Break Into Another World

Chapter 1801: I am yours

[Book Title: Chapter 1801, I'm Yours (Sixth Update) Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Highly recommended: The Chinese Expeditionary Force of the Anti-Japanese War, Lord Xue Ying, a thought of the Eternal Dragon King Legend The exact center of the sky, and stayed where it was, not moving an inch.

The willpower crushing on Xu Ming has also been enhanced to the "first-order peak of the world master".

The second red sun is slowly rising from the horizon in the east of the continent. The intensity of the will shock has also stepped into the "Second Rank of the World Lord".

Facing this final round of willpower assessment, Xu Ming's impression is that

"so boring…"

That's right!

so boring!

For ordinary geniuses, the impact of the will of the "Second-Order World Lord" may already be worthy of their vigilance! But to Xu Ming, this intensity of willpower was not even a scratch.

Xu Ming felt that he was like a fool, standing there doing nothing.

"It's so boring! Squat for a while!"

Xu Ming squatted down in boredom.

Beyond the silver-white continent.

The figure in gray immediately noticed Xu Ming's movement.

"Huh?" The gray-robed figure frowned, "The impact of the will has just reached the second-order strength of the world master, but Xu Ming can't hold it anymore?"

The figure in gray also thought that Xu Ming squatted down because he couldn't stand anymore.

But then, the figure in gray felt something was wrong with the way he looked at Xu Ming, and he didn't feel "unstoppable" at all!

"Huh?" The grey-robed figure was startled, "Xu Ming seems to be on the ground...drawing circles!"

"Pfft!" The gray-clothed figure almost had the urge to vomit blood and faced the will test with such an arrogant attitude. It was the first time he had seen it.

"This is too disrespectful to the assessment set by the master!" The figure in gray was a little angry, "Humph! Wait, there will be times for you to cry!"

The second red sun also rose into the middle of the sky.

The third red sun began to rise.

And then, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth...

"What!?" The expression of the figure in gray has gradually changed from anger to shock. "How could it be... It's already the willpower of the 'world master's sixth-order'! Xu Ming is still so relaxed?"

If it wasn't easy, Xu Ming would not be able to squat on the ground and play in circles!

The intensity of the will shock is still rising; soon, it will reach the "Seventh Rank of the World Lord"!

However, Xu Ming was still very relaxed.

"The will has surpassed the sixth rank of strength!" The figure in gray couldn't help muttering in a low voice. He didn't know that Xu Ming's strength when he didn't hang up was actually the fifth rank of the world master, not the first rank of the world master!

This shock of will naturally could not cause the slightest pressure on Xu Ming.

Willpower continues to grow stronger!

The eighth-order world master, the ninth-order world master... the first-order half-respect!

"The will has surpassed the ninth level of strength!" The figure in gray looked at Xu Ming right, but Xu Ming was still very leisurely, without any pressure.

"Could it be the big formation of the will test, something went wrong?" The gray-clothed figure couldn't help thinking. He felt the intensity of willpower in the assessment formation, "No problem..."

Since there is no problem with the assessment of the formation, that is... Xu Ming's will is really so strong!

"too strong…"

"It's too evil..."

The figure in gray doesn't know how to describe Xu Ming anymore... From passing the will test, only the final third-order willpower impact is left; and judging from Xu Ming's current performance, there is no suspense in the result!

"Finally someone has to pass the third round of the assessment!" The figure in gray felt a sense of relief. He was here waiting for countless epochs, wasn't it just to wait for a genius like Xu Ming to appear?

Half-rank second-order!

Half-rank third-order!

Half-rank fourth-order!

Finally, the twelfth red sun also rose! Wait until this red sun rises to the center of the sky, and the will impact intensity reaches the "half-rank fourth-order peak"; if Xu Ming can persist, then he will pass the test!

And looking at Xu Ming's current appearance, is there any sign that he can't hold on?


"Xu Ming is simply using his talent to humiliate the will test set by the master!"

is not that right?

This will test, from start to finish, Xu Ming never took it seriously! Not humiliation, what is it?

"Hmph! No! Never let Xu Ming humiliate the 'will test'!" The gray-clothed figure couldn't help but think, "Yes! Don't let him pass too easily! Then... make him more difficult!"

When the strength of the will impact reached the "half-rank fourth-order peak", the figure in gray did not stop the assessment, but continued to control the assessment formation!

The thirteenth red sun rises!

The intensity of the will impact has reached the "half-rank fifth-order" in one fell swoop!

"Oh?" Although Xu Ming was really relaxed, he was secretly shocked. "The intensity of the willpower attack is still increasing? No wonder there are no other geniuses who can pass the willpower test!"

You must know that even Xu Ming, if there is no plug-in, at this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to support! He is relying on the opening and hanging, so he can be so relaxed.

"Are you all right?" The grey-clothed figure became more and more depressed.

The intensity of the will shock continues to soar!

Half-rank sixth-order!

Half-respect seventh-order!

Half-rank ninth!

Supreme! !

When the strength of willpower reached the supreme Xu Ming finally felt a little pressure, and his expression became slightly serious.

But at this time... the strength of willpower has also reached its peak!

Yes, the will impact of this assessment formation, the strongest can only reach this level, it cannot be stronger!

"I..." The figure in gray didn't expect that he had fully utilized the power of the assessment formation, but he still couldn't make Xu Ming embarrassed.

"Xu Ming is too evil..."


The figure in gray was really shocked!

He descended to the Silver White Continent and withdrew the willpower impact of the assessment formation.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, and said, "Is this the end of the will test?"

Is this the end?

Is this not enough?

Actually, it's already over!

The figure in gray resisted the urge to vomit blood and said, "Yes! It's over! You have passed the third round of willpower assessment!"

"Great!" Xu Ming's eyes lit up and passed the assessment, which means that he can get the third big chance to break the boundary gun!


Xu Ming couldn't help but have some doubts: "The size of the Boundary Breaker Spear has reached the level of 'the elephant is invisible', which is almost impossible for me to imagine! Can I succeed in refining it?"

"There should be something similar to the 'refining core', so that I can refine it relatively easily; in that case, maybe I can take control of the Boundary Breaker Spear first!" Thinking, Xu Ming couldn't help but look at the gray clothes. silhouette.

But at this moment, a scene that made Xu Ming stunned to the point of vomiting blood appeared.

I saw the figure in gray was also looking at Xu Ming, and said meaningfully: "From now on, I'll be yours..." 2K Novel Reading Network

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