the 'First-order World Lord'!" The gray-clothed figure said again, "So, this will test is from the first rank of the World Lord. The 'will shock' begins! When this red sun rises to the middle of the sky, you will face the will of the world master's first-order peak; then, the second red sun begins to appear!"

Xu Ming instantly understood the rules of this "will assessment".

Generally speaking, will, will not be weaker than strength! Moreover, it is often one or two levels higher than the strength.

For example, the strength of the first-order world master, the will is likely to be the second-order world master, the third-order world master, or even higher!

The stronger the will, the stronger the belief to become stronger! And if the will and strength are at the same level, such as the strength of the "first-order world master", there is only the will of the "first-order world master", then it means that... the belief in becoming stronger is almost gone!

Xu Ming had some guesses as to why the third round of assessment would be a "will assessment". To create a peerless powerhouse, talent, luck, and will are all indispensable! And these three things are exactly the content of the three rounds of assessment!

"But... even if I don't hang up, my strength is not more than the first rank of the world master!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking to himself.

In the first round of assessment, Xu Ming's strength has improved, which is really terrifying! Not only did he directly break through from the "first-order true self" to the "third-order limit of the true self", but Xu Ming also discovered that the true self of Wuzhi seems to be stronger than other gods of the true self! Relying on this, Xu Ming's strength is enough to be comparable to the second-order world master!

Of course, Xu Ming's strength doesn't stop there! "Breaking the Mortal Dust", Xu Ming had already started to practice it in the mortal period! In the earliest days, this practice seemed to be a "waste practice", and even compared to those that were not in the mainstream, it seemed to have no advantages at all; however, with the improvement of Xu Ming's cultivation, the practice of "Breaking the World" became a reality. The law has become more and more dazzling!

Simply put... full of stamina!

Because of the practice of "Breaking the World", and also because of the strength bonus of some other exercises; even if Xu Ming does not hang up, his strength can reach the terrifying "world master fifth-order"!

Compared with the other geniuses on the Primordial All Things List, he is much stronger! You must know that even the first-ranked person on the Primordial All Things List, "Zhou Ji", is only capable of reaching the "Second Rank of the World Lord"!

The strength alone has already reached the appalling "fifth-order world master"; and Xu Ming's will is even stronger, and has already reached the will of "half-step supreme"!

And these... even if Xu Ming didn't hang up!

If it is open, Xu Ming's will can easily reach the "Supreme" level!

Will test?

For Xu Ming, is there any essential difference from "playing the house"?

Now, the impact of the will of the "first-order world master" is attacking Xu Ming in bursts; although the pressure is strong, Xu Ming feels like a spring breeze.

So easy!

Of course, the figure in gray can see that the current intensity of willpower is no threat to Xu Ming. However, he still reminded: "Don't be careless! It's just the beginning! If the will test is really easy, it won't last forever, and no genius will be able to pass it!"

"Yes!" Xu Ming asked, "What level of will does one have to reach to pass the assessment?"

"I don't know about that!" The man in gray said, "After all, I've never seen anyone pass the will test! I won't affect you, just concentrate on the test!"

Saying that, the figure in gray immediately disappeared.

Outside this silver-white continent.

In the endless starry sky.

The figure in gray stands with his hands behind his back. He really doesn't know what level of willpower needs to be in order to pass the assessment?

Do not!

Of course he knows!

However, he was worried that if he said it, it would scare Xu Ming and make Xu Ming lose his will, so he did not dare to say it.

"The will is not fixed in the first place; under different circumstances, there will be great variables! Moreover, the more you sharpen it, the sharper you will become!" The gray-clothed figure said secretly, "Even if Xu Ming's current level of will has not yet reached However, as long as his beliefs are strong enough, there is full hope that he will break through to a stronger will during the assessment process! And if, I will tell Xu Ming what level of will he needs to achieve; maybe, Xu Ming will directly Scared to lose faith!"

It has to be said that the figure in gray is well-intentioned.

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many geniuses have participated in the talent test and the luck test; however, only Xu Ming has been recognized by the master!" The gray-clothed figure secretly said, "Only Xu Ming has obtained the true legacy left by the master. It's a chance, and I've already got two! It's just... Can Xu Ming pass the will test?"

Even though his master was very optimistic about Xu Ming, the figure in gray still couldn't believe that Xu Ming could pass the will After all... To pass the will test, the will needs to exceed the twelfth rank of strength! The grey-clothed figure thought in horror, "The twelfth-order... The first-order strength of the world master requires the will of a 'half-rank fourth-order'!" This is simply impossible! "

It is almost impossible to achieve!

You must know that if the will can surpass the third-order strength, it is already a genius with incomparably tenacious will and faith!

The will surpasses the sixth rank of strength, and it is difficult to find one in a quadrant!

The will surpasses the ninth level of strength, and in the history of the entire universe, there have not been a few!

And the will surpasses the twelfth rank of strength, and the figure in gray is unheard of! So... even he is somewhat incomprehensible, why did the master set up this almost impossible assessment!

"Does the master really think that there is a genius with the will that can surpass the twelfth rank of strength?" The gray-clothed figure couldn't help shaking his head. Immediately, he looked at Xu Ming, "I hope... Xu Ming can meet the master's requirements!"

Among the many geniuses that the figure in grey has seen, Xu Ming's talent and strength are definitely the number one, and they are much more than other geniuses!

"But... the will of a half-rank fourth-order is simply impossible to achieve!" The gray-clothed figure thought it was impossible.

Half-rank fourth-order?

If Xu Ming knew that as long as he had the will of the fourth rank, he could pass the will test, then Xu Ming might have to sleep in the "will test"... When he woke up, he would have passed the will test!

After all, even if Xu Ming does not hang up, I am afraid he can pass the will test! In the case of hanging up, the so-called will test, for him, is not even a threat at all!

Of course, the figure in gray doesn't know about this!

Therefore, in this will test, the figure in gray is destined to be shocked! 2k novel reading network

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